
  • 网络Paterson;Patterson;Suzann Pettersen;Carl Pettersson
  1. 佩特森将成为纽约州的第一位非洲裔州长。

    Paterson will become the state 's first African-American leader .

  2. 试论《佩特森》结构的统一性

    On the Unity of Structure of Paterson

  3. 从佩特森最喜欢讲的一个故事可以看出科科的幽默感。

    One of Patterson 's favourite stories demonstrates Koko 's sense of humour .

  4. 现在佩特森希望科科能怀孕。

    Patterson now wants Koko to conceive .

  5. 佩特森说:科科在迈克尔死后陷入了抑郁状态。

    " Koko went into a depression following Michael 's death . " says Patterson .

  6. 这只小猫使佩特森对科科的情感有了进一步了解。

    The story of Koko 's kitten enabled Patterson to learn more about her charge .

  7. 佩特森在纽约市政界有很深厚的根基,他的父亲巴兹尔曾经担任过纽约市副市长,是一位非常有名的政界人士。

    His father Basil is a well-known political figure who once served as deputy mayor .

  8. 佩特森说:它显示了除人类以外其他动物的另一个智力层次。

    " It showed us another level of the intelligence of non-human animals ," says Patterson .

  9. 当科科1971年出生在旧金山动物园的时候,佩特森是一名心理系学生。

    Patterson was a psychology student when Koko was born in San Francisco zoo in 1971 .

  10. 纽约州州长佩特森说,纽约州是面临巨大赤字的25个州之一。

    New York Governor David Paterson said his state is among 25 U.S. states facing huge deficits .

  11. 比赛半小时后,佩特森被判对彼得杰克逊犯规,并被罚出场外。

    Half an hour into the game Paterson was adjudged to have fouled Peter Jackson and was sent off .

  12. 斯皮策的辞职将于下星期一生效,以便留给纽约州副州长佩特森充足的时间进行权力交接。

    The resignation takes effect next Monday in order to give Lieutenant Governor David Paterson time for an orderly transition .

  13. 在佩特森离开后,她听到科科用大猩猩的方式表达了痛苦:发出一连串大叫。

    Then , once alone , Patterson heard Koko make the gorilla 's distress call : a loud series of hoots .

  14. 我问她愿不愿意搬到夏威夷,佩特森正筹集经费准备在那儿建一个大猩猩保护区。

    I asked her if she was looking forward to moving to Hawaii , where Patterson is raising money to build a gorilla refuge .

  15. 斯皮策说,应副州长佩特森的请求,他的辞职将于星期一生效,以便给佩特森足够的时间进行有秩序的交接。

    Spitzer said his resignation will take effect on Monday at the request of Lieutenant Governor David Paterson to provide time for an orderly transition .

  16. 小猫被汽车撞死后,佩特森把这个消息告诉了科科,她做手势表示“哭、痛苦、不高兴”。

    The kitten was hit by a car and Patterson had to break the news to Koko , who signed " Cry , sad , frown " .

  17. 本文通过对20世纪美国杰出诗人威谦·卡洛斯·威廉斯的长诗《佩特森》的分析,阐明其在美国现代诗歌史上具有不容忽视的重要地位。

    This essay aims to reveal the historic significance of Paterson , one of the major modern American long poems by the outstanding American poet William Carlos Williams .

  18. 纽约州副州长佩特森是位法定盲人。他在纽约州参议院代表纽约的哈莱姆黑人区将近20年,并且受到两党人士的尊重。

    Lieutenant Governor David Paterson , who is legally blind , represented Harlem for 20 years in the New York State Senate , where he enjoyed the respect of colleagues on both sides of the political aisle .