
  1. 与移行机配套使用可实现一机多槽用的功能。

    And cell-extracellar machine can realize more slot machine used in function .

  2. 齐行机,照相平板版印刷或胶版印刷用

    Justifying machine for use in photolithography or offset printing

  3. 若边用花齿剪处理过并留有一行机缝线迹,那么挑起机缝线迹即可。

    If the edge is pinked and finished with a row of machine stitching , pick up the machine stitch .

  4. 适用于好氧发酵,可与日头能发酵室、发酵槽和移行机等配套使用。

    Applies to aerobic fermentation , fermentation room with solar energy , fermentation tank , and supporting the use of transitional machine .

  5. 我想我的智齿长出来了,能保留它吗?若边用花齿剪处理过并留有一行机缝线迹,那么挑起机缝线迹即可。

    My wisdom tooth seems to be cutting and it has been hurting me . If the edge is pinked and finished with a row of machine stitching , pick up the machine stitch .

  6. 在此,需要用Java语言定义与AxisWeb服务通信的命令行客户机。

    Here you define a command-line client in the Java language that communicates with your Axis Web service .

  7. 水稻钵苗行栽机是目前较为理想的一种水稻移栽机械。

    It will be an ideal rice transplanting machine at present .

  8. 轮式水稻钵苗行载机关键部件仿生研究

    Bionics Investigation on Key Parts of Wheel Type Ordered Rice Seedling Thrower

  9. 水稻钵苗行栽机的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Rice Potted - seedling Transplanter in Rows

  10. 断裂构造遥感图像行算机分析

    Computer analysis for remote sensing image of fault structure

  11. 机械手式水稻有序行抛机的设计研究

    Study on the manipulator type rice order throwing machine

  12. 行印机:电脑输出装置,它每次出整行的字符。

    Line printer : Computer output device which prints one line at a time .

  13. 本课题所设计的助行训练机是一种新型的康复医疗设备,主要是针对偏瘫、下肢有运动障碍的病人而专门研制的。

    This machine is designed mainly for the paralysis , lower limb movement disorder patients .

  14. 窄行条播机,闭式输种条播机大豆窄平密耕法播种机的选型研究

    Closed delivery drill Study on the Type Selection of Seeding Machine for the NFC Tillage Method of Soybean

  15. 介绍了研制成功的水稻钵苗行栽机的构造和工作原理,以及样机的性能指标检测和生产试验。

    The structure and operation principle of rice potted-seedling transplanter are introduced , and the performance measurement of the prototype and the production testing are conducted .

  16. 有撞击式印字机如菊花字轮印字机,行印机等,和非撞击式印字机如喷墨印字机,激光印字机等。

    There are impact printers , such as daisy-wheel printers , lineprinter , etc. and non-impact printers such as Ink jet printers , Laser printer , etc.

  17. 在大量部件研究试验的基础上,完成了水稻钵苗行栽机的总体方案的确定和样机的设计、试制工作;

    Then we finished the whole scheme of the machine of pulling rice seedling from trays and transplanting rice in rows and designed and manufactured the prototype .

  18. 采用水稻钵苗行栽机作业与人工抛秧相比具有生产效率高、秧苗分布均匀、直立度好等特点;

    Compared with the manual throwing rice seedling , the rice potted-seedling transplanter has the characters of high production efficiency , evenly distributed rice seedling and well upright degree .

  19. 助行训练机是供下肢功能性障碍患者进行站立式步行训练以及增强下肢功能的康复器械,属于康复机器人的一种。

    Walk training machine is a kind of rehabilitation instrument that can provide standing walk training and strengthen function of lower limb for lower limb functional disorder patients , and it belongs to rehabilitation robot .

  20. 现在,可以用如下的命令行连接客户机与worker了

    You can now connect client to worker from the command line

  21. 没有使用定制的客户机和TCP栈,而是使用了标准的LinuxTCP协议栈和wget命令行HTTP客户机。

    Instead of using a custom client and TCP stack , I used the standard Linux TCP stack and the wget command-line HTTP client .

  22. 要从命令行运行客户机应用程序,请输入

    To run the client application from a command line , enter

  23. 小麦对行免耕播种机设计与有限元分析

    Design and Finite Element Analyse of Row-controlled No-tillage Wheat Drill

  24. 两种小麦对行免耕播种机的对比实验

    The Contrast Experiment on Two Kind of Wheat Specific Row No-till Dill

  25. 小麦对行免耕播种机粉碎刀轴功耗模型的研究

    Study on Power Dissipation Model for No-till Wheat Drill

  26. 键盘装置,莫诺铸排机、莱诺铸排机、英特泰普整行铸排机用

    Keyboard unit for monotype , linotype or intertype machines

  27. 第三行表示本机签名,正如运行时所期望的那样。

    The third line represents the native signature , as expected by the runtime .

  28. 小麦对行免耕播种机的改进研究

    Improved Design of Row-Follow No-till Wheat Planter

  29. 二十四行施肥播种机

    24-row fertilizer and seed dril

  30. 命令行和GUI客户机也是可用的。

    Command-line and GUI clients are also available .