
  1. 食品药品行政处罚裁量权内部约束机制的研究

    Research in Food and Drug Administrative Penalty Discretion Operating Mechanism

  2. 由此可见,一方面,药品行政处罚裁量权是现代行政所必不可少的;另一方面,在现实情况下,药品行政处罚裁量传统控制模式所做的努力却是杯水车薪。

    Obviously , On the one hand , discretion power of drug administrative penalties is essential for modern administration ; on the other hand , the efforts of traditional control models in the area of drug administrative penalties are a drop in the bucket .

  3. 行政处罚裁量权的存在虽然保证了行政行为的灵活性与能动性,但过于宽泛的裁量同样可能导致恣意与专断。因此,依法规范与控制行政权力已经成为行政法治的核心。

    Administrative punishments although the existence of administrative umpirage ensures the administrative act with initiative , but the flexibility of the too wide discretion also may cause chops and arbitrary . Therefore , to standardize and control administrative power has become the core of the administrative law .

  4. 廉政建设视野下的行政处罚自由裁量权之规范

    Regulating judicial discretion on administrative penalty under clean government building

  5. 行政处罚自由裁量权的规范和控制研究

    Discretion of an Administrative Penalty Regulate and Control

  6. 事前控制、过程控制、事后监督共同组成了一个控制行政处罚自由裁量权的综合网络。

    Pre-control , process control and post-supervision form a strong integrated network of controlling the discretion of administrative punishments .

  7. 行政处罚自由裁量权作为行政权力的重要内容之一,已为我国立法及实践所承认。

    Free judgment of administration sanction is established in legislation and practice as one of the major contents of administration power .

  8. 要有效控制行政处罚自由裁量权必须对其进行事前控制、过程控制、事后监督。

    In order to effectively control the discretion of administrative punishments , pre-control , process control and post-supervision must be carried out .

  9. 行政处罚自由裁量权是行政权力的重要组成部分,是依法行政的重点和难点问题。

    The discretion of administrative penalty is the important part of the administrative power and the crucial and difficult problem of the rule of law .

  10. 本文阐述了边防检查行政处罚自由裁量权的概况、存在的理论基础、现实问题及控制办法。

    This article expounds the concept of the power of free administrative punishment , its existent basis of theory and reality , realistic problems and settlement .

  11. 在司法上设立最后的防线予以救济与保障,切实有效地规范行政处罚自由裁量权的适用。

    In judicial view , e must supply with the chance of remedy and safeguard and regulate effectively the use of the discretion of administrative penalty .

  12. 通过对劳动行政处罚自由裁量权基准的制定背景以及客观存在的现实状况分析,探究当下制定劳动行政处罚自由裁量基准的必要性。

    By means of analyzing the discretion standard formulating background and the current condition , this paper puts forward the necessity of making administrative penalty discretion standard .

  13. 行政处罚自由裁量权首先有一个合理性适用的问题,其规制应当从实体法和程序法上明确规定其适用的标准、方式、步骤与范围;

    The regularization should have , the first thing , definite definition about the standard , the mode , the process and the extent of administrative penalty discretion from the substantial and procedural law .

  14. 公路运输行政处罚自由裁量权是一项非常重要的行政权力,在对公路运输违法行为进行处罚过程中,裁量权的幅度很大,如果不对其进行规范,执法就可能出现不公正。

    The administrative discretion in highway transportation is a vital administrative power . In the penalty against highway violation , discretion amounts to a high proportion . Without strict regulations , injustice might occur .

  15. 药品行政处罚中自由裁量权的运用及其内部控制

    The Application of Discretionary Power and Its Internal Control in Drug Administration Penalty

  16. 环境行政处罚中自由裁量权的应用及规范环境污染纠纷调处与环境行政处罚之区别浅析&兼与章锦华同志商榷

    On Application and Standard of Right of Discretion in Punishment of Environmental Administration Differences Between Arbitration and Administrative Penalization of Environment Pollution Disputes

  17. 谈海事行政处罚中的自由裁量权

    Liberty Discretion on Maritime Administrative Penalty

  18. 尽管有关药品行政处罚的相关法律规范已经为药品监督管理部门裁量权的行使提供了法律依据,但这并不能完全解决药品行政处罚实践中裁量权运用的具体标准问题。

    Although some laws and regulations have provided the grounds for the drug supervision and administration departments , they can not fully solve the specific standards of the use of discretion power .

  19. 草原行政处罚裁量基准的目的在于限制草原行政执法机关滥用行政处罚裁量权,以规范草原监督管理中的行政处罚行为,保护行政相对人的权益。

    In order to protect the inviolable rights of administrative counterpart , grassland administrative penalty discretion standard aims at limiting the abuse of discretionary power of administrative penalty , and regulating grassland administrative penalties .

  20. 在此背景下,新闻出版行政处罚裁量基准制度实践也取得了较快发展,其在规制新闻出版行政处罚裁量权、防止裁量恣意、实现个案正义等方面发挥了积极作用。

    In this context , the press and publication practice of administrative punishment system of discretionary basis has made rapid development , its regulatory discretion of press and publication administrative penalty , to prevent the arbitrary discretion to achieve justice , the case has played an active role .

  21. 行政自由裁量权的存在,一方面适应了现代社会对于食品安全监管的需要,另一方面,食品行政处罚中自由裁量权的滥用,又带来严重的负面效应和弊端。

    The existence of the administrative discretion , on the one-hand , adapted to the need for food safety regulation in modern society , on the other hand , the abuse of the discretion of the administrative penalty of food will bring serious negative effect .

  22. 自国务院2004年发布《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》,2008年发布《关于加强市县政府依法行政的决定》以来,在全国范围内出现了大量制定行政处罚自由裁量权标准的行政法现象。

    Since State Council issued Outline for Promoting Law-based Administration in an All-round Way in 2004 , and Decision on Strengthening Law-based Administration of City and County Governments in 2008 , numerous administrative law phenomena of making standards on security punishment discretion have appeared throughout the country .