
shǎn ɡuānɡ qì
  • flasher
  1. SG系列电子闪光器,是适用于各种车辆指示行走方向的一种电子装置。

    SG flasher series is a kind of electronic device which is applicable to various vehicles for direction .

  2. E3闪光器,世界上第一个双引导,最简单的操作装置,令人惊奇的到达!

    E3 Flasher , the world first dual boot , simplest operation device , Surprising Arrival !

  3. 汽车闪光器检测系统的软件设计

    Software Design of the Performance Testing System for Automobile Signal Flashers

  4. 提出了用三级管导通和截止实现闪光器的无触点控制。

    This paper presents the contactless control of flasher with triode .

  5. 闪光器可靠性试验方法研究及应用

    Research and Application of Reliability of Flasher Unit

  6. 摩托车电子闪光器优化设计

    Optimum Design of Electronic Flasher for Motorcycle

  7. 安装左右闪光器复示器。

    Install right and left flasher repeater .

  8. 汽车无触点闪光器的研制

    Development of contactless flasher on automobile

  9. 简单介绍汽车用闪光器种类及构成原理,详细阐述天津市鹏程汽车配件厂生产的几种闪光器的工作原理及特点。

    The author introduces sorts of automotive flasher , elaborates on the working principle and characteristics of several flashers produced by the factory .

  10. 高效率硅太阳能物理电池板和大容量免维护电池完美结合,为闪光器提供动力能源,能连续阴雨天正常闪光。

    High-efficiency silicon solar battery panels and physical capacity perfect combination of maintenance-free batteries , flash-powered energy , consecutive rainy days to normal flashlight .

  11. 汽配方面主要有白金、防尘套、闪光器、汽缸垫等。将汽缸盖安置到汽缸盖罩垫和汽缸体上。

    Moto parts major in Iveco fitting , C.V boot , flasher , Distributor cap , Gasket and so on . Position the cylinder heads onto head gaskets and cylinder block .

  12. 本实用新型汽车无触点电子闪光器是由脉冲振荡电路、开关电路温度自动保护电路所组成。

    The utility model relates to a non-contact electronic flash light for vehicles , which is composed of a pulse oscillating circuit , a switching circuit , a temperature automatic protection circuit .

  13. 系统硬件由下位机(单片机)和上位机(计算机)组成;系统通过检测闪光器的主要性能参数(起动时间、闪光频率、通电率及电压降)判断其质量。

    Based on the system hardware structure Slave-computer and host-computer , the system tests the main parameters to judge the quality of the flasher , such as starting time , flash frequency , electrified rate and interior voltage fall .

  14. 本文根据分析研究认为闭合过程的燃弧是影响闪光器可靠性的重要因素之一,闭合弹跳对触点寿命的影响不小。

    Through research , the author consider ′ s that the blast arc in the closing course is an important factor to the flasher ′ s reliability , and the closing spring action affects the contact ′ s life a lot .