
  • 网络the shining;Shining, The;ChthoniC
  1. 闪灵是一部上映于1980年的心理恐怖电影,斯坦利·库布里克是这部电影的制作兼导演。

    The Shining is a 1980 psychological horror film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick .

  2. 没看过《闪灵》吗?

    Did you see The Shining ?

  3. 我忍不住思忖,电影《闪灵》(TheShinning)里受困于杀人之念的作家杰克·托伦斯(JackTorrance)如果来到海尔格富丽的话,可能就不会落得“只工作不玩耍”了吧。

    I found myself wondering if Jack Torrance , the murderously blocked writer in " The Shining , " might have found a more agreeable balance of work and play at Helga 's Folly .

  4. 就想在电影“闪灵”里的

    It 's like in the movie " the shining ,"

  5. 英国4频道把闪灵命名为史上最恐怖的电影。

    It was named the all-time scariest film by the UK 's Channel 4 .

  6. 也许是时间入住了望酒店(《闪灵》中的酒店)了?

    Time to check into the Overlook Hotel ?

  7. 《闪灵》是斯蒂芬·金的代表作,被誉为最优秀的恐怖小说之一。

    The Shining is Stephen King 's masterpiece , one of the best horror novels ever .

  8. 《闪灵》:184卡路里

    The Shining : 184 calories

  9. 里面他的妻子也有献唱哦。有意思的是歌词还启发了恐怖小说大师史蒂芬·金,他随后写出了《闪灵》这部经典小说。

    Fun fact : the song 's lyrics inspired Stephen King's1977 horror novel , 'The Shining . '

  10. 伊万·麦格雷戈饰演丹尼·托兰斯,那个在1980年电影《闪灵》中拥有灵力的小男孩。

    Ewan McGregor stars as Danny Torrance , the boy with psychic powers in the 1980 film .

  11. 他的新片改编自斯蒂芬·金的小说《睡梦医生》,这部作品是《闪灵》的续集。

    His new film is adapted from Stephen King 's novel , Doctor Sleep , which was a sequel to The Shining .

  12. 1980年《闪灵》的拍摄就非常混乱,库布里克用大量井然的拍摄把他的演员逼到极限。

    The filming of 1980 's The Shining was particularly tumultuous , with Kubrick pushing his actors to the limit with numerous methodical shoots .

  13. 不像库布里克之前的一些作品,他之前作品的观众都是口头相传,而闪灵拥有了更广阔的市场。

    Unlike previous Kubrick films , which developed an audience gradually by building on word-of-mouth , The Shining was released as a mass-market film .

  14. 的确,人们广泛认为闪灵是恐怖电影中的经典之作,它也是流行文化的主要因素。

    Indeed , The Shining has become widely regarded as one of the greatest films of the horror genre and a staple of pop culture .

  15. MissAndain指出这个怪现象“可能会更糟。身后有可能是电影《闪灵》中骑在三轮车上的双胞胎女孩”。

    MissAndain pointed out the strange happening ' could be worse . There could be twin girls on trikes behind you , ' in reference to The Shining .

  16. 此外,国会图书馆还挑选了几部更加令人难忘的影片,比如《闪灵》、《仲夏夜玫瑰》、《原野铁汉》和《广播新闻》。

    The library chose a few more memorable titles such as " The Shining , " " Eve 's Bayou , " " Hud " and " Broadcast News . "

  17. 排在卡路里消耗排名首位的电影是1980年的心理惊悚片《闪灵》,平均消耗其观众的卡路里数高达184。

    The movie top of the list of calorie-burners was found to be the 1980 psychological thriller The Shining , with the average viewer using up a whopping 184 calories .

  18. 费雷尔第一次在头发上打印图案的尝试成果是把《闪灵》或希区柯克作品《惊魂记》这样经典恐怖电影中女主人公的脸打印在金色假发上。

    Ferrer 's first foray into hair printing had him create blond hair extensions with faces of female protagonists from horror classics like The Shining or Hitchcock 's Psycho printed on them .

  19. 除非你是一个恐怖电影的爱好者,不然去《闪灵》外景中令人毛骨悚然的林边酒店的想法可能并不吸引你。

    Unless you 're a horror movie lover , the idea of going to the hotel that was used as the exterior for the creepy hotel in The Shining probably doesn 't really appeal to you .

  20. 但是弗拉纳根说,这部电影和斯坦利·库布里克执导的《闪灵》“基本存在于同样的电影宇宙”中,所以你有望看到电梯中涌出的鲜血、幽灵般的双胞胎女孩、让人头痛的地毯花纹,和很多库布里克式的意象。

    But Flanagan says that it also " exists very much in the same cinematic universe " as Stanley Kubrick 's film of The Shining , so you can expect to see blood gushing from lifts , spooky twin girls , headache-inducing carpet patterns , and plenty more Kubrickian imagery .