
  • Hotel Transylvania;Hotel Transyl.;Cause You're My Zing
  1. 据说,赛琳娜接下来要和亚当·桑德勒(AdamSandler)合作《精灵旅社3》(Transylvania3)。

    She can next be heard in Transylvania 3 with Adam Sandler .

  2. 接下来即将上映的恐怖片包括《街尾之宅》(HouseattheEndoftheStreet)、动画片《精灵旅社》(HotelTransylvania)以及《灵动:鬼影实录4》(Paranormal4)。

    Other coming horror movies include ' House at the End of the Street , ' the kiddie movie ' Hotel Transylvania , ' and ' Paranormal 4 . '

  3. 据NPR的特瑞娜·威廉姆斯报道,《精灵旅社》创下了九月上映新片的记录。

    NPR 's Trina Williams reports " Hotel Transylvania " sets a new record high for September debuts . 《

  4. 亚当·桑德勒和赛琳娜·戈麦斯为动画电影《精灵旅社》配音。

    Adam Sandler and Selena Gomez are voices featured in " Hotel Transylvania . "

  5. 更高的票价使得《精灵旅社》打破《情归阿拉巴马》保持了十年的纪录。

    Higher ticket prices helped " Hotel Transylvania " top " Sweet Home Alabama " which had held the record for ten years .

  6. 索尼公司制作的影片《精灵旅社2》来到了上映的第二周,该片也获得了当周第二以及3300万美元的票房收入。

    In its second weekend of showings , Sony 's " Hotel Transylvania 2 " ranked second with 33 million dollars in estimated receipts .

  7. 我们或许可以期待一下不久后类似的作品,例如《老人与海与哥斯拉》,《霍格沃茨的雾都孤儿》,以及《双城记——疯狂动物城与精灵旅社》。

    Perhaps , before long , we 'll be expecting similar productions such as something like " The Old Man and the Sea and Godzilla , " " Oliver Twist in Hogwarts , " and " A Tale of Two Cities-Zootopia and Transylvania . "