
jīng jiǎng duō liàn
  • teach only the essential and ensure plenty of practice
精讲多练[jīng jiǎng duō liàn]
  1. 得出结论如下:1、排球专项教师上课时充分体现了教学原则中的精讲多练。

    Concluded as follows : 1.SPORT Volleyball teachers teaching in class fully reflects the principles of succinctly and training .

  2. 计算机实习教学应在明确每一次课堂教学的目标和任务的基础上,实行精讲多练,培养学生的自学和创新的能力。

    The teaching of the course should be based on accurate lecture and more practices to cultivate students'self-study and creative ability .

  3. 老师在教学中应本着精讲多练原则,着力训练和培养学生的语法能力。

    The teacher should stick to the principle of explaining concisely and give students more chances to practice , endeavoring to enhance students'ability of grammar .

  4. 并在此基础上提出了对外汉语教学实践中的两点具体做法:精讲多练和适时纠误。

    Two practical ways in the external Chinese language teaching are put forward on the basis of it-one is intensive explanation and more practice , the other is correcting mistakes timely .

  5. 首先要提高生物学概念教学的成效;精讲多练,重视学生学习效能的训练。

    To improve teaching efficiency , the first is to improve the effectiveness of biological concept teaching ; explain carefully and ensure plenty of practices , pay attention to the training of students ' learning ability . 3 .

  6. 在制图教学中从智力因素和非智力因素相结合的角度,提出了激发学生的学习欲望、打好基础、精讲多练、加强实践、介绍先进绘图技术等提高学生绘图能力的见解。

    Combining the intelligence and non-intelligence factors , some ideas , such as exciting the learning wants , founding the base , more practice , and introducing the new drawing technology are presented to strengthen the drawing ability in the education of mechanical drawing .

  7. 培养听话能力的方式方法多种多样,应遵循积累语言、发展智力,四能并举、学习交际,创设情境、激发兴趣,精讲多练、循环递进四原则。

    It has various ways to train it , so we should accumulate languages , develop intelligence , use " four abilities " simultaneously , study communication , open situation , excite interest , ensure plenty of practice , and follow four principle of promotion .

  8. 在高中数学的教学中,精讲多练似乎是一种为绝大多数教师和学生所接受并得到认可的教与学的方法,它在数学教学改革的历史中也确实发挥过积极的作用。

    During the Math teaching in high school , " Teaching the essentials and giving lots of practice " is one kind of methods which is accepted by most of teachers and students . And it has indeed played a positive role in the history of the Math education reform .

  9. 浅谈英语教学中的精讲与多练

    Brief Talk on Speaking Precisely and Practicing more in English teaching

  10. 讨论学时数减少以后的专业课教学方法问题。强调精讲与多练相结合;

    The specialized course teaching method after reducing class hour was discussed in this paper .

  11. 如何处理基础法语语言课精讲与多练的关系

    On How to Deal with the Relationship between Less Teaching and More Practice in the Basic French Language Course

  12. 素质教育的需要和二语习得的规律都要求英语教学中要精讲与多练。

    Quality-oriented education and the rule of learning second language require teachers ' speaking precisely and students ' practicing more .

  13. 对体育教学中精讲与多练的探讨一般要在结构处理、呈现方式、呈现控制、分级拓展四个方面经过处理。

    Probe into Intensive leaching and Extensive Training in PE Course It consists of structure arrangements , ways of presentation , control of presentation and extensive training of different grades .