
  1. 研究型大学作为学术实力、科研实力较强的高水平院校,承担着培养高素质人才的重任。

    As the super academic and high-level scientific research institutions , Research University undertake the important task of training highly qualified talents .

  2. 随着新行业的兴起,商学院难以满足它们对经理人的需求&没有足够的高水平院校。

    As new industries take off , business schools are struggling to keep up with demand for managers – there are not enough high-level institutions .

  3. 然而,随着我国教育和体育工作的不断开展,湖北省高校高水平队试点院校在其发展的同时,逐渐暴露出其自身的弊端和不足。

    However , with the continuous developments of our education and Physical Education , Hubei province organization of college high-level sport teams will expose many itself irregularities and shortages .

  4. 本课题从建设高水平的军队院校对院校后勤工作的要求出发,从博弈的角度研究提出工程项目招投标中标单位及价格确定的数学模型,探讨基于A+B模式条件下系数α的区间范围。

    With the purpose of enhancing the universities and colleges ' logistic work , the paper gives a mathematics model of bidding and inviting bidding from the angle of game and discusses the range of coefficient and under the condition of A + B mode .