
fā bù tōnɡ zhī
  • deliver an announcement
  1. 全国多地紧急发布通知:聚餐、聚会、宴请、团拜等活动一律取消。

    An urgent notice was also issued in many regions that gatherings , parties , banquets , reunions and other activities should be canceled .

  2. 执行时间:此类别是Web服务可以执行请求或者发布通知的最长时间。

    Execution time : This category is the maximum time a Web service can execute to request or publish a notification .

  3. 访问时间:此类别是Web服务可以访问另一个Web服务或实体以发出请求或者发布通知的最长时间。

    Access time : This category is the maximum time that a Web service can access another Web service or entity to make the request or publish the notification .

  4. 在发布通知后,通知应通过由WPS实现的业务流程处理。

    Once published , the announcements should be handled by a business process implemented in WPS .

  5. 在设置CI系统时,团队常常认为接收电子邮件是浪费时间;因此,他们决定不发布通知。

    Often , when setting up a CI system , teams decide that receiving e-mails is tantamount to spam ; thus , they decide that " for the time being " no notifications will go out .

  6. 周五,中国银监会(CBRC)发布通知称,今年以来,少数银行利用上述手段吸收存款。

    The China Banking Regulatory Commission issued a notice on Friday saying that a minority of banks had resorted to such tactics since the start of this year to attract bank deposits from clients .

  7. 一个“ItemManagementListener”服务连接到了这个应用上,它负责在项目被更新时发布通知。

    This application is connected to an " ItemManagementListener " service , that publishes notifications when an item is updated .

  8. 各银行已发布通知说收费可能会大幅增长。

    The banks have issued a warning that charges are likely to rise sharply .

  9. 美国国家公路交通安全管理局已发布通知。

    That 's according to a notice from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration .

  10. 在凡是情形下,美国要发射导弹需获得几种分歧的授权,而且须发布通知布告。

    Under normal circumstances , the launch of a US missile would require several different authorisations and notifications .

  11. 青岛市住房公积金管理中心发布通知,对本市住房公积金贷款政策有关标准进行调整。

    Qingdao Housing Accumulation Fund Administration Centre has issued a circular adjusting the requirements of accumulation fund loans .

  12. 然而,谷歌却随随便便的将销售时间提前了15分钟,既没有发布通知,也没有提醒消费者。

    But then Google randomly started the sales about 15 minutes early , with no announcement and no warning .

  13. 维姬·霍奇斯说:“学校早该在学生九月份开学之前就发布通知。”

    And Vicki Hodges said : ' They should have stated this before the kids went back in September .

  14. 我们的新版本发布通知邮件列表里有几百人进行了登记。

    And we have a mailing list of several hundred people who have asked to be notified of new releases .

  15. 卫生部于周二发布通知,要求所有医疗机构及卫生部门加强安保措施。

    A health ministry circular issued Tuesday called for security protection measures to be beefed up in all medical institutions and health authorities compounds .

  16. 10.1.5按照本协定发布通知的地点,或提供关于何处可获得此类信息的信息;

    10.1.5 the location of notices published pursuant to this Agreement , or the provision of information as to where such information can be obtained ;

  17. 还可以使用文档工作区网站来发布通知、分配任务、共享相关链接和接收有关网站内容更改的通知。

    You can also use a Document Workspace site to publish announcements , assign tasks , share relevant links , and receive alerts about changes to site content .

  18. 在财政部、国家税务总局联合发布通知后,地方税务机关必须退还已征收的加名税。

    Following the joint regulation by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation , the name-adding taxes imposed by local tax authorities should be refunded .

  19. 证监会甚至发布通知,鼓励大股东和企业高管增持自己公司的股票。

    The China Securities Regulatory Commission even issued a notice encouraging major shareholders , directors and executives of companies to increase their holdings of their companies " stock .

  20. 商务部于本周一在其网站上发布通知,要求各地相关部门对本地区零售企业的安全防范措施进行全面检查,以防止此类事件再度发生。

    The Ministry of Commerce ordered local authorities across China to overhaul safety requirements in shops to prevent similar occurences , said a statement dated Monday on its website .

  21. 为了带动住房消费,推动住宅一级市场和二级市场的接轨,国务院于1998年发布通知,决定通过政府宏观调控手段开放住宅二级市场。

    In 1998 , in order to stimulate the housing consumption , a notice was put up that , the State Council determined to open the secondary market by macroeconomic regulation .

  22. 上周五,教育部在官方网站上发布通知,要求各高校提高2016年毕业生就业工作的办事效率。

    The Ministry of Education released the notice on its official website on Friday , asking all colleges and universities to improve the work of finding employment for graduates in 2016 .

  23. 2014年,国家卫生和计划生育委员会发布通知要求病人不送红包,医生不收红包。陈纯菁表示,这是20年来的第13份相关通知。

    In 2014 the National Health and Family Planning Commission issued its 13th notice in two decades demanding that patients not give them and physicians not take them , Ms. Chan said .

  24. 中国内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市在政府网站上发布通知称,居民购买商品住房时不再要求提供住房套数查询证明。

    A statement on the website of the city of Hohhot in China 's Inner Mongolia region said that authorities there won 't demand information on a homebuyer 's prior home purchases .

  25. 问中国驻美大使馆网站上发布通知称,签证受理日期将改为六个工作日,并暂停受理加急或特急签证申请。

    The Chinese Embassy in the US released a notice on its website , announcing that the visa processing time will be changed to six business days while the express and rush service will be suspended .

  26. 境外证券市场鲜有非法证券经营活动的发生,我国证券监管部门多次发布通知公告惩治非法证券经营活动,但却屡禁不绝。

    Illegal securities business activities rarely happened outside , however , although our securities regulatory agencies have issued a series of notices several times to ban the illegal operations of securities business , the situation has not improved .

  27. 国务院于上周三发布通知,表示深圳将发展成为“全国经济中心”,同时成为汇聚文化、经济和技术交流的“国际化城市”。

    The State Council , China 's cabinet , on Wednesday decreed that Shenzhen is to become " a national economic center " and " a city of global clout " in exchanges of culture , economy and technology .

  28. 公告管理:主要实现系统管理员添加、启用、停用公告等,用于给职工发布通知等。资料管理:主要用于上传一些公司的资料等,方便员工下载使用及学习。

    Announcement management : mainly realizes the system administrator add , enabled , discontinuation announcements , etc , to give worker occurences , etc. Data management : mainly used to upload some company information , etc , convenient use , and learning .

  29. 《新京报》称交警于周五下午发布通知,10月31日晚间,地铁运营企业工作人员将劝阻着奇装异服或画恐怖妆面进入地铁。

    Subway staff will advise and stop people who are wearing strange clothes or scary makeup from entering the subway system on the evening of Oct. 31 , The Beijing News quoted the transportation police as saying in a notice posted at noon Friday .

  30. 即便是每年寒假,我们也经常在网站上发布通知,提醒学生放假期间应该和父母保持联系,如果外出应该让父母知道自己在哪儿,他说。

    Even during our annual winter vacation , we often publish notices on our website reminding students that during holidays they should keep in touch with their parents , and if they go out they should let their parents know where they are , he said .