
  • 网络golf club
  1. DD高尔夫球会建设项目可行性研究与风险分析

    The Feasibility Study and the Risk Analysis of DD Golf Club Construction Item

  2. 唯一的海滩泻湖和基层网球场设施,亚龙湾,您可以享受一个既轻松又有趣的留在亚龙湾高尔夫球会。

    With the only beach lagoon and grass tennis court facility in Yalong Bay , you can enjoy a relaxing and fun stay at Yalong Bay Golf Club .

  3. 此时假定时刻为t2,水平位置就是2,这表示如果没有重力存在,高尔夫球会打到那里。

    Xt2 When its position is x t2 and the time here is t2 that means if there had been no gravity the golf ball would have been there .

  4. 会员制营销在高尔夫球会经营管理中的实践与应用

    Experiment with and Application of Membership Marketing in the Management of Golf Clubs

  5. 高尔夫球会内部的激励机制问题研究

    Research on the Encouragement Mechanism in Golf Course

  6. 某高尔夫球会会所空调设计

    Air Conditioning Design of Chamber in Agile Golf and Country Club Meeting at Night

  7. 请于指定时间在观澜湖高尔夫球会新田停车场休息室集合。

    Please assemble at Mission Hills San Tin parking lounge according to the specified time schedule .

  8. 越野赛部分安排在双鱼河乡村俱乐部会所和香港高尔夫球会会场内举行。

    The cross-country show jumping events will be held at the Beas River Country Club and Hongkong Golf Club .

  9. 适当提高联赛承办俱乐部和参赛俱乐部的的补贴,以此吸引高水平的高尔夫球会和球员承办、参与联赛。

    Attract high-level golf clubs and players to participate the league by appropriately raising the league clubs subsidies . 4 .

  10. 工厂位于世界著名球会(深圳观澜高尔夫球会)西侧。

    The factory is in the neighbourhood on the west of the worldwide famous golf club , Shenzhen Mission Hills Golf Club .

  11. 我有兴趣参加于2008年8月11日至14日在深圳名商高尔夫球会举办的第八届“张连伟”杯国际青少年高尔夫球邀请赛。

    Here is to confirmed joining the8th " Zhang Lianwei " Cup International Junior Golf Invitational at Shenzhen Noble Merchant Golf Club at2008-08-11 to08-14 .

  12. 随着高尔夫产业在我国的深入发展,国内许多高尔夫球会(俱乐部)逐渐朝着以高尔夫为核心的综合休闲企业发展,已成为一种明显的趋势。

    As the gradual development of golf industry in China , it has become a significant trend that many golf clubs are gradually developing into integrated leisure enterprises with golf as the core business .

  13. 本文在最后提出了有针对性的各类客户管理对策建议,并指出高尔夫球会客户关系的最终发展目标就是促使客户尽可能多的成为价值客户。

    Finally , on these bases , this article raised different kinds of targeted countermeasures and suggestions of customer management and pointed that the final development purpose of the golf club customer relationship was to make customers become valuable customers as much as possible .

  14. 我想没有几位高尔夫球手会告诉你,他们打出过完美的比赛。

    I doubt any golfer would tell you that they 've ever played a perfect round .

  15. 所以,让马丁使用高尔夫球车会改变这项运动的本质

    And so it would change the fundamental nature of the game to give him the golf cart .

  16. 如果射出角度有些不正,高尔夫球是会偏的。

    You can shoot it up a little at an angle and the golf ball will come back here .

  17. 在国际高尔夫球联合会的领导下,并且在119个会员组织的通力合作下,这个承诺只是我们让高尔夫回归奥运会的团结和诚意的一个例子。

    Under the leadership of the International Golf Federation , and in conjunction with its119 member organizations , this pledge is just one example of our unity and sincerity in golf 's Olympic effort .

  18. 豪斯建议,别总担心梦幻足球线下聚会和高尔夫球旅行会威胁到你们的婚姻幸福,其实情况恰恰相反。

    Don 't look at Fantasy Football meet-ups and golf trips as threats to your marriage . It 's quite the opposite , actually ; some time apart will likely do your relationship good , Howes said .

  19. 一些人担心高尔夫球课可能会在学生中间引发一种优越感。

    Some are worried that golf classes may lead to a sense of elitism among students .

  20. 纵观高尔夫球市场你会发现,这个市场的主要消费者是白种人的中产阶级男性。

    When you go look at the golf market , it 's predominantly white , middle-class and male .

  21. 理查得•吉尼斯纵观高尔夫球市场你会发现,这个市场的主要消费者是白种人的中产阶级男性。

    RICHARD GILLIS When you go look at the golf market , it 's predominantly white , middle-class and male .

  22. 这些组织都是在世界上处于领先地位的高尔夫球组织和领导机构,而国际高尔夫球联合会是这些组织在全球范围内活动的管理者。

    These entities are the world 's leading golf organizations and governing bodies , with the IGF serving as the managing body for this global effort .

  23. 助长人们对高尔夫球兴趣的还有中国数量越来越多、同时越来越具洋气的高尔夫球场,比如位于中国海南省的世界最大高尔夫球场——观澜湖高尔夫球会(MissionHillsGolfClub)球场,尽管中国已在全国范围内暂停建造新的高尔夫球场,

    Helping to fuel the interest is the growing number -- and increasing outlandishness - of golf courses in the country like the world 's largest Mission Hills golf club on southern Hainan Island , which continue to be built despite a nationwide moratorium on new courses .