
  1. 青岛地区自然小区划分探讨

    An Approach to the Division of the Natural Sections in Qingdao Region

  2. 作者认为青岛地跨三个自然小区,并对各自然小区界线和划分的依据作了阐述。

    The author considers that Qingdao Region coveres an area of three natural sections and sets forth the basis of the boundary line and division of these natural sections .

  3. 关于自然保护小区分类的初步研究

    Study on the classification of nature small - protected - area

  4. 方法根据血流动力学的特点,在经支气管动脉内治疗肺癌时,将导管末端置于支气管动脉开口前一血液自然灌注小区内,间断地推注药物,从而避免了药液返流。

    Methods The conventional method of intra-broncho-arterial treatment for pulmonary cancer was improved according to the hemodynamics characteristics .

  5. 自然生态小区是构建优美生态环境区域的生态细胞工程。

    Natural Ecological Zone ( NEZ ) is the ecological " cell project " for constructing regional beautiful eco-environment .

  6. 我国自然保护小区的现状特征分析&以浙、赣、闽三省部分县为例

    Analysis of Present Characteristics of Nature Small-reserves in China & Taking some counties in Zhejiang , Jiangxi and Fujian Province as examples

  7. 提议中的校园自然保护小区面积为42.5公顷,旨在保护目前栖息在北大校园内的动植物。

    The proposed 42.5 hectare mini nature reserve would be designed to protect the animals and plants that currently inhabit the campus .

  8. 自然生态小区建设指导原则及其建设内容探讨&以筠连县大雪山自然生态小区为例

    Primary Studies on Principles and Contents to the Construction of Natural Ecological Zone-A Case Study on the Great Snow Mountain , Junlian , Sichuan

  9. 该提议禁止在自然保护小区内使用除草剂,不清理落叶,让其自然堆肥。

    The proposal would ban the use of herbicides in the preserve , and also allow for dead foliage to compost naturally , rather than being removed .

  10. 由于北京地区经济活动频繁,生物生境破碎化较严重,因此建设自然保护小区对有效保护生物多样性很有必要。

    As a result of the frequent economic activities and bad habitat fragmentation in Beijing , it is necessary to build small nature reserves to effectively protect the biodiversity .

  11. 寓情山水融于自然&融城小区规划及建筑设计

    Attach Emotion to Mountain and River Harmonize to Nature & Rongcheng Residential District Planning and Architecture Design