
  • 网络booster pump station
  1. 本工程包括提升泵站、加压泵站及输水管道。

    The project includes lifting pump station , booster pump station and water pipe .

  2. 一是在区国库处建一加压泵站,对自来水加压。

    First , the district Guoku Chu construction of a booster pump station , on the water pressure .

  3. MODEM实现自来水加压泵站远程监控

    The Remote Monitoring of Running Water Pump Station With Modem

  4. 基于GPRS无线网络构建二次加压泵站的SCADA系统

    Construction of SCADA System Based on GPRS Wireless Network in Secondary Pressurization Pump Station

  5. 带有加压泵站的污水管网系统的优化计算

    The Optimization of Waste Drainage System with Pressurized Pumping Station

  6. 变频调速技术在山区加压泵站的应用

    Application of Conversion Speed Governing to Pressure Pump Station in Mountain Area

  7. 大型直抽给水加压泵站的工艺设计及运行分析

    Technological Design and Operation of Large Booster Pump Station

  8. 住宅小区二次加压泵站节能运行的几种方法

    Several method of running of secondary pressure pump station save energy in residential quarter

  9. 液力变速器自动测试台架加压泵站自动控制系统的研制

    An Automation Test Bench of Hydro-mechanical Transmission Assembly Development of Automation System for Pumping Station

  10. 山区城市实施分区供水时需设加压泵站及调节构筑物。

    The booster pump station and regulating reservoir need to be set in urban water network in mountainous areas .

  11. 介绍一种大流量高扬程远距离输水加压泵站设计中停泵水锤防护措施。

    The paper introduces the protection measures of pumping-off water hammer in the design of high-flowrate high-head long-distance water-delivery booster pump station .

  12. 山区城市供水加压泵站水泵及调节池的最优配置

    Optimization of Booster Pumps and Regulating Reservoir in Urban Water Network in Mountainous Areas Status of Water Supply Pumping Station and Its Reform

  13. 对引水工程中的隧洞、加压泵站、水锤设防诸技术问题作了简介;

    Some technical problems of tunnel , booster pump station , water hammer of the water diversion project are introduced briefly in this paper .

  14. 本文以柳州市旧机场加压泵站为例,介绍了一种针对加压泵站自动化的控制系统,为以后加压泵站自动化控制设计开辟新思路。

    This paper describes on Automatic Control System of the pump station in the Liuzhou old-airport , and a new designs methodology of the pump station automation is given .

  15. 着重研究自来水生产工艺中取水泵站、送水泵站和加压泵站的离心泵故障原因分析和对策措施。

    Focused on the research of water production process in water pump station , to send water pump station and pump station of centrifugal pump analysis of failure causes and countermeasures .

  16. 该工程采用长距离高扬程水泵闭路串联供水,仅用两级加压泵站就将水提升到中间高位水池,不仅节省了基建投资,而且降低了运行费。

    A long-distance pipeline with two stage serial high lifting pumps was selected to transport the water to the intermediate high level reservoir resulting in low investment and low operating expenses .

  17. 文中还对给水管网扩建、网中加压泵站、多工况优化和给水系统可靠性等问题作了讨论。

    This paper also discusses some questions about the optimization of multiple status , network extending , pumping station for enhancing pressure in the network , and the reliability of water supply networks .

  18. 因此,应用现代自控技术和通讯技术来设计一种自来水加压泵站自动监控系统就成为保障城市供水的一个重要课题。

    So , a design of tap water pump station automatic monitoring and controlling system with modem automatic controlling technique and communication technique have become a important problem for ensuring water supply of city .

  19. 本文介绍了其内部室内消防加压泵站、消火栓系统、自动喷水灭火系统、消防水炮系统及灭火器布置的设计特点。

    The arrangement and design features of fire booster pump station , hydrant system , automatic sprinkler system , fire deluge gun system and fire extinguisher equipped in the gymnasium are introduced in the paper .

  20. 传统的自来水加压泵站监控系统由于其自动化程度低、实时性差和远程通讯能力弱,已不能适应城市供水建设的发展。

    The conventional tap water pump station monitoring and controlling system can 't adapt to the development of water supply of city because of its low degree automation , its weak real time capability and remote communication capability .

  21. 分两级泵站加压,管道输水至矿区,水源井及加压泵站均采用自动控制。

    Divides two levels of pumping stations to pressurize , the pipeline water to the mining area , the water source well and the pumping station to use the automatic control .