
  • 网络Accelerated Cooling;ACC
  1. 加速冷却对控轧HQ钢组织性能的影响

    Effect of Accelerated Cooling on the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Controlled Rolled HQ Steel

  2. 利用Gleeble-1500热模拟实验机研究了热变形和加速冷却工艺对3种低碳微合金钢组织演变的影响。

    On a Gleeble 1500 hot simulator , the effect of hot deformation and accelerated cooling on the microstructural characteristics of low carbon microalloyed steels were investigated by means of compression tests .

  3. 三种试验用C-Mn钢热轧及轧后的加速冷却实验表明,典型组织为多边形铁素体+粒状贝氏体;

    Three experimental C-Mn steels were hot rolled and accelerated cooled .

  4. 在实验研究基础上对硫化物在CSP工艺加速冷却条件下的析出行为进行了讨论,提出了低碳钢中纳米尺寸硫化物的固态析出机制。

    Precipitation behavior of the nano-scale sulfides were studied and mechanism of the sulfide precipitation in solid state is discussed .

  5. 热轧含钒微合金钢在加速冷却条件下的强化因素

    Strengthening of V-bearing microalloyed steel in hot rolling and accelerated cooling

  6. 在冷床上加速冷却钢管的工业试验

    Industrial experiment on rapid cooling-down of steel tubes on cooling bed

  7. 中厚板轧机轧后加速冷却装置循环水处理控制系统

    Control system of circulating water plant for plate mill 's ACC device

  8. 先进控制技术在厚板加速冷却控制系统中的应用

    Application of Advanced Control Technology in Plate Accelerated-cooling Control System

  9. 用加速冷却方法改善低合金钢的强度和韧性

    Improving Strength and Toughness of Low-alloy Steel Plate by Using Accelerated Cooling Process

  10. 汽轮机停机后加速冷却方法的讨论

    Discussion on the Forced Cooling Methods of the Steam Turbine Systems After Shutdown

  11. 鞍钢新建厚板生产线设置加速冷却装置的探讨

    Accelerated cooling system for a new heavy plate mill

  12. 在控轧后加速冷却时低碳钢的铁素体细晶化机理

    Ferrite grain refinement through accelerated cooling after controlled rolling in low carbon steel

  13. 热轧带钢加速冷却过程中温度计算的对称性冷却建模法

    Temperature Model of Accelerated Cooling Process for Hot Strip Based on Symmetric Cooling Assumption

  14. 钢管在线加速冷却技术开发

    Development of Online Accelerated-Cooling Process for Seamless Pipes

  15. 中厚板加速冷却过程的控制

    Cooling process control for the medium plate

  16. 热轧钢管加速冷却自动检测及控制系统的研究

    Study on Automatic Inspection and Controll System in the Course of Accelerated Cooling of Hot Rolled Tube

  17. 给出了所用成分钢要得到较佳力学性能所需的一种控制轧制和加速冷却工艺制度。

    The optimum process of controlled rolling and accelerated cooling for obtaining better mechanical properties is given .

  18. 通过加速冷却,可以在不影响强度的前提下,降低碳当量以改善钢的韧性和焊接性。

    Carbon content can be reduced to improve toughness without loss in strength by strictly controlling accelerated cooling processes .

  19. 对研究和试验过程中新的加速冷却工艺制度和取得的实际效果进行了全面分析。

    The new accelerated cooling process and the actual effects in the course of study and experiments were analysed totally .

  20. 加速冷却过程是利用钢材余热,通过控制钢板冷却工艺曲线,达到批量生产具有特定性能钢板的目的。

    The accelerated cooling process takes use of the control of plate temperature evolution to massively produce plates with expected performance .

  21. 但中厚板加速冷却过程复杂,很难建立精确的数学模型。

    Due to the highly complex process of accelerated cooling of rolled steel , it is difficult to build the mathematical model accurately .

  22. 加速冷却含钒钢的显微组织为细小的多边形铁素体和粒状贝氏体组织,由此获得相变强化。

    Comparing with the conventional ferrite-pearlite steel after slow cooling , the accelerated cooled steel has a microstructure of granular bainite and fine polygonal ferrite .

  23. 指出连续式正火炉后面应考虑建设适当的加速冷却设备,以提高正火后钢板的强度。

    It is pointed out that accelerated cooling equipments should be built behind the continuous-type normalizing furnace , to improve the strength of normalized steel plates .

  24. 针对汽轮机停机后需加速冷却的问题,提出有效、快捷冷却汽轮机汽缸的快速冷却技术,以缩短检修工期及提高机组利用率。

    The forced cooling device of steam turbine can cool the cylinder effectively and rapidly , so as to shorten the maintenance duration and improve the availability of generating units .

  25. 中厚板是钢铁工业不可缺少的重要钢材品种,钢材的轧后加速冷却技术则是提高中厚板质量的重要工艺方法。

    The plate steel is an important kind of steel products which is essential in steel industry , and the accelerated cooling technology is a key process to improve the quality of plate steel products .

  26. 经与有关单位的合作,研制出了我国中厚板厂在线钢板中温区以下加速冷却系统及其技术原理、关键技术和应用情况。

    By co-operating with relevant unit , accelerated cooling system below intermediat temperature zone for on-line plate and technical principle , Key technology as wellas application are developed for medium and heavy plate plants in our country .

  27. 针对中厚钢板加速冷却工艺过程,建立了基于集散控制系统的混合式优化控制模型,实现了整个过程闭环优化控制。

    This paper set up the hybrid control optimal model of the laminar cooling process of hot rolled slab based on the distributed control system ( DCS ), then realized the closed loop control in the supervisory control level .

  28. 介绍了在热轧钢管加速冷却的工艺过程中如何建立自动调节系统,以及用来实现自动检测和控制所需要的软、硬件的设计思想和设计方法。

    How to set the automatic adjust system in the process of accelerated cooling of hot rolled tube , and the design idea and method of software and hardware which were used to the automatic inspection and controll were introduced .

  29. 对各种工况特别是最恶劣的极限工况下汽轮机转子和汽缸的应力场和温度场进行计算,从而得出加速冷却过程对汽轮机转子和汽缸寿命的损耗估算。

    It calculates the stress field and temperature field of turbine rotor and cylinder for each operation condition , especially the worst extreme limit condition . And it gives the life lose estimation for turbine rotor and cylinder during the fast cooling .

  30. 2m加速管冷却系统的数值模拟和优化设计

    Numerical simulation and optimization of cooling system for 2 m accelerating tube