
  • 网络galveston;Galveston, TX
  1. 心理学家JeffTemple是德州医科大学加尔维斯顿分校助理教授。

    Psychologist Jeff Temple is an assistant professor at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston .

  2. 举个例子,在加尔维斯顿有一个弹性结构房从飓风中得以幸存

    For example , in Galveston , here 's a resilient home that survived Hurricane Ike ,

  3. 论文的第一作者、德克萨斯大学加尔维斯顿医学分部博士后米歇尔·梅耶尔(MichelleMeyer)表示,如果接触了几滴被感染的体液,呼吸道可能会成为埃博拉病毒的入口。

    The study 's lead author , Michelle Meyer , a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas Medical Branch , said the respiratory tract may serve as a portal for the Ebola virus if it is exposed to droplets of infected bodily fluids .

  4. 我目前住在牙买加的海滩,在得克萨斯州加尔维斯顿岛。

    I currently live in Jamaica Beach , Texas on Galveston Island .

  5. 这事就发生在休斯顿和加尔维斯顿之间的道上。

    It happened halfway between Houston and Galveston .

  6. 德克萨斯州州长佩里表示,休斯顿和加尔维斯顿地区的民众对灾害做出了非常积极的反应。

    Texas Governor Rick Perry says people in the Houston-Galveston area responded well to the disaster .

  7. 加尔维斯顿市位于海岸线外的天然屏障岛屿上,该市绝大多数居民在飓风到来之前听从了撤离该岛的命令。

    Most of the residents of the barrier island town heeded calls to evacuate before the storm .

  8. 布什总统首先到休斯敦,接着去了加尔维斯顿,希望抚慰当地飓风灾民。

    First in Houston , and then in Galveston , the president sought to console storm victims .

  9. 这个小镇最近雇佣了飓风卡特里娜和艾克肆虐过后帮助新奥尔良和加尔维斯顿重新振作的同一经济发展顾问。

    The town recently hired the same economic development consultants who helped New Orleans and Galveston start over after Hurricanes Katrina and Ike .

  10. 佩里州长高度赞扬了加尔维斯顿和其他沿岸地区成千上万居民在风暴来临之前,成功、有序地转移到了其他地区。

    Governor Perry hailed the pre-storm evacuation process in which hundreds-of-thousands of people left Galveston and other coastal areas in an orderly fashion days before the storm .

  11. 休斯敦市区被几条河道切割成段,河道泥泞污浊,水流呆滞,有些带混凝土堤岸,其他的则没有。这些河道的主要功能是将雨水排入加尔维斯顿湾。

    The city is bisected by muddy , sluggish bayous , some banked by concrete , others not , whose chief function is to drain rainwater into Galveston Bay .

  12. 德克萨斯州农工大学加尔维斯顿分校的欧文·霍维茨教授想让整个班(约36名学生)不及格,但受到了校方的阻拦。

    Texas AM Galveston professor Irwin Horwitz would like to fail his entire class close to three dozen students in total but the school is blocking him from doing so .

  13. 他的选票通过安全电邮连接“旅行”到休斯敦宇航任务控制中心,随后转到德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿县的选举办公室,加尔维斯顿县是焦立中通常居住的地方。

    His ballot traveled via a secure e-mail connection to Mission Control in Houston , which forwarded it to the Galveston County clerk 's office in Texas , where Chiao normally resides .

  14. 他取笑他的父亲和叔叔本尼从基辅附近的某个地方在1908年到达德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿。

    Mr Trillin makes fun of the arrival in the Port of Galveston , Texas , in 1908 , from somewhere " near Kiev , " of his father and his Uncle Benny .

  15. 德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿——差不多10年前,加拿大和美国的科学家宣布,他们研制出了一种可以保护猴子不被埃博拉病毒感染的疫苗,百分之百有效。

    GALVESTON , Texas - Almost a decade ago , scientists from Canada and the United States reported that they had created a vaccine that was 100 percent effective in protecting monkeys against the Ebola virus .

  16. 德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿&差不多10年前,加拿大和美国的科学家宣布,他们研制出了一种可以保护猴子不被埃博拉病毒感染的疫苗,百分之百有效。

    GALVESTON , Texas & Almost a decade ago , scientists from Canada and the United States reported that they had created a vaccine that was 100 percent effective in protecting monkeys against the Ebola virus .

  17. 加尔维斯顿镇岛上民房和商店全被水淹。在风消退后,当地公路上遍布著船只和其他海水冲上岸的垃圾。

    In the barrier island town of Galveston , homes and businesses were flooded out , and when the storm winds receded , the local highway was covered with boats and other refuse left behind by the sea .