
  • 网络GAVIN;Gawaine;Gawain;Sir Gawain;Gaven
  1. 她与加文是好朋友。

    She and Gavin are good friends

  2. 3年前,加文-怀特(GavinWhite)从西点毕业,前往阿富汗服役。

    Three years ago Gavin White graduated from this academy . He then served in Afghanistan .

  3. 加文和其他代表账户持有人的律师表示,美国司法部和国税局(internalrevenueservice)已经收到以色列国民银行(bankleumi)和中国招商银行(chinamerchantsbank)的账户信息。

    The US Justice Department and internal revenue service have received information about accounts at bank Leumi in Israel and China Merchants Bank , say Mr Garvin and other lawyers representing account holders .

  4. 上海一名18岁的网民“Coogie”多年来一直关注加文的Instagram账户。

    Coogie , an 18-year-old from Shanghai , has been following Gavin 's Instagram account for years .

  5. WoodMacKenzie公司的加文•劳(GavinLaw)表示:目前工程采购和建筑市场难以跟上开发的步伐。

    The engineering procurement and construction market is having a hard time keeping up with the pace of development , says Gavin Law of Wood Mackenzie .

  6. 驻新西兰的空气污染顾问加文•费希尔(GavinFisher)表示:这已造成了巨大的代价。费希尔曾在华工作。

    This has huge costs , said Gavin Fisher , a New Zealand-based air pollution consultant who has worked in China .

  7. Trace的主管米歇尔•加文(MichelleGavin)表示:最重要的想法之一是,这是私营领域的一个风险管理工具。

    One of the most important ideas is that it 's a risk-management tool for the private sector , says Michelle Gavin , director of Trace .

  8. 加文•帕特森(GavinPatterson)常被记者提及的狮子般的外形并没有阻碍他升至英国电信(BT)的最高职位。

    Gavin Patterson 's leonine appearance - regularly referenced by reporters - has not hindered his rise to the top of BT , the UK telecoms group .

  9. 自从中国社交媒体用户几年前开始用加文在Instagram上发布的照片制作“表情包”以来,他的人气开始大幅飙升。

    But after Chinese social media users started making their own memes from Gavin 's photos posted on Instagram a few years ago , his popularity exploded .

  10. 加文·A·施密特(GavinA.Schmidt)是位于曼哈顿的美国宇航局戈达德太空研究所的所长,他说,下一次的强厄尔尼诺现象可能会打破所有的温度记录。

    Gavin A. Schmidt , head of NASA 's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in Manhattan , said the next strong El Ni ñ o would probably rout all temperature records .

  11. 英国电信(BT)首席执行官加文•帕特森(GavinPatterson)表示,企业领导人的职能之一是以前所未有的警觉审视地平线。

    Gavin Patterson , chief executive of BT , the British telecoms group , says one of the functions of corporate leaders is to scan the horizon as never before .

  12. 来自澳大利亚悉尼的加文医学研究所的阿曼达?塞恩斯伯里萨利斯表示,目前还不清楚血液中含有多少POP会对人体造成危害,因此减肥者不应因此而放弃减肥。

    The level of POPs needed to have an adverse affect in humans is unknown , so it should not stop obese people trying to lose weight , said Amanda Sainsbury-Salis at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney , Australia .

  13. 与以往相比,基础设施领域的投资者们目前关注的投资规模要大得多,种类也更为广泛,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)欧洲并购业务主管加文•麦克唐纳(GavinMacDonald)表示。

    Infrastructure players are now looking at a much larger and broader set of investments than in the past , said Gavin MacDonald , head of European M & A at Morgan Stanley .

  14. 敌意收购活动将继续保持活跃态势,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)欧洲并购业务主管加文•麦克唐纳(GavinMacDonald)表示,企业希望采取战略行动,它们不会因为收购目标不情愿而止步。

    Hostile activity will remain high , said Gavin MacDonald , head of European M & A at Morgan Stanley . Corporates want to make strategic moves and will not be deterred by reluctant targets .

  15. 政策制定者成功管理这些风险的能力值得怀疑,针对英国央行(bankofengland)下任行长马克卡尼(markcarney)在达沃斯小组讨论会发表的意见,加文戴维斯(gavyndavies)就指出了这一点。

    The ability of policymakers to manage these risks successfully is doubtful , as Gavyn Davies noted in a comment on the contribution of mark Carney , next governor of the Bank of England , to a panel in Davos .

  16. 加文的成功在很大程度上得益于他的叔叔——网络红人尼克·马斯托东。加文的叔叔最早在视频平台Vine上发布加文的有趣视频,当时加文只有两岁。

    Gavin 's success was helped in no small part by his uncle , the internet celebrity Nick Mastodon , who first started posting funny videos of the child at the age of two on the video platform Vine .

  17. 11点,你将在Megastar会见詹尼·里瓦,之后一点的时候你将和商会的加文吃午饭。

    At eleven , you 're seeing Gianni Riva at Megastar and then you 'll have a lunch engagement with Gavin from the Chamber of Commerce at one .

  18. 正如加文戴维斯(gavyndavies)所指出的,人们把太多时间花在了财政政策上,而欧元区面对的生死存亡威胁,其实是疲弱经济体的银行信贷持续崩溃。

    Far too much time has been spent on fiscal policy when the existential threat to the eurozone is the ongoing collapse of bank lending in the weak economies , as Gavyn Davies recognises .

  19. 动图宇宙(制作gif的公司)创始人兼首席执行官丁焱告诉美国有线电视新闻网的记者说,加文“尬笑”的动图表情包在中国各大社交媒体平台每天使用多达1000万次。

    A gif of Gavin 's face , smiling awkwardly , might be used as many as 10 million times a day across China 's various social media platforms , according to Ann Ding , founder and CEO of Dongtu.com , a major distributor of online gifs , told CNN .

  20. 吉莉恩正在病房护理加文的手脚。

    Gilian is nursing Gavin hand and foot in the sickroom .

  21. 加文纳桥原来的名字叫什么?

    What was the original name given to Cavenagh bridge ?

  22. 加文在一次战斗中不幸失去一条腿。

    Gavin lost one of his legs in an attack .

  23. 加文:不要动气,不要动气!报纸说甚麽?

    Gavin : calm down , calm down ! What does it say ?

  24. 在加文报告任务之前,我们应该对对我们的表。

    Why don 't we synchronize our watches before Gawain reports to work .

  25. 不管加文喝什么都算在我头上。

    And whatever gavin 's drinking whenever he 's ready ? On me .

  26. 加文将是我们大家的“内线”

    Gawain is our proverbial " inside man . "

  27. 加文,我想给你介绍…

    Gavin , I would like to introduce you --

  28. 如今,加文在中国的粉丝越来越多。

    Now , more and more Chinese fans are jumping on his bandwagon .

  29. 加文表示:我们不能保证这些报告都是准确的。

    We can 't guarantee that these reports are accurate , Ms Gavin says .

  30. 实际上,加文,是上周的星期二,而不是星期三。

    Actually , gavin , it was Tuesday of last week , not wednesday .