
  • 网络Canada Day
  1. 我们认为结婚周年纪念日将永远是加拿大国庆日这是非常酷的。

    We think it 's very cool that our anniversary will always be on Canada Day .

  2. 我再也不会见到你了,但我想感谢你让我度过了一个特别的加拿大国庆日。

    I 'll never see you again , but I want to thank you for making my Canada Day special .

  3. 今年加拿大国庆日海滩派对的部分收入将捐献给淡水马偕医院作为慈善医疗用途。

    This year a portion of the proceeds from the Canada D'eh event will be donated to the McKay Hospital in Danshuei .

  4. 渥太华市长办公室今年邀请了30位来自广州的大妈到加拿大国庆日上来表演广场舞。

    Ottawa mayor office this year invites 30 senior people from Guangzhou , south China 's Guangdongprovince to perform square dancing on Canada Day .

  5. 渥太华市长办公室今年邀请了30位来自中国南部的广东省的大妈在加拿大国庆日上来表演广场舞。

    Ottawa mayor office this year invites 30 senior people from Guangzhou , south China 's Guangdong province to perform square dancing on Canada Day .

  6. 出于对他们祖国的认同感,婚礼在7月1日的加拿大国庆日进行——尽管典礼在法国南部举办。

    In a nod to their native country , the wedding took place on July 1 , Canada Day - though the celebration took place in the South of France .

  7. 渥太华旅游局的一名官员周三在新闻发布会上说,越来越多地中国元素会加到今年的加拿大国庆日中,来表示两国之间的友谊。

    An official with Ottawa Tourism Bureau said Wednesday at a press conference that more Chineseelements would be added to this year 's Canada Day to mark the friendship between the twocountries .

  8. 结婚纪念日能够和加拿大国庆日同一天是非常棒的事,我们已经迫不及待要开始二人生活了,我们现在很幸福。

    We think it 's very cool that our anniversary will always be on Canada Day . We can 't wait to start our life together . We 're very happy , he said .

  9. 上周三,渥太华旅游局的一名官员在新闻发布会上表示,越来越多地中国元素会加到今年的加拿大国庆日中,以此来表示两国之间的友谊。

    An official with Ottawa Tourism Bureau said last Wednesday at a press conference that more Chinese elements would be added to this year 's Canada Day to mark the friendship between the two countries .

  10. 为了向两人的祖国加拿大致敬,他们特地将婚礼安排在了加拿大国庆日7月1日,不过婚礼地点并不在加拿大,而是在法国南部。

    In a nod to their native country , the wedding took place on July 1 , Canada Day though the celebration took place in the South of France .

  11. 对像我这样的加拿大外国人来说,这么做尤其具有诱惑力,因为我们还有个理由,7月1日是加拿大国庆日。

    The temptation to do so is particularly powerful for expat Canadians like me , because we have Canada Day on July 1 as an added excuse .