
  • 网络Jade en Plus
  1. 那时拉贝尚加是非洲的大港口。

    That when labbezanga was one of the greatest ports in africa .

  2. 在实际应用中,粉末活性炭的投加是在沉淀池中,而粒状活性炭是作为吸附柱对水中微量石油类进行吸附的。

    In practice , the powder activated carbon was added in the sedimentation tank , and the granular activated carbon used as an adsorption column .

  3. 复加是一种同一事物或现象连续出现并当第二次以后出现时对其进行限定、修饰或补充的修辞手法。

    Supplementation is a rhetorical technique that repeats the same thing or phenomenon and restricts , modify , or supplement it when it is repeated .

  4. 混凝投药过程是给水处理中至关重要的一个环节,而如何实现混凝剂的准确投加是当前供水行业的热门课题之一。

    Coagulant dosing process is the most important part in the domestic routine water treatment procedure . It is a hot topic on how to add coagulation accurately in current water industry .

  5. 根据此项排名,哥斯大黎加是全球绿化率和幸福指数最高的国家,多明尼加共和国和牙买加分列其后。该调查由智囊机构新经济基金会发起。

    Costa Rica is the greenest and happiest country on the planet , according to the rankings developed by think tank the New Economics Foundation , followed by the Dominican Republic and Jamaica .

  6. 有时候工作量的增加而薪水没加是因为裁员,而有时那只是管理层利用你。

    Your duties have increased but your pay hasn ' t.Sometimes an increase in work without a pay raise is due to downsizing , and sometimes it 's just management taking advantage of you .

  7. 而后,总结出立面设计与保温构造设计的方法和步骤。内加是指增加内侧保温层。

    Later , it sums up the methods and steps of the facade design and structural design . " Added internal " is to increase inside the insulation layer , in the living room .

  8. 不全面了解情况就对局势妄加评论是不明智的。

    It would be unwise to comment on the situation without knowing all the facts .

  9. 各种税加起来是一笔巨款。

    The taxes came up to a huge sum .

  10. 面包加牛奶是有益于健康的食品。

    Bread and milk is wholesome food .

  11. 梅金吃着热狗,里面加了是芥末和酱菜,不过没有番茄酱。

    Megan asked , eating her hot dog with had both mustard and relish on but no ketchup .

  12. 该乘加单元是通过对BOOTH型乘法器与高速加法器结构的深入研究而探索出来的。

    Through studying BOOTH multiplier and high speed adder structures , we explored a new multipiler add unit .

  13. 结论鞘内联合注射甲氨蝶呤加地塞米松是治疗CNS、SLE的一种有效方法,值得进一步临床研究。

    Conclusion IT with MTX plus DXM is a new promising method in treating CNS SLE and deserves further investigation .

  14. 中国仓鼠细胞(Chinesehamsterovarycell)及其无血清流加培养是目前包括工程抗体和重组蛋白在内的生物技术药物生产的最为重要的表达系统和工艺技术。

    CHO cells ( Chinese hamster ovary cell ) is presently the most important expression systems for engineering antibodies and recombinant protein and serum-free fed-batch culture is also the most important process for biopharmaceuticals production .

  15. 紫杉醇加卡铂是晚期EOC的标准一线化疗方案。

    At present , paclitaxel plus carboplatin become the first-line chemotherapeutic regimen of advanced EOC .

  16. 结论原位肝移植加Lamivudine是治疗乙肝的有效方法,Lamivudine在观察期内可预防乙肝移植后乙肝复发。

    Conclusions During the period of observation , we found that OLT is an effective therapy for hepatitis B and Lamivudine may prevent recurrence of hepatitis B after OLT .

  17. 结论:预加负荷是10kPa时的肌肉硬度,反映了肌肉组织的静态张力;

    Conclusion : Muscle hardness at 10 kPa reflects static tension of muscles .

  18. 通过工业放大表明,NCG-6型苯加氢是一种催化活性高、机械强度好、热稳定性提高的新型苯加氢催化剂。

    By bench-scale research , NCG-6 benzene hydrogenation catalyst was proved to be a good one possessing a high activity and high mechanical strength along with the excellent thermal stability .

  19. 加标是计算机视觉研究的内容之一。

    Labeling is one of research area of computer vision .

  20. 文件加锁是一个非常棘手的问题,很多时候都存在竞争条件。

    File locking is a very tricky issue and race conditions abound .

  21. 他欠的债加起来是一笔巨款。

    His debts foot up to a huge sum .

  22. 把这样的人放在社会上不加管束是不负责任的。

    It would be irresponsible to turn such a man loose on society .

  23. 从江南加铜矿是受断层控制的脉状铜矿。

    Nanjia copper deposit of Congjiang is of vein kind dominated by the faults .

  24. 一加二是多少?三!是的!

    What 's one and two ? Three !

  25. 结论:针刺加中药是治疗脑梗塞的有效方法。

    Conclusion : Acupuncture combined medicine was effective in epilepsies after infarct of brain .

  26. 可加模型是参数设计中一个非常重要,实用的模型。

    The additive model is one of the most important models in parameter design .

  27. 机加工艺是数控加工技术的基础

    Machining , Basis to Digital Processing Technology

  28. 这加起来是十美元,对吗?

    That makes ten dollars , right ?

  29. 空间补加技术是发展空间站的关键技术。

    The propellant refueling technology is a key technology for the development of space station .

  30. 三十加三是三十三。

    Thirty plus three is thirty-three .