
  • 网络galapagos;Galapagos Islands;Galápagos;Galápagos Islands;Galapagos archipelago
  1. 我们不是让你看三个小时的去加拉帕戈斯群岛(GalapagosIslands)旅游的幻灯片。

    We 're not asking you to watch a three-hour slide show of a trip to the Galapagos Islands .

  2. 谁选的去加拉帕戈斯群岛?

    Who picks up and goes to the Galapagos islands ?

  3. ——摘自1999年《国家地理杂志》4月号《加拉帕戈斯群岛:处于危险中的天堂》作者:StuartFranklin来源:《国家地理》杂志

    From " Gal á pagos : Paradise in Peril , " April 1999 , National Geographic magazine

  4. 日本人把这一现象称为“加拉帕戈斯群岛综合征”(Galapagossyndrome),指企业集团进入了新技术领域,但未能在国外开辟出相应市场,结果是让外国竞争借鉴创意,推出全球抢手的产品。

    The Japanese call this " Gal á pagos syndrome , " whereby groups forge into new technological territory but fail to find a market abroad , only ­ for foreign rivals to take the idea global .

  5. 南美洲大陆的鸟类和爬行动物已繁衍到了加拉帕戈斯群岛。

    Birds and reptiles from continental South America had reached the galapagos .

  6. 达尔文哪年去的加拉帕戈斯群岛?

    Charles Darwin went to the Galapagos in what year ?

  7. 作为一个崭露头角喜欢乌龟的年轻博物学家,他毫不犹豫地选择了加拉帕戈斯群岛。

    A budding young naturalist who loved turtles , he immediately settled on the Galapagos .

  8. 在加拉帕戈斯群岛,这一对蓝脚鲣鸟正在检查这彼此。

    Here in the Galapagos Islands , this pair of blue-footed boobies check each other out .

  9. 大自然的图案:植物。在加拉帕戈斯群岛一个仙人球表皮有锋利的小棘突出。

    Sharp spines erupt from the skin of a prickly pear cactus in the Gal á pagos Islands .

  10. 上周,加拉帕戈斯群岛上的一座火山的喷发可能会改变该岛的景观。

    A volcano that started erupting on one of the Galapagos Islands last week may be changing the landscape of the island .

  11. 鸟类学家约翰·古尔德告诉达尔文说,他在加拉帕戈斯群岛研究的鸟类与该岛环境完全契合;

    Ornithologist John Gould told him the birds he had studied on the Galapagos Islands were perfectly adapted to the island environment .

  12. 加拉帕戈斯群岛的一位长官告诉达尔文,他能识别每只海龟是哪个岛的。

    A governor of the Galapagos Islands told Darwin that he could tell from which one of the various islands each tortoise came .

  13. 如果你去那里,可要乘短途飞机到加拉帕戈斯群岛,去看看世界上保留最好的生态保护区。

    While you 're there , take the short flight to the Galapagos to check out one of the best-preserved biospheres on the planet .

  14. 直到约200年后的今天,不论是水下亦或是陆地上的加拉帕戈斯群岛,其独有的壮景依然让人惊叹。

    Almost 200 years later , the wonder of the life that lives above and below the sea at this archipelago remains as breathtaking as ever .

  15. 加拉帕戈斯群岛以独特的动植物物种而闻名,它是查尔斯?达尔文的《进化论》灵感来源的一部分。

    The Galapagos Islands are known for unique plant and animal life , and it 's part of the inspiration for Charles Darwin 's theory of evolution .

  16. 参观者可以看到一个摊位有关反科技潮流的介绍,然后轻易转到一场加拉帕戈斯群岛野生生物的展览,再去参观虚拟的孟加拉宗教庆典。

    Visitors can easily navigate from an introduction to Luddism to an exhibition on the wildlife of the Galapagos Islands and then to a virtual Bengali religious festival .

  17. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,孤独的乔治在加拉帕戈斯群岛辞世。乔治是它所属加拉帕戈斯象龟的亚种&平塔巨龟的最后一只。

    Lonesome George , believed to be the last of the Pinta giant tortoises , a sub-species of Galapagos tortoise , died in the Galapagos Islands , the Daily Mail reported .

  18. 厄瓜多尔享有加拉帕戈斯群岛之家的美名。这片远离海岸的群岛深受喜爱,岛上的亮点是种类惊人的奇花异草与珍禽异兽——但是厄瓜多尔陆地上同样瑰丽,不会让人失望。

    Ecuador is famed as the home of the Gal á pagos , the beloved islands off the coast that feature mind-boggling wildlife - but the mainland is no slouch either .

  19. 马哈穆迪亚片区,联合国教科文组织认定的世界遗产,的生物多样性排名世界第三,仅次于澳大利亚的大堡礁和加拉帕戈斯群岛。

    The area around Mahmudia , which is a UNESCO World Heritage site , is the third-most biodiverse in the world , after Australia 's Great Barrier Reef and the Galapagos Islands .

  20. 自然学家查尔斯·达尔文在其五年航程中第一次来到加拉帕戈斯群岛时,或许对眼前的这片水域一无所知。当时他受命于皇家海军,绘制该地区的航海图。

    Naturalist Charles Darwin may not have known what he was getting into when he first explored the Galapagos Islands as part of a five-year journey to chart the area for the Royal Navy .

  21. 京晶:我刚读完两个科学家写的一本书,一对夫妇,他们花了数月生活在厄瓜多尔的加拉帕戈斯群岛上。马克:不是《雀喙之谜;加拉帕格斯群岛考察记》吧?

    I just finished a book written by two scientists , a couple , who spent several months on the Galapagos Islands . Mark : It 's not called Beak of the Finch , is it ?

  22. 他大约100岁,是厄瓜多尔加拉帕戈斯群岛的象征,该岛稀有的动植物对查尔斯•达尔文提出著名的进化论有很好的启发作用。

    He was thought to be about 100 and had become an ambassador of sorts for the islands off the coast of Ecuador whose unique flora and fauna helped inspire Charles Darwin 's theories on evolution .

  23. 早在20世纪70年代中期,科学家们就发现了一处特别奇怪的地方——热液喷口。这处喷口渗透了1.5英里的距离(2公里)最终注入南太平洋的加拉帕戈斯群岛附近的海底。

    Back in the mid-1970s , scientists discovered a particularly strange spot - the hydrothermal vents that penetrate a mile-and-a-half ( 2 kilometers ) into the ocean floor near the Galapagos Islands in the South Pacific .

  24. 近些年来,尽管地区旅游业不可避免的发展起来,但是加拉帕戈斯群岛还是处于极好的保护之中,潜水爱好者们也仍然可以和海底那些不怎么怕人的小生物们近距离接触。

    Despite the inevitable tourism trade that 's grown over the years , the islands are fiercely protected and divers can still rub elbows with sea creatures that haven 't learned to be afraid of humans .

  25. 他们正全速增加这个应用里的位置,但是目前为止为数不多,只有加拉帕戈斯群岛、苍鹭岛、威尔逊岛和恐龙湾等附近的珊瑚。

    They 're adding more locations to the program as fast as they can , but so far they only have the reefs around the Galapagos Islands , Heron Island , Wilson Island , and Hanauma Bay , to name a few .

  26. 这是世界上生物多样性最突出的国家之一,拥有1600多种鸟类,4000多种兰花,有地球上最辽阔的秃鹫栖息地之一,五分之一的国土(包括加拉帕戈斯群岛)都划为自然保护区。

    One of the most biodiverse countries in the world , Ecuador has over 1600 species of birds , 4000 kinds of orchids , one of the largest condor shelters on the planet - and one-fifth of the country ( including the Gal á pagos ) is protected .