
  • 网络Acceleration;accelerate;acceleration ability;Power;pickup
  1. 评测人士对这款最新的MINI车型的评价普遍比较正面,认为它的加速能力不错,作为一款前驱轿车,操控性也令人满意。

    Reviewers have been positive on the newest variant , giving the car credit for peppy acceleration and taut handling from its front-wheel-drive configuration .

  2. 通过2个发光峰随SiO2层的厚度的变化规律,研究了SiO2对电子的加速能力。

    From the relative change of these two peaks with the variation of the thickness of SiO 2 , The authors studied the electron acceleration ability of SiO 2 .

  3. 100m跑加速能力的探讨&与郭成吉教授商榷

    Discussion on Accelerate Ability of 100 m Running

  4. 结果显示:启航加速能力男子A(前1~9名)、B(前10~18名)2组无统计学意义,女子A、B组则有非常显著性差异;

    The result shows that there are no statistical difference between man A and B group in acceleration phase , while there is significant difference between woman A and B group .

  5. 正交实验结果显示:影响50M跑成绩的因素主次顺序为:绝对速度、速度力量、加速能力。

    The result of positive - cross experiment shows the factors that influence the performance of 50 - meter race .

  6. 因为GDI+构建于GDI之上,旧有的陋习同样让它获得硬件加速能力变得难以实现。

    Since GDI + was built on top of GDI and had a certain preexisting contract , adding hardware acceleration to it would have been very difficult .

  7. 磷酸原系统的供能能力、糖酵解系统供能速率及其调节能力和机体的抗酸能力是100m运动员加速能力、最大速度能力和速度耐力的限制性因素。

    The energy supply capacity of the phosphagen system , the rate of energy supply in the glycolytic system , its adjustment and resistance to acids of the body were the restrictive factors of the sprinters in their endurance , maximum speed and acceleration .

  8. 对短跑运动员来说,速度和加速能力是重要的。

    For a sprinter , speed and acceleration are important .

  9. 具备图形加速能力的嵌入式应用系统

    General embedded system with graphics acceleration

  10. 因为你在这里无法发挥出极速,但却拥有惊世骇俗的加速能力。

    Because here you don 't have the top , top speed , but you have tremendous acceleration .

  11. 要提高最高速度的水平,实际上就是要发展加速能力。

    To improve the level of the highest speed , in fact , is just to improve the ability of acceleration .

  12. 她也很中意这辆车的涡轮增压柴油发动机所具备的加速能力,还把它归为自己最近能逃脱一次潜在危险的原因。

    She also admires the acceleration of the turbocharged diesel , which she credits with helping her recently escape a potential hazard .

  13. 影响控制系统带宽的主要因素有机械结构谐振频率、系统加速能力和系统采样频率。

    Main factors affecting bandwidth of a control system are resonance frequency of mechanical structure , acceleration capacity and sampling frequency of the system .

  14. 当选择助攻边后卫时,更多关注其位置感、抢断,、耐力、速度和加速能力。

    If you 're looking for a good wing-back pay special attention to an individual 's positioning , tackling , stamina , pace and acceleration .

  15. 短跑运动的成绩决定于运动员的加速能力,运动员的最大速度及保持最大速度的能力。

    Performance in sprint exercise is determined by the ability to accelerate , the magnitude of maximal velocity and the ability to maintain velocity against the onset of fatigue .

  16. 必须加强铁饼投掷时的控制能力,加大最后用力阶段铁饼运行的距离,以提高铁饼的加速能力。

    Only by improving the control ability in discus throwing and enlarging discus distance at final delivery phase can the female discus throwers improve their speed acceleration . 3 .

  17. 近几年,柴油引擎在豪车阵营的形象已有所好转,因为最新的柴油发动机基本上避免了烟雾、气味和噪声等短板,同时还能提供非常理想的加速能力。

    Diesel 's image among luxury buyers has improved in recent years because the latest versions of the engine are virtually free of smoke , odor and clatter , while providing particularly rapid acceleration from a dead stop .

  18. 我队与国外主要对手的差异为起动加速能力和途中耐酸能力的不足,提高这两种能力是备战北京奥运准备期速度训练的重点。

    The acceleration of starting and the acid resistance ability on the run made the differences between the Chinese and the foreign canoeists . Therefore , attention should be paid to advancing these two abilities in speed training for the preparation of the Beijing Olympic Games .

  19. 正交实验结果显示,影响女生50米跑成绩的因素其主次顺序为:绝对速度、速度力量、加速能力、速度耐力,最优搭配方案为A2B2C3D1;

    The result of positive-cross experiment shows what influence the performance of 50-meter . In order of importance they are Absolute velocity 、 Velocity strength 、 Accelerative ability 、 Velocity endurance . The best scheme is A 2B 2C 3D 1 . Through the comparative experiment of simultaneous teaching .

  20. 目前大多数可重构计算技术的研究成果基本由现场可编程门阵列器件FPGA和通用处理器构成,由可编程器件提供对复杂运算的加速计算能力。

    At present , the research productions of reconfigurable computing are basically composed of FPGA and general-purpose processor .

  21. 通过对上述三国经济发展形势的研究,在加速APEC能力建设、发展信息产业、推进APEC金融合作等方面对中国具有重要的借鉴意义。

    The research on above three countries ' economic development shows that China can use the experiences to accelerate capacity build up , development of IT industry and financial cooperation .

  22. 随着图形硬件(显卡)演进,GDI通过DDI(设备驱动接口)获得了硬件加速的能力。

    As graphics hardware evolved , GDI gained the ability to be hardware-accelerated through a set of DDIs ( Device Driver Interface ) .

  23. 所谓基于RISC处理器的媒体加速器的体系结构是指以RISC处理器为核心处理器,配以媒体加速器来加速媒体处理能力的不对称体系结构。

    Media acceleration engine architecture based on Risc CPU is an asymmetric system with RISC CPU as core work with Media acceleration engine .

  24. 选择合适的产业技术战略可以加速产业技术能力的提高。

    Appropriate industrial technology strategy would accelerate the enhancement of industrial technology competence .

  25. 推进国家知识产权战略加速自主创新能力建设

    Promote the Strategy of Intellectual Property Rights and Accelerate the Construction of Independent Creativity

  26. 模型集中于多种代理的提前相互作用和物理限制(特别是加速、减速能力)。

    The model was focused on multiple autonomous agents'interactions ahead and agents'physical restrictions ( particularly , acceleration and deceleration capabilities ) .

  27. 但这种选择对他们的实际需求而言可能是一种过强的处方,会加速他们聚焦能力的丧失。

    But this may be a stronger prescription than they need , which can encourage their loss of focus to go faster .

  28. 全球化使得世界经济风貌与竞争环境的变化速度加快,个人、企业或是政府都必需加速应变的能力。

    Globalization accelerates the development of world economy and competitive environment , making the ability to cope with constant changes a necessity to individuals , enterprises and government entities .

  29. 本文以典型事例阐明提高中长跑运动员连续加速冲跑能力,对于在强手如林的重大比赛中致胜的重要作用,并提出了有关的训练对策和建议。

    This paper , with typical examples , explicated thc important role of improving middle-long distance runner 's dash ability with continuous accelerative running in major competitions against strong rivals and it also proposed some relative training methods and suggestions .

  30. 比如梅西百货的全部800余家门店都参与到了它的在线业务中,塔吉特百货(Target)等其它商家也在加速提升这一能力。

    For example , Macy 's is now using all 800 or so of its stores to help its online efforts , while others like Target TGT - 1.93 % are gearing up for that capability .