
  1. 钢材加工配送中心浅谈

    Discussion about the center of process and distribution for steel products

  2. 物流运作是生鲜加工配送中心运营的重要组成部分。

    Logistics distribution centers are processing fresh an important component of the operator .

  3. 汽车用户加工配送中心设备选型分析

    Analysis of the Processing and Distribution Center 's Equipment Selection for Automobile Manufacturers

  4. 基于改进遗传算法的生鲜加工配送中心连续选址模型

    Continuous Location Model of Fresh Food Process Distribution Centers Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm

  5. 与承销商签订协议时将检查昆山加工配送中心的安全规则。

    The safety rules of Kunshan service center will be reviewed with contractor when signing the agreement .

  6. 生鲜加工配送中心采购加工管理作业流程研究

    A Study on the Operation Procedure of Purchasing and Processing Management for Raw and Fresh Products Distribution Center

  7. 但随着农产品流通方式的现代化,超级市场及连锁店、现代生鲜加工配送中心、电子消费类网站等均会分流农产品批发市场的交易量。

    Yet , with the modernization of the circulation mould , supermarkets , shopping malls , chain-stores , modern distribution centers and e-commerce will take off some turnover from APWM .

  8. 最新的调查显示:到2005年初,宝钢的加工配送中心已经达到19家,逐渐成为新的利润增长点之一。

    According to an investigation in the early 2005 , the numbers of the BG machining & distributing center had reached 19 and these centers gradually turned into one of the new profit source .

  9. 生鲜加工配送中心物流运作的优劣关系到整个生鲜加工配送中心的运营,也关系到了连锁超市对生鲜商品的经营。

    Fresh goods processing logistics distribution center of the advantages and disadvantages of the operation of the entire raw processing distribution center operations , is also related to a supermarket chain operating on fresh goods .

  10. 接着从经济环境、社会环境及自然环境等三大方面研究成型钢筋加工配送中心选址的影响因素,并提出加工配送中心选址的基本原则及主要步骤。

    Then from the economic environment , the social environment and the natural environment these three big aspects , influencing factor of locating , and proposes the basic principle and the main step of locating were studied .

  11. 最后,通过列举实例,应用两种综合评价法进行了连锁超市生鲜加工配送中心物流绩效的综合评价,并提出了提升连锁超市生鲜加工配送中心物流绩效的策略。

    Finally , it is provided examples and applications of two comprehensive evaluation method for fresh goods processing and distribution center of chain supermarket of the comprehensive evaluation of performance , and proposed the Strategy about how to promote the logistics performance of chain supermarket fresh goods processing distribution center .

  12. 农业产业链被描述为农产品沿着农户、加工企业、配送中心、批发商、零售商以及消费者运动的一个网状链条。

    It is described as a netted chain along the fanners , processing enterprise , delivers center , the wholesaler , the retailers as well as a consumer for the agricultural product movement .

  13. 本文在分析甘草加工企业的物流配送中心工作流程的基础上,通过Witness仿真软件对物流配送中心业务流程进行仿真研究。

    In this paper , on the basis of analyzing logistics process of the logistics distribution center of liquorices goods fabrication plant , a simulation model of the logistics distribution center ' flow of work was set up by Witness .

  14. 根据秸秆加工利用的实际情况,提出了单一秸秆单一加工厂和多种秸秆多个加工厂多个配送中心选址的两种回收利用物流网络模型。

    According to the actual situation of straw utilization , two kinds of logistics network model of recycling ," single straw , single processing factory " and " multiple straw , multiple processing factory and multiple distribution centers ", are put forward .