
  • 网络media supervision
  1. 新形势下加强新闻舆论监督建设的思考

    Thoughts on Enhancing Media Supervision in New Situation

  2. 第二章:新闻舆论监督与司法独立的关系。第一节中介绍了两者的统一性;

    Chapter 1 : The comprehensive introduction of media supervision and judicial independence .

  3. 随着我国加入WTO之后,新闻舆论监督机制也面临着一系列历史性的转变与选择。

    After the entering into the WTO of China , the system of news and public supervision is facing some historical change and decision .

  4. 环境非政府组织(NGO)与新闻舆论监督

    Environment Non-governmental Organization and News Supervision of Public Opinion

  5. 新闻舆论监督侵权行为的界定与防范

    Legal Definition and Precaution on Tort of News Public Opinion Supervision

  6. 新闻舆论监督利益化。

    6 , supervision of the press public opinion obtains benefits .

  7. 新闻舆论监督是一种群众监督的重要形式。

    News consensus supervision is an important form of mass supervision .

  8. 新闻舆论监督与司法公正问题研究

    Research on Supervision of the Press Public Opinion and Judicial Fair

  9. 论新闻舆论监督与警察形象建设的和谐统一

    On the harmony between public opinion supervision and police image building

  10. 中国新闻舆论监督思想研究

    The Study of Press Supervision of Public Opinion in China

  11. 2006年中国新闻舆论监督综述

    A Review on the Research of Supervision by Public Opinion in 2006

  12. 新闻舆论监督的功能是多样的。

    The function of supervising of the press is diversify .

  13. 第三部分介绍新闻舆论监督权的演变。

    The third part is about the evolution of news public opinion .

  14. 加强对新闻舆论监督的司法保护

    Strengthen the Judicial Protection for the Supervision by the Media

  15. 中国新闻舆论监督现状调查分析

    A Survey of Current Watch Dog Function in Chinese media

  16. 当然,我国新闻舆论监督工作尚存在一些问题。

    However , the news public opinion direction still exists some questions .

  17. 上市公司信息披露新闻舆论监督法律问题研究

    Legal Issues Research on Public Supervision of Listed Companies ' Information Disclosure

  18. 关于正确实施新闻舆论监督的思考

    Consideration about the Supervision of the News Public Opinion

  19. 新闻舆论监督的内容与现代生活紧密相关。

    Second , the contents of press superintend hold tightly with modern living .

  20. 四是从民族性看,我国新闻舆论监督具有鲜明的民族特性。

    Our country 's news public opinion direction has experienced three history stages .

  21. 浅谈晚报的新闻舆论监督作用

    Initial Discussion on the Supervisory Effects of the Public Opinion of Evening paper

  22. 存在新闻舆论监督道德标准;

    4 , ethical criterion of supervision of the press public opinion exists ;

  23. 试论新闻舆论监督的法律保护及法律制约

    On the Law Protection and Restriction of Press Supervision

  24. 生态学视野下的新闻舆论监督研究

    On the Watchdog Role of Press Supervision from the Vision of Media Ecology

  25. 新闻舆论监督与新闻侵权

    The News Public Opinion Supervision and News Infringement

  26. 对新闻舆论监督中越位现象的思考

    Reflections on Over - supervision of the Press

  27. 当前我国的新闻舆论监督存在着一些问题。

    The news public opinion direct of the current our country exists some problems .

  28. 新闻舆论监督的问题与对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of News Consensus Supervision

  29. 新闻舆论监督的功能渐渐凸显出来,但由此引发的新闻纠纷也日益增多。

    The function of supervision of public opinion is becoming more and more manifest .

  30. 加强制度建设,防止权力对于新闻舆论监督的不当干涉;

    Strengthening the construction of institutions to prevent from the inappropriate intervention from powers ;