
  • 网络student insurance;OSHC
  1. 为学生保险每年要付多少钱?

    How much do I have to pay for student insurance each year ?

  2. 有,我有学生保险。

    Yes , I have student insurance .

  3. 试论学校体育与学生保险

    The Trial Discussion On Physical Education And Student 's Insurance Of School

  4. 关于学生保险中的风险与盈利率的探讨

    Discuss on profit margin and risk in students insurance

  5. 告诉我是否我需要购买外国学生保险。

    Please tell me whether I need to purchase a foreign student policy .

  6. 荷兰学生保险

    The student insurance in Holland

  7. 通常有两种不同类型的健康保险你可以考虑购买,国际旅行保险和你抵达国的学生保险。

    There are often two different types of health insurance you can consider buying , international travel insurance and student insurance in the country where you will be going .

  8. 根据《平价医疗法案》的规定,年轻人可以享受父母缴纳的健康保险直到25岁,但如果他们已经参加了学生保险,那么他们需要重新注册。

    Under the Affordable Care Act , young people can stay on a parent 's health-insurance plan through age 25 , but they need to re-enroll if they 've been on a student plan .

  9. 首先,通过大量阅读该学术领域有关的研究成果对我国高校学生保险现状以及国家在高校学生方面的改革及研究成果进行了综述,初步的研究和归纳了大学生医疗保险制度的基本现状。

    First , the paper read a lot of academic researches on the insurance status of college students , summarized the college students ' current insurance situation in our country and some national reforms and research results in college students .

  10. 甲:我在大学里参加了学生保健保险。

    A : I have student health insurance with the university .

  11. 我国民办高校学生医疗保险体系的构建与设想

    Building and Imaging a Medical Guarantee System for Private-owned Colleges in China

  12. 太平洋学院有含学生医疗保险吗?

    Does Pacific Academy provide medical insurance for students ?

  13. 学生平安保险的几个概率问题

    Some Probability Problems In Student 's Safety Insurance

  14. 本文首先阐述了学生团体保险研究的背景、意义和方法,从教育、经济和法律的角度分析了学生团体保险的环境和需求;

    The paper fist expounds the background , significance and means of the research of the students ' group insurance .

  15. 如果您没有自己的保险,丹佛大学可以为您提供优质的学生健康保险计划。

    If you do not have your own health insurance , the University also offers an excellent Student Health Insurance Plan .

  16. 目前,国内多数学者对学生医疗保险的研究工作主要集中在现状对策的研究,实证和理论研究相对较少。

    Currently , the researches of college students ' health insurance done by domestic scholars are mainly about the description of the system , some suggestions and its countermeasures , but less about empirical and theoretical researches .

  17. 基于平衡学校、学生和保险人三方利益的考虑,本文提出侵权责任保险应遵循法律性与经济性相融合的保险利益原则和侵权赔偿与保险赔偿相融合的损害补偿原则。

    Based on balancing schools , students and the tripartite interest of the insurer , this paper tells that the principles of insurance benefits require that tort liability insurance should follow legal and economic model and the damages principle should combine tort damages and insurance claims for damage compensation .

  18. 这个学生的健康保险计划是一种宝贵的效益所带来的成员,你的学生政府。

    This student health plan is a valuable benefit made possible by membership in your student government .

  19. 美国学校也要求学生购买健康保险。

    United States institutions will require that their students have a health insurance policy .

  20. 学生必须买保险吗?

    Do students have to buy insurance ?

  21. 问题33.为什么作者建议海外学生购买健康保险?

    Question 33 . Why does the speaker advise overseas students to buy health insurance ?

  22. 如果你买的是学生险,保险可能会在八月中旬到期。

    If you have insurance under a student plan , it probably will end in mid-August .

  23. 免费后,除了书本费、住宿费、学生意外伤害保险外,学生不用再缴纳任何费用。

    Students needn 't pay fees any more , except those for books , accommodations and personal accident insurance .

  24. 对比分析学生参加医疗保险前后公费医疗的开支和学生个人承担的费用,了解学生参保的利弊;

    Secondly , knowing about the benefit and drawback of students ' medical insurance , by contrasting the free medical service and individual expenses before and after medical insurance ;

  25. 学校体育伤害事故诉讼的巨额赔偿严重束缚了学校体育活动的开展,国家急需建立学生体育意外保险制度。

    At present , the huge compensation of school sports injury accident litigation seriously hindered the development of school physical education . National student sports accident insurance system urgently needs to be established .

  26. 我国在中小学生伤害事故保险制度上的研究起步较晚,到目前为止,相关的研究主要集中在学校侵权责任原则的认定、保险责任范围以及保险费用承担上。

    Chinese in primary and secondary injuries of the insurance system started late , so far , related research focuses on the principles of tort liability school identification , insurance , responsibility and commitment on insurance costs .

  27. 问题34.学生购买国际旅行保险的缺陷是什么?

    Question 34 . What is the drawback of students buying international travel insurance ?

  28. 学校体育保险是体育保险的分支,是面向学校、面向学生群体的专项保险。

    School sports insurance Sports Insurance branch , is for schools , special insurance for the student groups .

  29. 许多保险公司当学生和家人一起保险时,将会提供最高级的护理服务、更好的医生和医院供保户选择。

    Many insurers only provide the highest level of care when a student uses a family 's network of preferred doctors and hospitals .

  30. 如果你在秋季学期开始之前就去那里,你可以从那里获得学生证和社会保险号码。

    If you go there just before the beginning of fall 's semester , you can get your student ID and social security number there .