
  1. 第一部分,商业银行操作风险概述。

    First part , the summary of operation risk in the commercial bank .

  2. 第一部分:教育选择风险概述。

    In first part , the paper summarize the risk of educational choice .

  3. 第二章是保险集团的界定和保险集团公司的风险概述。

    The second chapter is the definition of insurance groups and insurance company risk .

  4. 本文共分为七个部分:一、导论;二、国有企业审计沿革及风险概述;

    The second , Summarize of the audit of national enterprise and the audit risk ;

  5. 第二章是信用风险概述,内容包括信用风险的定义及特征、构成因子、信用风险度量的定义、计量方法和量化管理的动因分析;

    The content includes the definition , feature , factor and the cause of developing measure technology .

  6. 第二章,企业赊销信用风险概述;简要阐述企业赊销信用风险的含义及内容。

    Second chapter summarizes credit risk of credit sale in an enterprise , mainly focusing upon its definition and essence .

  7. 第二章证券公司财务风险概述,重点介绍证券公司财务风险的特征与主要来源分析。

    The second chapter gives an overview of the financial risks in securities companies , which focuses on the characteristics and major source of them .

  8. 婴儿配方食品及婴幼儿后续配方食品中微生物风险的概述

    Summary on microbiological risks in infant formulae food and follow-on formula food

  9. 第一部分:内部审计职业风险的概述。

    The summary of internal audit profession risk .

  10. 接着是生态农业地产项目风险管理概述,对风险、房地产项目风险管理以及生态农业地产项目的必要性和可行性进行分析。

    Secondly , overview of the risk in ecological agriculture real estate project management .

  11. 第二部分是商业银行利率风险管理概述,共分为3小节,这部分是后几部分研究内容的铺垫。

    The second part consisting of three sections is the outline of interest rate risk management .

  12. 对商业银行个人住房贷款风险进行概述,分析个人住房贷款现状。

    Secondly , the risk and situation of individual housing loans of commercial banks was overviewed and analyzed .

  13. 本文的逻辑框架和主要内容如下:第一章:外汇经济风险暴露概述第一章首先介绍了外汇经济风险暴露和其他两种外汇风险暴露(外汇交易风险暴露、外汇会计风险暴露)的含义。

    Firstly , three kinds of foreign exchange exposure are defined in this chapter : transaction exposure , economic exposure and accounting exposure .

  14. 在本部分首先对房地产金融风险进行概述性介绍,对于常见的房地产金融风险进行说明。

    In this part , this paper will introduce the concept of financial risk and give a description to the real estate financial risks .

  15. 本文的主要内容分为四章:第一章,商业银行操作风险的概述。

    According to the ideas above , the main content of this paper is divided into four chapters : Chapter 1.The summary of operating risk .

  16. 第三章介绍了我国跨国并购财务风险理论概述,主要内容包括跨国并购财务风险的概念、特征,并购财务风险识别理论及企业跨国并购财务风险控制理论。

    The third chapter describes the financial risk of cross-border M A overview of the theory , the main contents include the concept and characteristics of cross-border M A of financial risk , financial identification theory financial risk control theory .

  17. 首先分别对地方政府制度创新和政治风险进行概述,分析政治风险对地方政府制度创新的不利影响。

    Firstly , the concepts of the system innovations on the Local government and the political risk are introduced respectively , and then the adverse affects of the political risk on the system innovation on the Local government are analyzed .

  18. 第一部分是股票风险管理概述,介绍股票风险管理的概念、股票筹资风险在企业风险管理中的地位及研究现状。

    The first part is the summery of the risk management of the stock and recommends the concept . It also introduces the risk management of the stock in the risk positions and research current situations in enterprise 's risk management .

  19. 在此框架结构下,首先从承包商的角度对施工风险进行概述,界定了农村公路施工风险的概念,分析了农村公路施工的特点和风险特征。

    In this framework structure , the construction risk is introduced from the perspective of the contractors at first , then the concept of risk of rural road construction is defined , and the characteristics of rural road construction and risk features are analysed in this thesis .

  20. 第三部分在对现代信用风险模型进行概述的基础上,提出了以对企业股票市场价格变化的有关数据为分析基础的KMV模型是我国商业银行相对较为现实的一种借鉴选择;

    The third part is about the modern credit risk model .

  21. 对基于SAP的ERP项目的风险管理进行概述;接着介绍了一般IT风险管理与ERP常见风险;

    Risk Management of ERP Project Based on SAP was briefly summarized , the risk management of IT projects and the general risk factors in ERP project were introduced .

  22. 本文通过对一般股市风险进行理论概述,并对现有的风险度量方法进行优缺点分析,提出了在股指预测数据上建立列维分布VaR与价差率指标来度量我国股市总体风险的方法。

    This article discussed risk for general stock market , and analyzed risk measurement methods which we have had , bring forwarded risk measurement method based on stock value forecast , which involve Levy VaR model and price diversity rate .

  23. 第二章关于税务风险管理理论概述,包括税务风险的涵义、税务风险管理的涵义、风险管理相关理论,其中重点是介绍COSO内部控制理论。

    Chapter 2 is theory of enterprise tax risk management , including the connotation of enterprise tax risk , the connotation of enterprise tax risk management and the theory of risk management , the Emphasis is content of COSO Internal control theory .

  24. 油气管道风险评价技术概述

    Brief Introduction to Risk Assessment Technology for Oil and Gas Pipelines

  25. 农业投资项目风险因素识别概述

    Outline on Identification of Risk Factors of Agricultural Investment Prospect

  26. 这部分首先对资产证券化的风险进行了概述。资产证券化作为一种固定收益证券具有固定收益证券具有的一般风险。

    Firstly outline the risks of asset securitization compared with the general fixed-income securities .

  27. 生态风险评价研究概述

    Brief review : ecological risk assessment research

  28. 首先,本文对操作风险进行了概述,为后文的实证研究奠定了基础。

    The second part provides an overview of the operational risk and lay the groundwork for the empirical analysis .

  29. 第二部分对信用风险进行了概述,介绍了信用风险定义、特点、分类等。

    Chapter two provides an overview of credit risk , including the definition , characteristics , classification of credit risk .

  30. 第二章是信用风险及理论概述,总括了信用风险的含义、特点及风险理论基础。

    The second chapter is the overviews of credit risk and theory , describes the conception of credit risk , character and risk theory .