
  • 网络wind turbine
  1. 3D打印机MakerBotReplicator2的神奇之处就在于它能够打印出任何你能想到的塑胶模型,例如儿童玩具、风力涡轮机的齿轮、或是与你自己的臀部完美贴合的臀模。

    The MakerBot Replicator 2 offers the remarkable ability to print out a 3-D plastic model of just about anything you can imagine : a child 's toy , a gear for a wind turbine , or a perfectly rendered model of your own butt .

  2. 从中国采购部件,也令风力涡轮机厂获益良多。

    Wind turbine makers have also benefited from sourcing components in China .

  3. 风力涡轮机个头大、噪音响,还会破坏周边风景。

    Wind turbines are large and noisy and they disfigure the landscape .

  4. 部分摩天大楼的屋顶设计了风力涡轮机,用来风力发电,例如伦敦的斯特拉塔(StrataTower)。

    Some towers " tops are now designated for wind turbines to harness wind energy , such as the Strata Tower in London .

  5. 德国西门子公司(SiemensAG)周一承诺在天然气和风力涡轮机、火车和其它设备上投入30亿欧元(约合41.7亿美元)。

    Germany 's Siemens AG on Monday pledged ¢ 3 billion ( $ 4.17 billion ) for gas and wind turbines , trains and other equipment .

  6. 美国市值最高的企业集团通用电气(ge)与中国公司合作,成立了一家在华销售风力涡轮机的合资公司,希望能够更深入地渗透到这一快速增长的市场中。

    General Electric , the largest conglomerate in the US by market capitalisation , has established a joint venture with a Chinese company to sell wind turbines in China as it seeks to penetrate more deeply into the fast-growing market .

  7. 用风力涡轮机驱动发电机产生电能。

    The pressure will drive a generator to produce electricity .

  8. 由一名英国发明家设计的新式风力涡轮机。

    A novel wind turbine devised by a British inventor .

  9. 发展出精密的风力涡轮机将风的能量转为电能。

    Sophisticated wind turbines have been developed to convert this energy to electric power .

  10. 现在农民们可以通过能发电的风力涡轮机挣钱了。

    Today , farmers can earn money with high-powered wind turbines that produce electricity .

  11. 昂贵和容易出现问题的变速箱,一直是常规风力涡轮机的致命弱点。

    Expensive and problem-prone gearboxes have always been the Achilles heel of conventional Wind Turbines .

  12. 建筑大师诺曼·福斯特将为这个石油天然气公司的总部用上屋顶风力涡轮机。

    Caja Madrid Tower , MadridNorman Foster 's oil-and-gas-company headquarters will have rooftop wind turbines .

  13. 为了实现这一目标,西门子正在考虑研发更大、更高效的风力涡轮机。

    To achieve this , Siemens is looking to develop bigger and more efficient wind turbines .

  14. 这项研究的目的是为了更好地理解之间海豹,风力涡轮机及水下管道之间的相互作用。

    The aim was to better understand the interaction between seals and wind turbines and underwater pipes .

  15. 岛上大部分的电是由太阳能电池板、风力涡轮机和小型水电站提供。

    Most of their electricity is provided by solar panels , wind turbines and small scale hydroelectric plants .

  16. 中国风电市场的增长速度位居全球之首,平均每小时建造一台风力涡轮机。

    China is the fastest - growing wind market in the world , erecting a wind turbine every hour .

  17. 如果使多风的达科他州遍布不停地转动的风力涡轮机,则该州可能会成为产氢的沙特阿拉伯。

    The windy Dakotas , if studded with twirling wind turbines , could become the Saudi Arabia of hydrogen .

  18. 风力涡轮机等“绿色技术”的发展,预计也将为该行业带来动力。

    The growth of " green technologies " such as wind turbines is also expected to boost the sector .

  19. 尽管如此,通用电气目前仍继续在中国投资,上月还宣布与中方组建一家经营风力涡轮机业务的合资企业。

    Nevertheless , GE is continuing to invest in China and last month announced a wind turbine joint venture .

  20. 上周五,奥巴马禁止罗尔斯公司在俄勒冈州附近的一个海军军事基地建设风力涡轮机。

    On Friday , Obama barred Ralls Corp from building wind turbines close to a naval military site in Oregon .

  21. 三菱重工,一个西屋的核能伙伴,只为出口市场制造风力涡轮机。

    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries , a nuclear-power partner of Westinghouse , manufactures wind turbines but only for the export market .

  22. 尽管风力涡轮机体积庞大、运输困难,但中国厂商已开始在出口市场上有所建树。

    Although turbines are bulky and hard to transport , Chinese manufacturers are beginning to build beachheads in export markets .

  23. 马提亚斯彼得森是认真将第一个屋顶风力涡轮机引进瑞典公寓街廓区块的人。

    Mattias Pettersson is the man in charge of bringing the first rooftop wind turbine to a Swedish apartment block .

  24. 与此同时,改进风力涡轮机的设计和技术,也已经大幅度地降低了风力发电的成本。

    At the same time , improvements in wind turbine design and technology have reduced the costs of wind power substantially .

  25. 中国正在试验一些环保科技,从电动汽车到类似照片中上海东南部乡下的风力涡轮机。

    China is experimenting with eco-friendly technologies , from electric cars to urban wind turbines like this one in southeastern Shanghai .

  26. 鸟类绒毛和其它消音结构可以启发风力涡轮机和飞机引擎装置的改进,以起到降噪减震的作用。

    Down and the other silencing features could inspire wind turbines and plane engines that produce less noise and fewer vibrations .

  27. 地源热泵提供了所需采暖,太阳能光电板和风力涡轮机提供了可再生能源供给。

    A ground source heat pump will provide the heating and photovoltaic panels and an on-site wind turbine will generate renewable energy .

  28. 有几种已成为受危胁物种的鸟类不断被风力涡轮机杀死,其实简单的设计改进就可以控制这些死亡率。

    Birds , including several threatened species , have been killed in wind turbines , but simple design modifications can limit these mortalities .

  29. 美国率先使用风力涡轮机,但欧洲国家使用它们来提供更多电力,十分有意义。

    Wind turbines were pioneered in the United States , but countries in Europe use them to supply more meaningful amounts of power .

  30. 风力涡轮机在全世界范围内杀死很多蝙蝠,然而蝙蝠的确切死因如同恐怖影片中的情节一样,一直带有一种神秘的色彩。

    Wind turbines kill bats the world over , yet the exact cause has remained as mysterious as the plot of a movie thriller .