
  • 网络school counseling;school consultation;Master of Education in School Counseling
  1. 和学校咨询、家长、配偶或一位朋友谈话。

    Talk to someone like a school counseler , parent , spouse , or a friend .

  2. 国际学校咨询公司称,中国人对英语语言学校的需求可谓“无穷无尽”。

    The International School Consultancy says the demand among Chinese for English-language schools is " insatiable . "

  3. 在某些情况下,学生们向学校咨询贷款建议时,他们会跟贷款公司职员谈话。

    In some cases , when students call a school for loan advice , they talk to a lending company employee .

  4. 很多培训学校咨询的时候都讲得天花乱坠,交钱后就不管了,我怕发生这种情况。

    Many schools made excessive promises before I registered , but I only got little service after I paid . I 'm afraid this may happen .

  5. 高等学校多媒体咨询系统的研制

    The Development of Consulting System of Multimedia in Colleges and Universities

  6. 论学校心理咨询过程中咨询师的角色冲突

    A Study on the Roles-conflict of Consultants in Their School Psychological Counseling

  7. 焦点解决短期咨询:学校心理咨询的一种新模式

    Solution-Focused Brief Counseling : A New Model of Psychological Counseling

  8. 学校心理咨询工作,在我国越来越受到重视。

    School counseling began to more important in our country .

  9. 学校心理咨询若干倾向性问题的思考


  10. 怀化市中等学校心理咨询工作的误区及超越

    Working Error Area and Surpassing of Psychological Consultation in Huaihua City Middle Schools

  11. 这些认识误区直接影响到学校心理咨询工作的科学性和时效性。

    The misunderstanding directly influences its science and efficiency .

  12. 论学校心理咨询与职业咨询的异同

    On the Similarities and Differences of Psychological Counseling and Career Consultation in Schools

  13. 所以,我便为她约了学校的咨询顾问。

    So , I made an appointment with the school counselor for her .

  14. 绘画治疗与学校心理咨询:一种新视野下的整合效应

    Art therapy and school psychological counseling : An integrative effect in a new field

  15. 学校心理咨询基本观念刍议

    Basic Ideas on Psychological Counseling of Schools

  16. 对资料进行初审,浏览标题并阅读全文,纳入标准:涉及艺术治疗、绘画治疗或学校心理咨询。

    Inclusive criteria : articles about art therapy , drawing therapy or school psychological counseling .

  17. 普及学校心理咨询阶段是在借鉴了西方学校心理咨询的基础上,开展起来的。

    Universal stage of school counseling has been developed on the basic of learning western experience .

  18. 学校心理咨询的高来访率与低效益;

    The rate of students coming for psychological consultation is high and its efficiency being poor .

  19. 私立学校联合咨询委员会

    Private Schools Association Advisory Board

  20. 对多年来国内外绘画治疗和学校心理咨询文献资料做一回顾。

    A review of literatures of internal or external drawing therapy and school psychological counseling was done .

  21. 建立健全学校心理咨询机构,设立信箱,开展咨询,互相交流;

    Build up the school mental consultation organization , establish the mailbox , open the consultation , mutual exchanges ;

  22. 在此影响下,学校心理咨询亦形成了障碍性咨询和发展性咨询两种模式。

    As a result of these tropisms , mental disorder and developing patterns are the mostly patterns of school psychological counseling .

  23. 邱莉莉学校的咨询师林彬表示,如今来咨询的学生数量超过以往任何时候。

    Lin Bin , Qiu ` s consultant at the university , says he is seeing more students than ever before .

  24. 当安吉拉为儿子乔丹在邻近的阿灵顿公园小学登记入学的时候,学校的咨询员告诉她,她被认为是无家可归者。

    When she enrolled Jordan in her neighborhood school , Arlington Park Learning Center 's counselor told her she was considered homeless .

  25. 目的对某高校理工科大学生的焦虑状况进行了解,为学校心理咨询和心理健康教育提供建议和参考。

    Objective To understand anxiety status of science and engineering course undergraduates and to offer suggestion for school counseling and psychological health education .

  26. 通过分析我国学校心理咨询的发展历程,可以看出是处于普及阶段向本土化、专业化发展的过渡阶段。

    Through analyzing the developmental progress of school counseling , it shows that it begins moving from universal stage to professional and localized stage .

  27. 目的探讨我国大学新生的强迫症状,为学校心理咨询提供参考。方法采用自编强迫症状问卷对大学一年级新生699名进行调查。

    Objective To explore the obsessive-compulsive symptoms of freshmen in China , and to provide reference for mental health education and counseling in schools .

  28. 本文认为,学校心理咨询的对象及其特点,决定了学校心理咨询是学校教育的一个重要组成部分,应定位于发展性咨询。

    The objects and characteristics of school psychological counseling determine that it is an important component of school education , with its orientation developing counseling .

  29. 我跟她谈了一会儿,但是她还很沮丧。所以,我便为她约了学校的咨询顾问。

    I talked to her for a while , but she 's really depressed . So , I made an appointment with the school counselor for her .

  30. 建立和完善统一的大学生心理健康教育、教学纲要和学校心理咨询工作的规程是健全工作制度的关键。

    Establishing and improving unified university students ' mental health education , teaching outline and work rules of school psychological consultation is the key to create sound work system .