
  • 网络sport management;sports administration;Sport Administration and Management;Msc Sports Management
  1. 基于Web的普通高校体育管理信息系统开发策略

    Based on Web to Design Strategies of University Sport Management Information System

  2. 深圳市城市社区体育管理模式研究

    Research On The Urban Community Sport Management Pattern In Shenzhen City

  3. 他是国际体育管理有限公司的创始人。

    He is the founder of International Sports Management Limited .

  4. 各级体育管理部门一直在积极推进体育赛事安全工作,为体育事业发展创造了一个稳定的环境。

    All levels of sports administration have been working actively on safety procedures for sports events , and they have created a stable environment for the development of sports .

  5. 4月初,他的娱乐公司RocNation宣布将涉足体育管理领域。

    This week his entertainment company Roc Nation revealed that it was branching into sports management .

  6. 生长激素(GH)与运动的相关性一直是内分泌学家、运动员和体育管理机构关注的问题。

    Attention was paid to the interaction between GH and exercise by endocrinologist , athlete and sports governing organization .

  7. 1988年通过“托福”和“GRE”考试,获攻读新墨西哥州大学体育管理系现代化专业硕士研究生学位资格。

    Began to study for a Master 's degree in the sports management department of the same university after passing the TOFEL and GRE tests in1988 .

  8. 我国中西部省市部分地区中学校长体育管理行为研究

    Survey on Middle School Principals ' Management Behaviors in Physical Education

  9. 确定体育管理目标体系,实现管理目标;

    Objective system of sport administration should be defined and realized .

  10. 网络环境下我国体育管理信息化的理论与实践探讨

    The Theory and Practice of Sports Administration Informatization in Network Environments

  11. 浅析高校体育管理内容与机构

    Analysis on Contents & Administration of Physical Education Management in Colleges

  12. 小康社会体育管理体制改革的对策

    The Countermeasures of Administrative Systems of Physical Education of Well-off Society

  13. 美国大学竞技体育管理体系的研究

    Research on Management System of Collegiate Competitive Sport in America

  14. 目前中国体育管理体制改革呈现鲜明的过渡型特征。

    Chinese sport management system takes on the obviously characteristics .

  15. 计算机辅助学校体育管理的研究与应用

    The Investigation and Application of Palestra Administration in College Assisted by Computer

  16. 学校体育管理中系统思想应用的研究

    A Study on Application of Systematology in Management of School Physical Education

  17. 高校体育管理方法与模式的探讨

    A probe into methods and mode of college sport management

  18. 广东省结合型群众体育管理体制的研究

    Study on Management System of Mass Sport in Guangdong : Unity Model

  19. 中日澳大众体育管理体制模式的比较研究

    Comparative study of sports management modes of China , Japan and Australia

  20. 对湖北省大众体育管理现状的分析与思考

    An Anlysis and Thought about the Management of Mass Sports in Hubei

  21. 广东省大型企业职工体育管理体制现状

    Current situation of employee sport management of large enterprises in Guangdong province

  22. 2008年奥运会后中国体育管理体制改革的战略选择

    Strategic choice of sports management system reform for China after 2008 Olympic Games

  23. 山东省体育管理人才资源现状及发展战略

    Current situation and developing strategy of sports management talent resources in Shandong province

  24. 法国体育管理体制发展的社会基础和主要特点

    The Main Developing Characteristics and Social Foundation of Sport Administration System in France

  25. 学校体育管理目标及评价

    Management Objective and Apprasial of Physical Education at School

  26. 湖北省大众体育管理体系的对策研究

    A Study on the Countermeasures for Mass Sports Management System in Hubei Province

  27. 中外体育管理专业发展的历史与启示

    History and Revelation of Development of Sports Management Specialty at Home and Abroad

  28. 21世纪初我国城市社区体育管理的困境与出路

    Straits and the Way-out of Our City Commune Sports Management Early 21st Century

  29. 体育管理体制是政府与社团相结合的管理体制;

    Sports administration system is a combined system between government and social entities ;

  30. 我国普通高校体育管理组织结构变迁的影响因素研究

    Influencing Factors on Organizational Structure Transition of Sports Management in China 's Colleges