
  • 网络architectural pattern;architecture pattern
  1. 此外,可以使用Broker体系结构模式来设计此类组合的体系结构。

    In addition , you can use the Broker architectural pattern to design the architecture for such a composition .

  2. 好的开发者常常会使用一些体系结构模式作为软件系统结构设计策略,并将其规范地、明确地表达出来,达到在理论层次上的模式复用。

    A good developer usually makes use of some architectural pattern as the design strategy of software , and presents it clearly and standard to realize the repeated using of the pattern .

  3. ESB是一种体系结构模式,而不是软件产品。

    An ESB is an architectural pattern , not a software product .

  4. ESB体系结构模式可提供系统安全性、可伸缩性或可用性。

    The ESB architectural pattern improves system security , scalability and availability .

  5. 他当前从事IBM主数据管理和信息平台技术上的体系结构模式和使用场景研究。

    He is driving architectural patterns and usage scenarios across IBM 's master data management and information platform technologies .

  6. 本文描述与企业MDM相关的体系结构模式的分类方法。

    This article describes the taxonomy of Enterprise MDM-related architecture patterns .

  7. MVC体系结构模式中的设计模式

    Design Patterns in MVC Architecture Parttern

  8. 因为有多种MDM体系结构模式,需要按照一种

    Since there are multiple MDM architecture patterns , a

  9. 在这篇介绍性文章中,您了解了企业服务总线如何是SOA和IBM的SOAFoundation中的一个关键体系结构模式。

    In this introductory article , you learned how the enterprise service bus is a key architectural pattern in SOA and in IBM 's SOA Foundation .

  10. ESB是一种体系结构模式,支持虚拟化通信参与方之间的服务交互并对其进行管理。

    An ESB is an architectural pattern that supports virtualization and management of service interactions between communicating participants .

  11. 务必要了解ESB体系结构模式可以通过不同的方式物理地实现。

    It is important to understand that the ESB architectural pattern can be physically realized in different ways .

  12. ESB体系结构模式的另一个重要方面就是其强调组件间面向消息和面向事件的通信。

    Another significant aspect of the ESB architectural pattern is its emphasis on message-and event-oriented communication between components .

  13. 大型机环境的SOA支持包括用于发现这些逻辑并使其具有可重用性的各种实践、体系结构模式、工具和中间件。

    SOA enablement for the mainframe environment includes practices , architecture patterns , tools , and middleware to uncover this logic and make it reusable .

  14. 本文再次强调了IBM一如既往的信仰,即ESB是称为SOA的更大模式中的一种基本体系结构模式。

    This article has reinforced IBM 's continued belief that the ESB is a fundamental architectural pattern within the larger pattern called SOA .

  15. 这些解决方案常常由一个或多个与MDM相关的或其他体系结构模式组成。

    These solutions are usually composites of one or more MDM-specific or other architecture pattern .

  16. UNITY是一种简单统一的理论、计算模型和证明系统,而且具有很强的把UNITY程序映射成不同的计算机体系结构模式的能力。

    UNITY is a simple unified theory , computational model and proving system , and has expressive power in rep-resenting programs for a variety of architectures .

  17. MVC(Model-View-Controller)模式是一种软件体系结构模式。

    Model-View-Controller is an architectural design pattern .

  18. MDMReferenceArchitecture基于体系结构模式和最佳实践,为企业开发MDM解决方案提供一个良好的基础。

    The MDM Reference Architecture provides the basis for developing an MDM Solution for the enterprise that is based upon architecture patterns and best practices .

  19. 采用模型-视图-控制器(Model-View-Controller,MVC)体系结构模式以确保体系结构的灵活性。

    Adopt a Model View Controller ( MVC ) Architecture pattern to ensure a flexible architecture .

  20. 此模式总是与一个或多个MDM体系结构模式一起使用,构建MDM解决方案。

    This pattern is always used with one or multiple MDM architecture patterns to build MDM solutions .

  21. IBM对ESB的立场是并且一贯是认为ESB作为SOA中的一种体系结构模式发挥了根本性的作用。

    IBM 's stance on the ESB is and always has been that it plays a fundamental role as an architectural pattern within the SOA .

  22. DDR体系结构模式由显示层、定义层与实现层组成。

    DDR architecture pattern composes of display layer , definition layer and realization layer .

  23. 全新的GIS体系结构模式:g.net

    A brand-new system model of gis : g.net

  24. 还要讨论MDM体系结构模式和企业MDM系统的使用方法之间的关系。

    The relationship between MDM architecture patterns and the methods of use of Enterprise MDM systems is discussed as well .

  25. 它们的主要特点是,它们常常需要许多MDM体系结构模式或其他体系结构模式。

    Their core characteristic is that they usually require a number of individual MDM architecture patterns or other architecture patterns .

  26. 最后,讨论如何使用这些体系结构模式构建全面的MDM体系结构和解决方案蓝图。

    Finally , you 'll learn how to use these architecture patterns to compose comprehensive MDM architecture and solution blueprints .

  27. 尽管本文使用MDM解决方案和MDM解决方案模式这些术语,但是主要讨论MDM体系结构模式。

    Although the terms MDM solutions and MDM solution patterns are used , this article concentrates on MDM architecture patterns .

  28. CBM(前面曾提到)自己就拥有涵盖一些常见行业的业务体系结构模式。

    CBM ( mentioned earlier ) has its own set of business architecture patterns that cover a set of common industries .

  29. 最后,采用B/S/S三层体系结构模式,采用JSP技术、中间件技术以及Web数据库技术,分析设计并开发了研究生综合信息服务系统。

    Lastly , making use of JSP , middleware and Web database technology , the author designed and realized the Graduate Integrated Information Service System based on B / S / S three-layer frame .

  30. 体系结构模式的组合产生体系结构蓝图,而体系结构蓝图是企业MDM系统和解决方案的基础。

    The composition of architecture patterns yield architecture blueprints , which are the architectural underpinning of Enterprise MDM systems and solutions .