
  1. 其次,对中小学师源型性侵案件当前对策所存在的问题进行分析。

    Secondly , the " division Source rape " case current countermeasures primary and secondary schools to analyze the problems .

  2. 其次,通过对调查进行分析,列举我国在中小学师源型性侵犯罪犯罪情境预防实践中存在的问题并对其原因进行分析。

    Secondly , through the investigation to analyze the pros and cons of the issue cited in schools " division Source " sexual assault crime prevention situational practice .

  3. 以此为后面的情境预防理论作为控制我国中小学师源型性侵犯罪主要手段的可行性分析做铺垫。

    As a situational back control of primary and secondary prevention theory as to pave the way Feasibility Analysis " division Source " primary means of sexual abuse .

  4. 请在你申请的时候确认你能提供具有说服力的证据去证明你也会是一个忠诚、活跃并帮助未来学(师)弟妹的好校友。

    In your own application , make sure that you can provide convincing proof that you , too , will be active alum , preferably by demonstrating loyalty to your undergraduate school .

  5. 你想学当理发师,是吧,大夫?

    Training to be a barber , are you , doc ?

  6. 北京师范大学:学为人师,行为世范;

    Learn to be an Excallent teacher ; Act as an Examplary Person .

  7. 他学当木雕师。

    He learnt to be a wood engraver .

  8. 生态环境学是高师地理专业必修的专业基础课之一。

    Eco-environment science is one of the courses for college students who major in Geography .

  9. 我也学驯兽师分析珍奇动物一样开始分析我丈夫。

    I also began to analyze my husband the way a trainer considers an exotic animal .

  10. 学为人师行为世范&对加强教师职业道德建设的思考

    Setting a Typical Example of Teacher with Profound Learning and Proper Behavior : Strengthening Teachers Professional Moral Construction

  11. 美术教育学是高师美术教育专业主体课程之一,以培养学生教学能力为主要目标。

    Fine arts pedagogy is one of the key subjects in the specialty of Higher Fine Arts Teacher Education , which aims to develop students ' teaching ability .

  12. 保险精算学是精算师、应用数理统计学的专业人士所研究和应用的一门学科,它基于概率理论,主要研究金融和保险。

    The Actuarial science is applied by actuaries and the specialists of application statistics . Based on the theory of probability , it mainly concentrates on finance and insurance .

  13. 本研究自编调查问卷,对在职中小学教师(师专毕业)的继续教育状况进行调查,揭示继续教育的困境,分析各方面的障碍和原因,为有效开展教师培训工作提供资料、依据和对策。

    The study investigates continuous professional education to primary and middle school teachers with a self-designed survey , reveals some difficulties , analyzes obstacles and reasons from different directions , and finally provides suggestions and countermeasures for overcoming difficulties in the continuous education .

  14. 公共教育学课程作为高师必修课,对其进行教学模式研究和改革意义重大。

    Public pedagogics is a compulsory course in higher teacher 's training and it is significant to research the teaching methods and reform it .