
yīng yǒng
  • heroic;brave;courageous;valiant;valor;gallant
英勇 [yīng yǒng]
  • [heroic;valiant;brave;gallant] 勇敢出众

  • 英勇善战

英勇[yīng yǒng]
  1. 他的英勇事迹在印度各地广为传颂。

    His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India .

  2. 英勇的中士冒着生命危险从熊熊燃烧着的拖网渔船上救出了29名渔民。

    The heroic sergeant risked his life to rescue 29 fishermen from their blazing trawler

  3. 这部电影表明老百姓在战争期间的英勇行为。

    The film testifies to the courage of ordinary people during the war .

  4. 总统对那些为国战斗者的英勇精神表示敬意。

    The president saluted the courage of those who had fought for their country .

  5. 他们在战争中英勇牺牲,献出了一切。

    They gave their all in the war .

  6. 他因英勇受奖。

    He got an award for bravery .

  7. 她单枪匹马继续英勇顽强地战斗。

    She gallantly battled on alone .

  8. 由于贝特曼在下半场的英勇表现,球队以2:0获胜。

    Thanks to Bateman 's heroics in the second half , the team won 2 – 0 .

  9. 所有人起立为他不可磨灭的英勇之举鼓掌。

    Every person stood to applaud his unforgettable act of courage .

  10. 他在战争中的英勇行为后来被改编成一部电影。

    His wartime exploits were later made into a film .

  11. 他因为表现英勇而荣获维多利亚十字勋章。

    For his gallantry he was awarded a Victoria Cross .

  12. 他们说起自己设法使油轮漂浮的英勇之举时非常谦虚。

    They talked modestly of their valiant efforts to keep the tanker afloat

  13. 她向女学生卡罗琳·塔克颁发了英勇奖状。

    She presented a bravery award to schoolgirl Caroline Tucker .

  14. 他自己因在战争中的英勇表现而获得了勋章。

    He was himself decorated for valour in the war .

  15. 我之所以得到提拔是由于立下了所谓的英勇卓越的功勋。

    I had been promoted for what was called gallant and meritorious service .

  16. 英勇的战士们为恢复和平献出了生命。

    The gallant soldiers lost their lives so that peace might reign again .

  17. 我不能判定他到底是英勇无畏还是精神失常。

    I couldn 't decide whether he was incredibly brave or just insane .

  18. 他的英勇行为应该获得最高的赞誉。

    He deserves the highest praise for his bravery .

  19. 他们在那里对罗马军团进行了最后的抵抗,场面英勇而悲壮。

    There they made their tragic and heroic last stand against the Roman legions .

  20. 英格兰队此刻需要队长采取英勇果断的行为。

    England need heroics from the captain now .

  21. 他因为作战英勇而被授予奖章。

    He was decorated for bravery in battle .

  22. 在消防人员英勇的营救行动中,有5个孩子从浓烟弥漫的房子里被救出。

    Five children were pulled from the smoke-filled house in heroic rescues by fire crews .

  23. 当同事身处危险时他表现英勇,不顾个人安危。

    He had shown himself careless of personal safety where the life of his colleagues might be at risk

  24. 那名士兵因在战场上表现英勇而赢得了奖章。

    The soldier earned a medal for his bravery under fire .

  25. 消防人员中有3位因表现英勇而受到表彰。

    Three of the firefighters received commendations for their bravery .

  26. 英勇的战士们赢得了永恒的荣誉。

    The brave soldiers earned everlasting glory .

  27. 他面对敌人,英勇无畏。

    He stood unyielding and unafraid against the enemy .

  28. 那位下士因作战英勇而受到嘉奖。

    The corporal was cited for bravery in battle .

  29. 他们英勇地战斗了7昼夜。

    They battled heroically for seven days and nights .

  30. 他由于英勇而获得一枚奖章。

    He received a medal for his heroism .