
  1. 要指出的是,快的打车的业务模式和Uber不太一样。

    To be sure , Kuaidi 's model is different from that of Uber .

  2. 阿里巴巴投资的快的打车(KuaidiDache)与腾讯投资的滴滴打车(DidiDache)争夺领先地位。

    Alibaba-backed Kuaidi Dache has vied with Tencent-backed Didi Dache for pole position .

  3. 但是不管它增长了多少,Uber的业务量与它在中国的主要竞争对手“快的打车”相比还是略显苍白。

    No matter how big it has gotten , however , Uber 's ride volume pales in comparison with the numbers of rides of its main Chinese rival , Kuaidi .

  4. 对于中国市场来说,优步是一位后来者,面临着来自滴滴打车(DidiDache)和快的打车(KuaidiDache)等本土企业的竞争。

    Uber is a late-comer to the Chinese market and faces competition from local companies Didi Dache and Kuaidi Dache .

  5. 今年2月,滴滴打车和快的打车合并为滴滴快的。滴滴快的得到了中国最大的两家互联网公司腾讯(Tencent)和阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的投资,这两家公司共拥有滴滴快的约25%的股权。

    Didi Kuaidi , formed in February by the merger of Didi Dache and Kuaidi Dache , is backed by Tencent and Alibaba , China 's two largest internet companies , which have a combined shareholding of around 25 per cent .

  6. 瞄准高端市场今年7月,快的打车宣布将购买一批高档车——宝马5系和奥迪A6轿车,以补充其便宜、便捷的叫车应用。要效仿的目标是总部位于旧金山的租车应用优步(Uber)。

    In July , Kuadi Dache announced that it would be buying a fleet of luxury cars - BMW 5 series sedans and Audi A6 " s - to complement its cheap and convenient taxi-hailing app , writes Charles Clover .

  7. 快的打车已经获得了超过1亿美元的融资,该公司还表示,它已经拥有了一个100万名司机的庞大网络。

    Kuaidi , which has raised more than $ 100 million , now claims 1 million drivers on its network .

  8. 滴滴出行成立于2012年,在互为竞争对手的滴滴打车和快的打车合并之后,成为了中国最大的交通运输网络公司。

    Founded in 2012 , Didi Chuxing became China 's largest transportation network firm after the merger of competitors Didi Dache and Kuaidi Dache .

  9. 然而随着时间的推移,快的打车也希望利用“免费增值”模式,通过其庞大的用户群赚钱。

    Over time , however , Kuaidi is hoping to monetize its giant customer base with what it calls a " freemium " model .

  10. 快的打车应用程序现在已经拥有1亿名用户,不过它最主要的用途是用来在300多个中国最拥堵的城市里叫出租车。

    Its app , which counts 100 million users , is used mostly to hail taxis in some 300 of China 's notoriously congested cities .

  11. 中国在线打车市场还是控制在快的打车和滴滴打车手里,优步尚算不上重要力量。

    Uber is not yet a huge factor in the Chinese online car hailing market , which is sewn up between Kuadi Dache and Didi Dache .

  12. 快的打车正在打造一项名为“一号专车”的豪车出租服务,目标对准了优步所针对的高端客户。

    Kuadi is creating a luxury-car service named " Yi Hao Zhuan che " in Chinese , which is aimed at Uber 's target high-end clientele .

  13. 最终,快的打车希望将业务拓展到拼车、导游和快递服务领域,而这些也正是大多数交通类应用都虎视眈眈的领域。

    Eventually , it plans to extend into the kind of ride-sharing , courier and delivery services that appear to be on the sights of most transportation startups .

  14. 价格战伊始,双方各占大约一半市场;价格战结束时,双方依然各占大约一半市场。不过根据易观国际的数据,快的打车要略微领先。

    Each started the price war with about half the market , and each finished with about half , although Kuadi is slightly ahead according to Analysys International data .

  15. 包括滴滴打车和快的打车这样的打车软件开始了新的服务,今年,中国的用户可以在手机上预订私家车的交通服务。

    Taxi-hailing apps , including Didi Dache and Kuaidi Dache , began to provide a service that allows riders tobook private car transport over a mobile device this year in China .

  16. 如果使用快的打车应用程序内嵌的支付宝功能支付的话,公司会额外补贴1美元。

    On transactions that go through Alipay , a very popular payment service in China that is built into the Kuaidi app , the company will add an additional $ 1 .

  17. 快的打车的联合创始人乔o李表示,快的首先把目光锁定在中国,然后是中国的周边国家,最终可能还会在美国抢占一席之地。

    Kuaidi 's Lee says the company has its sights on China first , and neighboring countries next . Eventually , though , it may seek a foothold in the United States .

  18. 因此从某种角度上来看,中国的电商巨头阿里巴巴投资的“快的打车”和腾讯公司投资的“嘀嘀打车”(嘀嘀的规模和业务量据说和快的差不多)才是打车应用程序界真正的王者。

    That makes Kuaidi , which is backed by Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba , or perhaps rival Didi Taxi ( which is backed by Tencent Holdings and boasts of a similar scale and footprint ) , the world 's king of the ride-hailing apps at least by some measures .

  19. 但是,滴滴快的诞生于竞争之中,由滴滴打车和快的打车这两家公司合并而成。在合并前的2013年和2014年,这两家公司为争夺市场份额投入了大量资金并进行了残酷的竞争。

    But Didi Kuaidi was born in competition as the amalgam of two companies , Didi Dache and Kuaidi Dache , that spent heavily and competed ruthlessly for market share in 2013 and 2014 before joining forces .