
xìng xué
  • sexology
性学 [xìng xué]
  • [sexology] 对性或两性相互作用的研究,尤指人类

性学[xìng xué]
  1. 性学的前沿,是中年和老年人有终身性的高期望的工作。

    The cutting edge of sexology is work with mid-life and older adults who have high expectations for lifelong sexuality .

  2. 再次,从当代性学的角度出发,结合性犯罪的本质属性,对我国性犯罪的概念和范围作了一个界定。

    Once again , from the Angle of contemporary sexology , combined with the essential attribute of crime in our country , the concept of sex crimes and the scope for a definition .

  3. 这些人深入研究过性学,有很多这方面的知识,你可以向他们寻求建议和提示。

    Someone who has studied , or knows much about sex . This is the kind of person you can go to for advice and tips . For example :

  4. 非综合征性学语前聋患者肌球蛋白7a基因部分外显子突变的检测

    Mutation screening in selected exons of myosin 7a gene in prelingual non-syndromic hearing impairment patients

  5. 艾米丽经Twitter投票成为第一约会专家,经DatingAdvice.com网站投票成为第一约会性学专家,她继续在个人网站——SexWithFamily——为人们解惑答疑,大多都是人们不好意思当面问的问题。

    Voted as the No. 1 dating expert to follow on Twitter as well as the No. 1 dating and sex expert by DatingAdvice.com , Emily continues to answer questions on her website , Sex With Emily , that most might be too embarrassed to ask in person .

  6. 研究了鱼翅在不同加热时间(1、2、3、4h)条件下组织构造及其物性学参数(凝胶强度、最大破断应变、剪切应力、破断强度)变化,并测定了胶原蛋白含量。

    Changes in rheological properties and structure of shark fins ( gel strength , maximum breakage strain , shearing strength and fracture stress ) were studied on shark fins heated for various periods ( 1h , 2h , 3h , and 4h ) by a texture meter .

  7. 新时期的文学现代性学理研究

    Philosophical Studies on Modernity of the New Era 's Literature

  8. 性学的科学主义与人文主义两种研究进路跨文化心理学中个人主义和集体主义研究概述

    Two study paths on sexual study ; On Individualism and Collectivism in Cross-Cultural Psychology

  9. 这在某种程度上意味着孔子之仁学思想欲开心性学之源的倾向。

    It somehow means of Confucius benevolence to happy thoughts source of sexuality preference .

  10. 这就是我的工作。我可以算是性学专家。

    Well , this is my work . I 'm sort of a sexual anthropologist .

  11. 教育界、家长与性学专家对青少年性教育的必要性和迫切性尚缺乏共识。

    Sex education in schools is still in its preliminary stage and lack of successful experience .

  12. 它是社会学、人类学、性学与法学研究的一个重要课题。

    It is the sociology , the anthropology , the nature study and a legal science research important topic .

  13. 通过研究野生富硒植物薇菜的粘弹性力学性质等为食品物性学研究提供生物力学参数。

    In order to provide the biomechanical parameters , research on the osmunda cinnamomea which is a kind of plant full of Se was conducted .

  14. 改革开放以来,中国大陆的性学研究得到了振兴与发展,同时带动了性教育事业的进步。

    Since the reform and opening-up , sexuality research in China has been revitalized and promoted , which has also led to a growth in sexuality education .

  15. 这将是一个完美的进球得分,不仅对运动员和性学研究,对相信性是健康生活一部分的人也是如此。

    It would be a big score - not just for athletes and sex research but an important goal for anyone who believes that sex is a healthy part of life .

  16. 在2006年《广州日报》的一则专访中,中国社科院知名社会学者和性学专家李银河表示,中国的同性恋者人数可能在3900万至5200万之间,其中90%的人会选择异性婚姻。

    In a 2006 interview with Guangzhou Daily , leading sociologist and sexologist Li Yinhe of the China Academy of Social Sciences said , 90 percent of the country ` s homosexuals , with an estimated population of 39-52 million , are trapped in marriages with straight partners .

  17. PCCD缺乏特征性影像学表现,确诊依赖病理检查。

    PC CD lacks the characteristic imaging features , which diagnosis dependented on histopathology .

  18. 结论动态增强MRI作为评估正常肾脏灌注及肾小管浓缩功能的无创性影像学方法,可综合反映肾脏结构及功能。

    Conclusion Gd DTPA enhanced dynamic MRI provides noninvasive assessment of renal perfusion and tubular concentrating ability in normal kidney .

  19. 非侵入性影像学方法诊断梗阻性黄疸(US,CT和MRCP)的meta分析

    Diagnosis of obstructive jaundice disease by noninvasive imaging methods ( US , CT , MRCP ): a meta analysis

  20. 应根据仔细的临床检查和特征性影像学结果做出诊断,影像学检查包括B超(多普勒)、CT、MRI/MRA及DSA。

    The diagnosis may be based on the results of careful clinical examination and special imaging techniques , including ultrasound-B examination ( color Doppler imaging ), CT and MRI / MRA , as well as DSA .

  21. 金属塑性加工学多媒体教学软件的开发

    Development of CAI Software for " Metal Plastic Forming Process "

  22. 南冥学是韩国性理学之正宗

    Nan - ming Learning as the Orthodox of Confucianism in South Korea

  23. 杨树抗冻性生理学基础及低温诱导对烂皮病发生的影响

    Physiological Basis of Freezing-resistance of Poplar and Low-temperature-induction Occurrence of Valsa Sordida

  24. 韩国哲学家徐敬德,在韩国的性理学发展中起了巨大的推动作用。

    Korean philosopher So Kyong-dok makes great contributions to the evolution of Koreas Neo-Confucianism .

  25. 假如你因为意识到必要性而学,那是一种需要。

    If you learn because you think it necessary , that 's a need .

  26. 结果肠管子宫内膜异位局部可出现继发性组织学改变和伴随相应的临床表现;

    Results Endometriosis of intestinal tract may result in secondary histologic changes and clinical manifestations .

  27. 现象学视域的人的主体性现象学视野中人与技术的关系

    Human 's Subjectivity of Phenomenology Field The Relationship Between Man and Technology in Phenomenological Perspective

  28. 目的探讨无创性影像学检查技术对颈动脉粥样硬化斑块的检测特点及诊断价值。

    Objective To assess the value of noninvasive imaging in the diagnostic of carotid atherosclerotic plaque .

  29. 小儿肺炎的病毒性病原学研究

    Viral etiology of pneumonia in children

  30. 支气管镜设备和技术的发展使介入性肺病学作为一门新兴学科诞生了,新技术的出现和进步必将使支气管镜技术在介入性肺病学领域中发挥更加重要的作用。

    The blossoming new techniques and their upgrading make bronchoscope play an even more important role in the interventional pulmonology .