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  1. IMF组患者治疗后血红蛋白较前明显上升,经统计有显著性差异,而白细胞、血小板数经检验无统计学差异。

    Hemoglobin compared with the previous the IMF group patients after treatment significantly increased , the statistical significant difference , and white blood cells and platelet count have no significant difference in the test .

  2. 干预后即时、1个月、3个月、6个月两组研究对象SDS得分均数经t检验,差异有统计学意义(P0.001)。

    There were significant differences in the score of SDS of both intervention group and control group between immediate after intervention , 1 month , 3 months , and 6 months after intervention .

  3. 两均数经统计检验等效。

    The two means are equivalent in statistic test .

  4. 劳工部表示,首次申请失业救济金人数经季节性调整为33.6万人,环比下降9000人。

    The Labor Department says initial claims for unemployment benefits declined by 9000 to a seasonally adjusted rate of 336000 .

  5. 首次申领失业救济金人数经季节性调整为36万人,但是这个数字仍符合美国经济目前稳定的就业形势。

    New jobless claims rose to a seasonly adjusted 360000 but that 's still in line with steady job gains in the US economy .

  6. 对由不同特数经、纬纱、所形成的同支持面的结构相,提出新的命名建议。

    The author na - mes anew the structural phase of the common sustaining surface that is formed by the warp and weft of various texes .

  7. 显性致死实验结果表明各剂量组的受孕率、死胎和吸收胎数经统计学处理与阴性对照组无差异。

    The results of dominant lethal test showed no statistical difference in the number of living , dead and resorbed fetuses between the exposed and the negative control groups .

  8. 结果实施临床护理观察管理前后护理观察个案例数经χ2检验有显著性差异,P<0.05;

    Results There were significant differences about cases of nursing observation between after the practice of management of clinic nursing observation and before it . ( P < 0.05 , tested by X2 ) .

  9. 这一时期,今、古文经和谶纬的逐渐趋于融合,学者大多一人兼通数经,开始出现统一的经本,同时带动了小学的发展。

    During this period , now , the classics and the latitude of the gradually fusion , a number of scholars and the unified , began to appear after this , also led to the development of primary school .

  10. 这野母司的员农夫数未经超越800了。

    The staff number of this company has in excess of800 .

  11. 该数模经实验验证其可靠性较好。

    The regressive model proves to be reliable to a great extent in experiments .

  12. 注意,目录清单中符号链接的链接数未经更新。

    Note that the link counts in the directory listing are not updated for symbolic links .

  13. 两组体重、淋巴细胞数增加经χ2检验,P<0.001,差异具有显著性意义。

    There were significant differences in increase of body weight and lymphocytes as revealed by χ 2 , test ( P < 0.001 ) .

  14. 结果两组3个时段内的复发例数,经X~2检验均存在显著性差异(P<0.05或P<0.01),且传统随防组在1.5年与0.5年自身比较复发数有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    Results We found significant differences in recurrence rates for the 3 spans by x2 test ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01 ) while in the conventional fellow-up group , there was significant difference between the spans of 0.5 y and 1.5 y ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 黏膜下肌瘤检出个数TVS和经腹部超声均少于宫腔镜(P<0.05)。

    The number of submucosal myoma detected by transvaginal and transabdominal sonography was less than by hysteroscopy ( P < 0.05 ) .

  16. 骨髓细胞经新鲜酸化AB型血清处理后培养的CFU-GM集落数明显低于经热灭活酸化AB型血清处理后培养的集落数;

    That the number of CFU-GM in marrow cells exposed to acidified fresh human AB serum was significantly lower than that exposed to acidified heat-inactivated human AB serum ;

  17. 但是随着递归IDB(IntensionalDatabase)谓词的项的个数增大,经魔集转换的逻辑程序为寻找与查询相关数据而产生附加元组的开销也会增大。

    However , in search of the relevant data , the cost of generating additional tuples produced by logic program to which magic transformation is applied increases with the arity of IDB ( Intensional DataBase ) predicates increasing .

  18. 结果:经UMLS转换提问词后,3个测试中3组不同类型提问词检出记录数均有增加,经统计学处理有显著差异。

    Result : When transformed by UMLS , the output of the three groups of search terms increased in varied degree , and the difference is evident by statistical disposal .

  19. 本测量法克服了多次反射法中对回波脉冲个数的限制,经温度补偿后测量精度得到了明显改善。

    This method can conquer the limitation of pulse echo times and improve the accuracy of measurement after temperature compensation .

  20. 因基本可行解的个数有限,故经有限次转换必能得出问题的最优解。

    Due to the limited number of basic feasible solution , it will be converted by the finite optimal solution can be reached .

  21. 已在常温下存放数小时和未经加热再次食用的煮熟食物可以是一个重要的感染源。

    Cooked food that has been held at room temperature for several hours and served without being reheated can be an important source of infection .

  22. 临床实践中发现,缺血性中风后遗症病人即使在罹病数年后,经治疗仍可出现功能恢复,其机制与下调脑区的激活有关。

    Clinical practice has demonstrated that the patients of sequela of ischemic cerebrovascular disease may recover after treatment even though suffering from it for many years , which is relevant to the activation of the cerebral area of functional down-regulation .

  23. 对PI控制,可将丢弃数据包的概率从几何随机数改进为标准随机数,经网络仿真器仿真,结果表明,验证了该文提出的这一改进效果。

    Based on the analysis of the PI control , the uniform random variable is substituted for the geometric random variable on the packet drop probability . The results from the network simulator simulations demonstrate the impact of the improvement .

  24. 采用随机数实时核对加密方法,加密卡中随机数生成电路经A/D转换后、通过外部中断方式存入片内RAM中,成为被加密数。

    By using the real time random number checking up encryption , the random number generated by the encryption card was stored in the RAM through external interruption after A / D transformation .