
  • 网络Digital document
  1. 重庆市数字文献资源保障系统的应用实践

    The Application of Digital Document Resource Guarantee System in Chongqing City

  2. 数字文献与纸质文献开发利用的比较研究

    The Comparative Research Between the Tapping and Utilization of Digital Document and Print Document

  3. 基于Web过程模拟的异构数字文献统一检索系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Heterogeneous Digital Documentation Unification Retrieval System Based on Web Simulation Process

  4. 数字文献服务环境与CALIS统一检索平台

    Digital Resource and Service Environment and CALIS Union Search Platform

  5. 数字文献、教学资源创新组织的评估和量化研究

    Digital Library and Teaching Resources Initiatives : Evaluation and Quantitative Research

  6. 高校数字文献保障体系的建设

    Development of digital literature supporting system in colleges and universities

  7. 网络环境中的版权保护与数字文献浏览权

    Protection of Copyright and Browsing Right for Digital Documents in Network Environment

  8. 保存数字文献的责任与制度

    The Responsibility and System of the Preservation of Digital Documents

  9. 数字文献长期保存的非技术因素分析

    Non-technical Factors Research about Long-term Preservation of Digital documents

  10. 数字文献元数据标准比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of Metadata Standards of Digital Literatures

  11. 重庆市数字文献资源建设及利用研究

    Construction & Utilization of Chongqing Digital Information Resources

  12. 数字文献若干问题的再思考

    Reconsideration about several questions of digital documents

  13. 直面数字文献的挑战

    Facing the Challenge of Digital Collections

  14. 论数字文献的寿命

    Longevity of Digital Documents

  15. 并介绍了华南理工大学电子阅览室数字文献服务方面所做的工作。

    The digital information service of electronic resources room in the library of south china university of technology is also introduced .

  16. 围绕着数字文献正展开激烈的行业竞争,图书馆专业正处在这种竞争的旋涡中。

    Centering on digital document resources , setting off a heated competition , libraries find themselves just in the whirlpool of competition .

  17. 论述了新时期图书馆数字文献信息资源的存储形式、数字文献信息资源的建设与管理。

    In the paper , the author has discussed the storage forms , construction and management of digital information resources in libraries in the New Era .

  18. 从图书馆的教育功能和服务职能看纸质文献和数字文献的优势互补。

    From the angle of the education role and service function of library , the paper discusses the mutual advantage complement of paper media and digital documents .

  19. 通过对重庆市数字文献资源现状的调查研究,提出了重庆市数字文献资源建设及利用的发展战略。

    Based on the investigations of digital document resource situation in Chongqing , a development strategy is proposed for the construction and utilization of Chongqing digital information resources in the paper .

  20. 以计算机技术、网络通讯技术为代表的因特网的崛起,使传统图书馆的主要服务方式由以纸质文献服务向以数字文献服务转变。

    To computer technology , network communication technology , as represented by the rise of the Internet , so that traditional library services from mainly with paper document to serving turn around with figure document .

  21. 本文通过分析一般文献的组成元素、元素之间的结构关系和传统文献的结构标识,提出数字文献在元数据基础上的结构标引。阐述了结构标引的一般意义和基本原理。

    By analyzing the consisted elements , structure relations between the elements and the structure indexing of the conventional document , this paper presents the structure indexing of digital document on the base of the metadata , and expounds the significance and principles of the structure indexing .

  22. 同时,进入多种数字技术文献数据库,如中文的中国期刊网全文数据库等,外文的ABI/ARL数据库等;在互联网上使用Google和Baidu搜索引擎,查找相关发展动态与研究评论。

    At the same time , access to a wide range of digital technical literature databases , such as the China Journal Full-text database , and the Foreign ABI / ARL databases . I also use Internet search engines , such as google and Baidu .

  23. 中国数字图书馆文献信息量的增长态势及其核心著者测评

    The Increasing Tendency of Document Information Amount of Digital Libraries in China and Evaluation on Core Authors

  24. 本文结合我国现行法律对有关版权问题的规定,对数字图书馆文献资源建设过程中涉及的有关版权问题提出了探讨,着重论述了文献资源数字化中的版权问题;虚拟馆藏资源建设中的版权问题。

    This paper aims to probe into the issues of copyright on establishing document resources of digital library according to the related stipulations of current law , which involved mainly in digitization of document resources and establishing resources in virtual library .

  25. 基于CNKI文献的我国个人数字图书馆的文献计量分析

    The Bibliometric Analysis of Personal Digital Library in China Based on the CNKI 's Documents

  26. 我国数字图书馆专题文献分布状况调查分析

    The Investigation and Analyses about the Distribution of Digital Library Special Documents in Chinese

  27. 数字图书馆科技文献知识导航

    A Knowledge Navigation System for Scientific Document Retrieval

  28. 探讨数字技术给文献管理带来的风险与新问题,论述相应的解决方案与正在开展的研究工作。

    Analyzes the risk and problems brought by digital technologies , discusses the solutions concerned and the research carrying out .

  29. 数字图书馆具有文献信息载体活化、馆藏结构和管理逻辑化、信息传递模式全双工化、语言高度抽象化等特征。

    The digital library has characteristics of activation of information documents , logicality in the structure and management , duplexity of information transmission mode , high abstrusity in language .

  30. 但是,现存的数字水印研究文献中,图像水印远多于视频水印,因而视频水印技术的研究应获得更多的关注。

    However , among the existing digital watermarking literatures , image watermarking algorithms are far more than video ' s. So more attentions should be paid to video watermarking algorithms .