
  • 网络digital signature
  1. windows无法将这个软件数据包的数字签字类别安装到您的计算机上。

    Windows could not install the digital signature catalog for this software package onto your computer .

  2. 采用前向安全数字签字的移动代理设计与实现

    Design and implementation of the mobile agent with forward-secure digital signature

  3. 基于ECC的入侵容忍数字签字方案

    Intrusion Tolerant Signature Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography

  4. 矩阵共轭变换掩护下的公钥密码系统和数字签字

    Public-key Cryptosystem and Digital Signature Protected by Matrix Conjugate Transformation

  5. 它采用PKI/CA和序列号等方法综合了数字签字的安全性和电子印章的形象性。

    The system uses PKI / CA and serial number method and can fuse the direct-vision of electronic seal system with security of digital signature .

  6. 首次提出利用不可逆物理过程的数字签字,基于热力学第二定律建议一个数字签字方案,对签字的实现进行离散化处理。

    Digital signatures are first proposed using irreversible physical process . Based on the second principle of thermodynamics , a digital signature is presented and its implementation in discrete model is considered .

  7. 提出利用迭代S盒模拟指数运算,从而模拟基于离散对数问题的密钥协商,公钥加密和数字签字。

    An approach is proposed to efficiently simulate exponentiation operation using iteration of S-Box , and then to implement the key agreement , public-key encryption and digital signature based on discrete logarithm problem .