
  • 网络urgent
亟待 [jí dài]
  • 迫切等待。如:“這個低收入家庭突生變故,亟待善心人士的援助。”

  1. 备忘录的结尾写道:“请将此事作为亟待处理事项。”

    The memo ends : ' Please give this matter your most urgent attention . '

  2. 抓住时机解决亟待解决问题加速ADSL发展

    Griping Opportunity & Solve the Problems of Urgent Solving Speeding Development ADSL

  3. 报告精确说明了亟待援助的地区。

    The report pinpointed the areas most in need of help .

  4. 这房子虽亟待修缮,但仍有可资利用的价值。

    The house is in a bad state of repair but it has possibilities .

  5. 我认为我在书中写的正是目前该国亟待解决的问题。

    I think what I put in that book is now pretty much the agenda for this country

  6. 空气污染是一个亟待解决的问题。

    Aerial pollution is a problem that should be solved quickly .

  7. 大量失业是我们这个时代亟待解决的问题之一。

    Mass unemployment is one of the burning issues of our times .

  8. 政府在学前教育方面的资金投入严重缺乏,今后亟待改善。

    We also have a sore lack of government investment in preschool eduction2 , which should be enhanced in the future .

  9. 跳广场舞的大妈,其实是一种自创的文化团体,大妈们现在到处找不到跳舞的场地,体现出了我们老年文化产业亟待发展、老年人文化需求急需得到满足的体现。

    The women who are into square-dancing cannot find other places for the hobby and have to form a group of their peers . The phenomenon shows that we urgently need to boost the cultural industry for seniors and meet their demands .

  10. 但是,与国外BOT法律理论与实务相比较,我国的BOT市场仍然存在诸多亟待处理的法律问题。

    Many problems to be eagerly solved still exist in our BOT market .

  11. 加入WTO以后,我国农业面临着严峻的挑战,如何提高我国农业外贸竞争力,是当前一个亟待解决的问题。

    After the entry into WTO , our agriculture faces with serious challenge . The urgent problem to solve is how to improve our agriculture trade competition .

  12. 目前郑州市农业保护水平较低,与WTO的有些政策措施规则相抵触,入世后,郑州市亟待按照WTO的有关规则,调整和完善农业政策。

    At present , the agricultural protection in Zhengzhou is rather weak , which contradicts with the related policies and measures of WTO . After china entered WTO .

  13. 随着XML文档的大量涌现,如何高效地像存取整个文档一样直接存取文档中任意元素已成为一个亟待解决的关键问题。

    With widespread application of XML documents , efficient and direct access for arbitrary element as well as whole document has become a key problem that needs to be solved .

  14. 但是OFDM技术还有许多亟待改进的地方,其中最重要的问题就是同步和自适应链路技术。

    However , many technologies must be improved in OFDM systems . The paramount important technologies of them are synchronization and adaptive link .

  15. 从ITO废靶中回收铟是生产中亟待解决的问题。

    The recovery of indium from waste ITO target is a problem to be dealt with urgently in production .

  16. 如何协调好各业务系统和管理系统,使之成为一个统一的、协同工作的系统,成为运营商亟待解决的问题,电信运营支撑系统(OSS)正是解决这些问题的有效方法。

    OSS can resolve the problems , which make all the system cooperate with each other .

  17. 但是PCR技术遇到的瓶颈问题影响其进一步的应用,例如特异性问题,因此亟待寻找解决这些问题的方法。

    However , the bottleneck problems , especially the aspect of non-specificity , hinder the further application of PCR . Thus it is urgent to find methods to solve the issues .

  18. 随着加入WTO的脚步日益临近,知识经济浪潮下的中国农业面临转型,我国农产品营销体系亟待创新。

    With the approaching of China joining the WTO , Chinese agriculture under the tide of knowledge economics confronts with transforming , net marketing system of chinese agricultural products is in great need of innovation .

  19. 加入WTO,农业的发展面临全新的国际环境,如何进行农业结构调整使地区布局更加合理,是我国当前农业发展过程中一个亟待解决的问题。

    After entering WTO , the development of Chinese agriculture is faced with new environment . How to adjust agriculture structure to optimize the region arrangement has become a imperative problem during current agricultural development .

  20. 与此同时,外资银行也亟待需要与WTO规则相协调的规范与保障;而对于中国商业银行内部监管的诸多法律措施亦在期盼早日诞生。

    In the meantime , foreign banks are eager to coordinate with the rules of WTO , whereas many legal measurements taken to supervise and mange internal China 's business bank call for a soon birth .

  21. 与此同时,化学镀Ni-P合金因它所具有的优异耐蚀性能迅速发展起来,已广泛应用于石油、食品、汽车、计算机和天然气等领域,但是在海洋环境的应用还有许多亟待解决的问题。

    Meanwhile , Electroless Ni-P alloys are developing quickly that have applied to the field of petroleum , foodstuff , car , computer , and naturalgas .

  22. TDSCDMA标准采用了智能天线技术,提高其定位精度是目前亟待解决的关键问题。

    The TD-SCDMA criterion adopts smart antenna , in which how to improve its location precision is the key problem .

  23. 随着以GIS(地理信息系统)为代表的空间信息系统的快速发展,空间信息大量产生,空间数据挖掘已成为当前亟待研究的重要课题。

    Along with the development of Spatial Information System in which GIS ( Geography Information System ) is an important example a mass of spatial data is accumulated , so spatial data mining has become a crucial subject .

  24. 因此,T5荧光灯的建模成了电子镇流器设计中亟待解决的问题。

    As a result , the simulation model construction for T5 fluorescent becomes extremely urgent to design engineers .

  25. 虽然VoIP系统目前仍然存在一些亟待解决的问题,但随着技术的发展,这些制约VoIP的因素必将被解决。

    Though there still exist some problems in VoIP system for further exploration , the factors that constrain the functions of VoIP will be solved with the development of relative technology .

  26. 目的:大隐静脉(SV)是CABG术中常用的血管材料之一,然而SVG再狭窄仍是临床亟待解决的难题。

    OBJECTIVES : Saphenous vein ( SV ) is one of the most common used vascular materials for CABG , but restenosis of these vein grafts remains a clinical problem .

  27. 该文论述了供应链企业之间亟待解决的与远程数据接口相关的问题,包括远程数据接口的含义,与EDI的关系,远程数据共享方式等。

    The author discusses some questions referring to remote-data-interface between enterprises on supply chain , the ones including the concept of remote-data-interface , relation with EDI , and sharing way of remote data , etc.

  28. 指出了信息集成是成本估计的亟待解决的关键问题;设计了集成化成本估计的支持系统,该系统将CAD产品结构信息、CAPP中的工艺信息和MRPⅡ中的工作中心信息进行系统集成。

    A supporting system of integrated cost estimation was designed in this paper which conducted a systematic integration on the structural information of CAD product , on the technological information in CAPP and on the work centre information in MRP ⅱ .

  29. 针对XXX公司亟待解决的生产物流中库存管理问题,进行了FORD-8D质量控制方法的实例研究。

    There are taken an example research for Ford-8D as the method of quality control to the problem inside the store management of XXX Company .

  30. 对灌区计划用水、科学用水和节约水资源等工作造成了很大的影响,因此U形渠道测流技术是亟待解决的问题。

    It seriously hindered the testing water amount in U channel of irrigated region , collecting the water rate . So , it is a practical problem of production urgently to be solved in vast irrigated region that the U channel examines the technology of flowing .
