
  • 网络Arthur Andersen;Arthur Anderson;Arthur Andersen & Co
  1. 安达信会计师事务所为安然公司提供审计达整整16年之久,长期的合作关系是否会损害注册会计师的独立性,或者带来其他问题值得思考。

    Arthur Andersen accounting firm had provided auditing service for as long as 16 years . It is worth reflecting that long-term cooperation may jeopardize the independence of CPA or bring about other problems .

  2. 从本世纪初开始,美国安然公司爆发了惊人的财务舞弊丑闻,直接导致百年信誉的安达信会计师事务所破产。

    Since the beginning of this century , the staggering financial fraud scandal , broke out in the United States of Enron , has directly resulted the bankruptcy of Arthur Andersen which is known for its hundred years ' credibility .

  3. 在阿里巴巴内部,不少人十分欣赏张勇国际化的管理风格,这在一定程度上要归功于他早期在安达信会计师事务所(ArthurAndersen)和普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)工作时得到的训练。

    Within Alibaba , there is admiration for Mr. Zhang 's cosmopolitan management style , in part honed during stints early in his career at Arthur Andersen and PricewaterhouseCoopers .

  4. 2000年美国著名的安达信会计师事务所(ArthurAndersen)因涉嫌粉饰财务报表、虚假陈述和欺诈投资者这三大罪状而由加洲大学牵头提出诉讼。

    In the year of 2000 , one of the most famous CPA-Arthur Andersen in USA was sued by university of California because of polishing finical report , false statement as well as cheating investor .

  5. 由于安然事件的影响,安达信会计师事务所宣告解体,这些重大事件给美国和世界注册会计师行业带来了巨大的冲击。

    Owing to the Enron event , the Andersen CPA firm collapsed , such events had crucial influences on American and world CPA industry .