
  • 网络Digital learning;e learning;E-Learning;E—learning;e-leaming;E-leaning
  1. 在PC时代,数字化学习是基于个人电脑和有线网络的。

    In PC era , E-Learning is based on personal computer and wired network .

  2. 近年来数字化学习(E-learning)成为信息技术与学科整合的热点,但历史教学领域对此问题的探讨尚存不足,有待研究的深入。

    In recent years , E-learning has become a focus of integrating information technology into the curriculum . But there are some deficiencies in this subject , which was discussed by the field of history teaching .

  3. 面向数字化学习环境构建的Web服务组合方法研究

    Research of the Web Service Composition Approach for Building E-learning Environment

  4. 嵌入式学习:后PC时代的数字化学习

    Embedded Learning : E - Learning in Post-PC

  5. BlendedLearning:数字化学习方式的新趋势

    Blended Learning : the New Trend of Electronic-learning

  6. e-Learning是在基于计算机技术和网络技术,具有丰富数字化学习资源和工具的现代信息技术环境下的数字化学习。

    E-learning is digital learning based on the technology of computer and network .

  7. 提出了基于Agent的农村数字化学习平台设计模型,详细设计了平台中涉及的相关各Agent功能模块和数据库。

    The design model of Agent-based rural digital learning platform is put forward ; every Agent functional model and database related to the platform is specifically designed . 3 .

  8. 网络学习、在线学习、数字化学习和E-learning是否就是远程学习?

    Are networked learning , online learning , digital learning and E-learning all the distance learning ?

  9. ICT的有效运用&英国数字化学习辅助资料的质量原则体系及其借鉴价值

    Use Information and Communications Technology Effectively & Quality Principles for Digital Learning Resources in British

  10. Quizgame:数字化学习评价方式的新取向

    Quiz Game : New Tendency of Digital Learning Evaluation

  11. E-learning在一方面是指一种基于网络的学习,在另一方面,它也包括了数字化学习,例如基于多媒体的学习。

    It includes not only network learning based on internet , but also digital learning based on multimedia .

  12. 构建了基于Agent的农村数字化学习平台的总体结构和框架,并在此基础上重点阐述了学生模型的详细设计与开发过程。

    The overall structure and framework of Agent-based rural digital learning platform is constructed ; based on this , the detailed design and development process of students ' model is expatiated upon particularly .

  13. 混合式学习的核心目的就是要将传统课堂教学和数字化学习(e-learning)的优势相结合,有效的提高学生的学习效果。

    The core aim of blended learning combines the advantage of traditional classroom teaching with the advantage of E-learning , and effectively increases the performance of learning .

  14. 随着计算机网络技术及数字化学习技术的发展和普及,以及Web应用程序的复杂性越来越高,传统的Web应用已经越来越难满足用户的需求。

    Along with the computer network technology and digital learning technology ( e-Learning ), and the development and popularization of the complexity of the Web applications is higher and higher , the traditional Web applications has more and more difficult to satisfy the demand of users .

  15. 数字图书馆与数字化学习、知识管理&也谈《中国知识资源总库》及CNKI网格资源共享平台、中国知网门户的设计思想

    Digital Library and Digital Study , Knowledge Management Also Discuss the Design Ideal of China Knowledge Resources Integral Databases CNKI Grid Resources Sharing Platform , China Knowledge Network

  16. 信息化、全球化、知识化的发展趋势要求企业员工不断更新知识和提高技能。E-learning这一数字化学习方式已经成为各大企业开展员工培训的重要方式,其重要性有目共睹,具有广阔的发展前景。

    It application , and the trend of globalization is premised on to employees updating knowledge and skills learning to the digital has become all the big enterprises in staff training of important ways , its importance to having a broad range of perspectives .

  17. 为了推进高校教育信息化的进程和积极为学生营造数字化学习环境,国内高校纷纷引入以Blackboard平台为代表的数字平台,广泛开展基于网络平台的教学组织与管理工作。

    In order to advance the process of higher education information technology and create a digital learning environment for students positively , domestic colleges and universities have brought in the digital platforms , represented by Blackboard platform , and teaching organization and management have been widely implemented through web-based platform .

  18. 数字化学习社区建设的理论支撑和社会基础

    Theoretical Support and Social Foundation on Construction of Digital Learning Community

  19. 数字化学习与课堂教学结构变革探究

    Research on E-learning and the Change of the Classroom Teaching Structure

  20. 基于绩效技术的企业数字化学习支持系统设计研究

    The Design Research of Enterprise E-Learning Support System Based on Performance Technology

  21. 外国古建史课程的数字化学习探讨

    Integrating " E-learning " into teaching the history of foreign ancient architecture

  22. 医院图书馆数字化学习环境建设初探

    Research on construction of digital study environment in hospital library

  23. 各国先后展开了对数字化学习的研究。

    Countries begin to research into digital learning successively .

  24. 数字化学习资源的时空特点及作用机理

    Space-time Characteristics and Functionary Mechanism of Digital Learning Resources

  25. 数字化学习港可持续发展的运行机制探讨

    On Operating Mechanism of Sustainable Development in E-learning Hub

  26. 数字化学习环境:开放远距离教育新的可能与机遇

    New Possibilities and Opportunities of the Digital Learning Environments for Open and Distance Education

  27. 基于形式化本体的数字化学习资源共享技术研究

    Study of Sharing Technology of Ontology-based e-Learning Resources

  28. 数字化学习中现代图书馆作用分析

    Function analysis of modem library in digitized learning

  29. 物理课程的数字化学习

    The Digitalized Learning on the Physical Curriculum

  30. 数字化学习技术有力的促进了教育的深化改革。

    E-learning technologies promote the education reformation .