
shù xué qī wànɡ zhí
  • mathematical expectation
  1. 这种转化方法求出的结果实际上是基于概率统计的一个数学期望值,并不一定是最优的结果,在实际应用时可能和最优决策相去甚远。

    The results , which based on a mathematical expectation of the probability statistics , may be not the optimal results and far away from the practical applications .

  2. 根据扫描电镜照片,对Si相分类统计,用概率统计求其数学期望值来定义变质度。

    The modification rate was defined as statistic probability for expectated value based on the classified Si phase SEM photos .

  3. 然后求出了使利润数学期望值最大化的最优存贮水平的条件方程式,为实际补到水平控制提供依据。

    It provides a reference for how to control actually the replenishment level .

  4. 学生把获利数学期望值理解为实际发生概率最大的那个获利;

    To take the expected-value as the value which is most likely to happen ;

  5. 提供了一个在数学期望值不相等条件下进行概率分析的新方法,该方法采用所谓标准差系数作为分析指标。

    Using the standard deviation coefficient as analysis target , the author provides a new probability analysis method , in case the mathematical expectations are different .

  6. 当泄漏点沿管道不均匀分布时,可以采用潜漏长度的数学期望值作为阀门位置优化准则。

    The mathematical expected value of potential leakage length can be taken as the optimization criterion of valve position when leakage points don 't distribute equally along the pipeline .

  7. 火力强度模型则通过以特定兵力密度分布在本区一分钟内抗击饱和进袭的敌空袭兵器的数学期望值建立。

    The fire intensity model is built by the mathematic expectation that the forces that are arrayed in given distribution density attack the saturation air attack forces in a minute .

  8. 本文概括了我国上市公司四大财务能力,并计算了反映这些财务能力的主要比率指标最近五个季度的数学期望值与标准离差率。

    This paper summarizes four major financial abilities of the listed company in China , and calculates the expected value and the standard deviation rate of the index of main rate which reflect these financial ability in the late five quarters .

  9. 利用概率论,引入有关变量的数学期望值,导出了两种直线度误差评定方法的内在联系,从而提出一种建立在两端点连线法基础之上的直线度误差评定新思路。

    Based the probability theory , the expectation values of relevant variables are introduced , the internal relations between two evaluation methods about straightness error are derived and a new evaluation method based on the line of two end-points is presented .

  10. 利用AID(AutomaticInteractionDetection)预测法,进行了编程计算,得到了预测规则,并给出了预测的偏差平方和及降水pH值的数学期望估计值;

    Based on the AID ( Automatic Interaction Detection ), a forecast method and the error square sum of forecast are given . Then the mathematical expectation of the pH value is estimated .

  11. 利用偏最小二乘回归理论,对酸雨数据进行了编程计算,得到了偏最小二乘回归方程,并计算了偏最小二乘回归模型的预测残差平方和降水pH值的数学期望估计值。

    Using the partial least square regression theory , the partial least square regression equation the error square sum of forecast are given . Then the mathematical expectation of the pH value is estimated .

  12. 讨论面点销售利润的模型,提出了获利数学期望最大值的条件,并在此基础上进一步讨论了损失费用的最小值,为销售商的营销策略提供一定的借鉴。

    The thesis sets up the ready-made flour-product sale profit model by putting forward the conditions on which the maximum mathematic expectation of profit is based .