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  • 网络SILVER RING;Silvery Ring of Undead Bane
  1. 钻石戒指比银戒指和金戒指都要贵。

    The diamond ring is more expensive than the silver ring and the gold ring .

  2. 黄老板满脸通红,耸了耸肩,指了指左手上的银戒指然后微笑。

    Ed blushed , shrugged , and then gestured towards a silver ring on his left hand while smiling .

  3. 新郎向新娘赠送一串念珠,一本祈祷文,一根上面串着三把钥匙的腰带(用以保护她的贞洁),一顶毛皮帽,一个银的结婚戒指。

    The groom gives the bride a rosary , a prayer book , a girdle with three keys ( to guard her virtue ) , a fur cap , and a silver wedding ring .

  4. 波黑人:新郎向新娘赠送一串念珠,一本祈祷文,一根上面串着三把钥匙的腰带(用以保护她的贞洁),一顶毛皮帽,一个银的结婚戒指。

    Bohemia5 ) : The groom gives the bride a rosary6 ) , a prayer book , a girdle7 ) with three keys ( to guard her virtue ) , a fur cap , and a silver wedding ring .