
  • 网络sexual hormone disturbance
  1. 结果T2DM患者存在性激素紊乱。

    Results The patients with T2 DM had sex hormone disturbances .

  2. 其作用机制可能与调整体内性激素紊乱、对抗炎症反应、增强心肌自分泌功能有关。

    It takes effect possibly by adjusting the disorder of sex hormon , decreasing inflammatory injury , improving myocardial self-releasing hormon .

  3. 【结论】补肾壮骨颗粒有类激素作用,使雌激素及碱性磷酸酶升高,是防治绝经后性激素紊乱、骨代谢改变的高效、安全的中药制剂。

    Conclusion BZG exerts a parahormone effect in increasing the contents of E 2 and ALP and is effective and safe in the prevention and treatment of the disorder of sexual hormones and bone metabolism in early menopausal women .

  4. 结论:男性甲亢患者存在性激素代谢紊乱;患者血清T和E2水平的增高是机体为了适应高代谢环境,下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴所产生的适应性变化;

    Conclusion : There are sexual hormone metabolism disorder in hyperthyroidism men , and the increasing serum T and E_ ( 2 ) levels are only to adapt the high metabolism environment , and the changes of hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axes .

  5. 诱导股骨头坏死HPA轴的抑制状态,但加剧性激素水平的紊乱。

    LM could antagonist the inhibition of HPA axis and disturb the level of sex hormone .

  6. 【结论】PCOS患者促性腺激素和性激素水平发生紊乱。

    [ Conclusion ] PCOS patients have disorders in their gonadotropin and sexual hormone levels .

  7. 性激素内环境紊乱可能是导致AMI发生的独立危险因素。

    Perhaps the disturbance of sex hormone internal environment is an independent risk factor for the incidence of AMI in men .

  8. 男性性别是冠心病(CHD)乃至AMI发病的危险因素之一,国内外对男性性激素内环境紊乱与AMI关系的研究很少。

    The gender of male is recognized as one of the risk factors for coronary heart disease ( CHD ) even AMI .

  9. 中老年男女性激素内环境紊乱与血脂、血压变化的研究

    To Study the Correlation between Disorder of Sex Hormone and Change of Lipid and Blood Pressure in the Middle and Old Aged Men and Women

  10. 提示本病患者体内存在性激素内环境紊乱,这种紊乱主要是靶腺功能障碍,似与垂体分泌功能无关。

    It showed that there existed various internal environmental disorder of SSH in the body of these patients , and this sort of disorder was mainly functional disturbance of target gland and it seems to have nothing to do with the pituitary secretory function .

  11. 表明性激素内环境的紊乱与OA的发生发展机制密切相关。

    These results indi - cate that the sex hormone internal environment disorder is closely related to the osteoarthritis mechanism .

  12. 结果:Ⅲ、Ⅳ组鼠BMD水平均明显提高,并都能纠正外源性DXM所致的性激素、微量元素紊乱,与Ⅱ组比较P<001。

    The results showed that BD level of the rats in Group ⅲ and ⅳ was elevated obviously and also the disturbance of sexual hormone and trace elements caused by exogenous DXM could be corrected , in comparison with Group ⅱ ( P < 001 ) .

  13. 结论:1.邻苯二甲酸酯类可以引起雄性大鼠性行为的异常,其机制可能与体内性激素水平紊乱和NO水平变化有关。

    Phthalate esters can affect male rats sexual behavior , which may related to the disorders of the reproductive hormones and NO levels . 2 .

  14. 目的探讨性激素水平与血管内皮功能的关系及性激素内环境紊乱在男性急性冠脉综合征(ACS)发生中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between sex hormones ( SH ) and endothelial dysfunction and to explore the mechanism of internal environment disturbance of sex hormones on atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease in male patients with acute coronary syndrome ( ACS ) .