
  • 网络Standard of spouse selection;mate selection criteria
  1. 大学生已经逐步形成了自己的择偶标准,在谈恋爱后感情比较投入、真挚;

    Students have their own standard of spouse selection , so their feelings are sincere and wholehearted ;

  2. 十五年来中国男性择偶标准的变化

    Changes of mate selection of Chinese men in the last 15 years

  3. 16~18世纪英国中上阶层的择偶标准

    Criteria of choosing spouse in English upper-and-middle class from 16th - 18th century

  4. 择偶标准不应当事先确定。

    Criteria for marriage partner are not predetermined .

  5. 这两种男人以自己所欣赏的特点作为择偶标准。

    Both men define their just-right wife with qualities that they admire within themselves .

  6. 论《聊斋志异》中的择偶标准及其审美情趣

    On the Standard for Spouse Selection and Aesthetic Taste in Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio

  7. 那类以男士送贵重礼品为其择偶标准的女性正在销声匿迹。

    The breed of women who lives off the expensive gifts a man gives her is vanishing .

  8. 从贾母所定择偶标准看其开明婚姻观&兼论林黛玉婚姻悲剧产生的原因

    On Mother JIA 's Liberal Views on Marriage & From the Spouse Standards She Set for JIA Bao-yu

  9. 在《中国妇女》英文月刊的采访中,人们各抒己见,诠释对这一古老的择偶标准的理解。

    Women of China English Monthly interviewed several people for their " modern understanding " of this age-old idea .

  10. 在判定一个人是不是未来伴侣的时候,大多数单身人士都有自己的一套择偶标准。

    Most singles have deal breakers when evaluating whether or not someone is their future Mr. or Mrs. Right .

  11. 我年薪超过50万,符合你的择偶标准,所以请相信我并不是在浪费大家的时间。

    I qualify as a guy who fits your bill-that is , I make more than $ 500K per year .

  12. 包括对婚恋观中择偶标准、婚恋基础、家庭观念等问题的看法。

    Including the concept of love and marriage in the marriage , spouse , based on family values and other issues .

  13. 而在我看来,大部分中国男人的择偶标准不外乎一条&漂亮。

    As far as I am concerned , the only standard for Chinese men to choose spouse is women 's looking .

  14. 婚姻交换论从理性选择的角度解释了个体择偶标准和择偶意愿的形成。

    Marriage Exchange Theory explains the mate selection preferences and the will to get married from the rational point of view .

  15. 理性选择视角下初婚者择偶标准的性别差异&以对厦门市的调查为例

    Gender Differences in First-married Resident 's Criterions of Spouse-selection under the Rational Choice Perspective & Take the Investigation in Xiamen for Example

  16. 论文正是在此背景下,从高校艺术类大学生的恋爱态度、择偶标准、恋爱动机等方面进行系统剖析。

    According to the art college students ' attitudes , standards , motivation of love and other aspects , it has analyzed systematically .

  17. 大部分的亲友一直都在关心我的个人问题,有些朋友问过我的择偶标准。

    Most of my relatives have been caring about my personal affair for all time , some friends ask me about my criteria of ideal girlfriend .

  18. 文章通过对电视相亲节目中嘉宾资料的定量与定性的分析,力图探索当代青年的择偶标准。

    This article , on the TV to show the guest information analysis of the quantitative and qualitative analysis , and tries to explore the contemporary youth spouse .

  19. 择偶标准越来越求真务实但是,仍有一部分学生把择偶作为改变身份的手段、实现梦想的捷径。

    The standard of mate choice is more realism , however , there are still part of the students to change his intellectual way , as a dream come true .

  20. 然而,从贾母为贾宝玉所定择偶标准来看,她的婚姻观是相当开明的,从未限制过某人的自由。

    However , Mother JIA 's views on marriage were quite liberal from the spouse standards she set for JIA Bao-yu , for she had never limited somebody 's freedom .

  21. 凤姐在今年早些时候搬到美国后,就随之调整了自己的择偶标准:现在她希望能找到一个真正的美国人作男友,这个人必须拥有常春藤联盟大学的学位。

    Since her move state side earlier this year , Feng adjusted her criteria accordingly : now she hopes to find a ` real American ` with an Ivy League degree .

  22. 这些家族的联姻,不仅包含社会心理和社会交往层面的因素,而且是城市空间分异和择偶标准的必然选择。

    The marriage of them are not only due to social psychological and interaction factors , but also the inevitable choice of spatial variation of the city and spouse choosing standards .

  23. 早年在电视里看到采访某明星,说起他的择偶标准,他皱着眉头想了一阵,然后说,只要找一个可以随时和他说话的人。

    In the TV interview in a star , see his spouse , he frowned think for a moment , then said , so as to find a can talk with him .

  24. 当代农村青年的择偶标准主要强调个人因素,尤其是个人的品性、身体健康状况、个性、能力及学识等,而相对忽视家庭、社会地位等外在因素;

    2 / the criteria for them in choosing their spouses focuses on such personal factors as character , health , ability , personality , ignoring such factors as family background or social status ;

  25. 目的:描述中国女性自1985年以来择偶标准的现状和变迁,分析影响女性择偶标准的各种主要因素及其影响程度。

    The objective of this paper is to describe the changes in the criteria of Chinese women 's mate selection preferences , and to analyze major causes of these changes and their respective influence .

  26. 关于女性的择偶标准,相对于钱,长得好看或有幽默感已经变得越来越不重要了,根据德国一项新的研究表明。

    Good looks or a sense of humour are increasingly taking a back seat to money when it comes to the criteria women use to find a partner , according to new research in Germany .

  27. 该研究自1939年起每十年开展一次,主要让研究对象对18个择偶标准按照“无关紧要”到“非常重要”的标准进行排序。

    Conducted every decade since 1939 , the study asks participants to rank a list of 18 characteristics they would want in a partner on a scale ranging from " irrelevant " to " essential . "

  28. 征婚启事的语言变化与社会思想的变迁,探求从征婚启事语言变化中所映射出的思想观念、价值取向、择偶标准以及社会心理的变化。

    Fourth , the change of language in spouse-seeking notice and social thoughts , exploring the ideas , value orientation , standard of seeking spouse as well as social psychology change reflected by the language change of spouse-seeking notice .

  29. 当你还年轻的时候,你的择偶标准定得很高,但是随着年纪的增长,你不得不一点一点把标准降低。

    When you are young your standards are set very high , however , as you age , you will have to lower your standards a bit and a bit and a bit * I came across this joke today .

  30. 第三部分是运用社会学的理论知识对情感契合、社会资源匹配和一见钟情三种择偶标准和自由恋爱、相亲和选择媒介三种择偶方式的产生进行了解读。

    The third part is the application of sociological theories of emotion knowledge with social resources matching , and " fall in love at first sight " three standards and free love , dating and the choice of media three generation of manner .