
zé yōu lù yòng
  • recruit workers on a selective basis;appoint people according to their merits;priority in the selection of recruits from;enlist those who have done well in examination
择优录用[zé yōu lù yòng]
  1. 竞聘者按遴选考试结果择优录用。

    Applicants are selected for jobs on the results of a competitive examination .

  2. 特里萨.梅(TheresaMay)政府希望扩大文法学校(择优录用的中学)和宗教学校的数量,尽管对于这两类学校会造成社会分化存在争议。

    Theresa May 's government wishes to expand grammars , the academically selective secondary schools , and faith schools , in spite of controversies about social segregation that attach to both .

  3. 参加公务员择优录用的考试。

    Take the competitive examination for the job of government functionary .

  4. 凡是达到功效申请留本门表演团队的弟子,择优录用。

    Apply for staying and performing , if reaching certain criteria .

  5. 坚持公平竞争,择优录用,择优续聘;

    To insist on fair competition and employ the good ;

  6. 这时就可以利用模糊综合决策方法来进行择优录用。

    By now might use the fuzzy synthesis decision-making method to carry on hires according to qualification .

  7. 因为它们不会像人类那样带着有意或无意的偏见,它们会招聘到一批更多元化和择优录用的员工。

    Since they do not harbour conscious or unconscious human biases , they will recruit a more diverse and meritocratic workforce .

  8. 主要从事照顾病人的生活起居和基础护理工作。当临床需要补充护士时,再择优录用。

    Then the ones who passed the examination were employed to engage in basic nursing and provide care for patients'activities of daily living .

  9. 海关招收工作人员应当按照国家规定,公开考试,严格考核,择优录用。

    Customs shall , in accordance with national regulations , take examination openly , assess strictly and employ selectively by excellency while recruiting personnel .

  10. 近年来,随着供需见面、双向选择、择优录用就业制度的确立,大学生择业的自主性越来越大。

    Recently , with the establishment of the open flexible employment system , the independence of university students ' in their career choice grow in a notable pace .

  11. 合营公司所需要的职工,可以由当地劳动部门推荐,或者经劳动部门同意后,由合营公司公开招收,但一律通过考试,择优录用。

    The required staff and workers to be recruited by the joint venture company will be recommended by the local labor department or the joint venture will do so through public examinations and employ those who are qualified with the consent of the labor department .

  12. 与此同时,我国师范生就业制度的改革深化,使原来的统包统分已经转变成了双向选择,择优录用,师范生的就业已经走向市场化。

    At the same time , the normal university students to deepen the reform of employment system , so that the original " turnkey sub-systems " has been transformed into a " two-way selection , basis of merit ", normal student employment has been towards market .

  13. 沟通劳动供需双方、优化人才结构,不但有利于劳动者充分发挥其才能,得到与之相应的合理报酬,也有利于用工单位择优录用才,有效促进劳动力资源的优化配置。

    Communication between labor supply and demand sides , optimizing the personnel structure , is not only conducive to their full working order and gets a reasonable remuneration corresponding , but also conducive to labor units required merit personnel and effectively promote the optimal allocation of labor resources .

  14. 这一免除使各机构得以利用竞争考核的择优制度录用基层公务员,而无需总统的介入。

    This exemption makes it possible for agencies to hire rank-and-file civil servants using a merit system of competitive examinations , without Presidential involvement .