
  • 网络sex lockup
  1. 受传统性禁锢思想的束缚,性始终是一个隐秘的话题。

    Fettered by traditional confining thinking , sex had always been a concealed issue .

  2. 但由于长期以来性禁锢、性封闭的影响,这个领域鲜有涉足者。

    But as a result of the imprisonment on the mentality of sex , there are very few people researching in this domain .

  3. 大学生一方面受到中国传统性文化的性禁锢思想影响,由性禁锢引起的性无知表现在对性生理的无知而引起的性心理困惑及不懂得自我保护;

    University students on the one hand suffer the influence of traditional China sex debars from holding office thought , they are ignorant to sex physiology and causing perplexity of the mentality .

  4. 综上所述,本文讨论晚清四大小说期刊中翻译小说的现代性的目的不仅仅禁锢于讨论现代性是什么,而是意图展现现代从传统的发生、发展,验证诸种观念与行动间最猛烈的合纵连横。

    To sum up , instead of discussing what is modernity , the aim of the author in this paper is to show how the modernity come out and develop from tradition , and witness the most drastic fight and melting of all kinds of ideas and actions .

  5. 目前,在我国性文化领域存在着古代性禁锢思想和西方社会性革命、性解放思潮的冲突和交锋。

    At present , there are two conflicting thoughts in China sex culture , one is sex debars from holding office thought in ancient China and the other is the Western sex revolution thought .