
  • 网络Chongqing Daily
  1. 据《重庆日报》报道,这位43岁的农民称这些曲子能帮助牛的体格长得更大。

    The 43-year-old farmer explained the tunes help the cows to grow larger , the Chongqing Daily reported .

  2. 常在《诗刊》、《中国作家》、《星星诗刊》、《人民日报》、《重庆日报》等报刊杂志发表作品。

    He often published literary works on " Poetry "," China Writers "," Star Poetry Journal "," People 's Daily "," Chongqing Daily " and so on .

  3. 重庆日报报业集团图书馆地方文献工作的构建,对于重庆的新闻界乃至全社会具有很大的现实意义。参考文献2。

    The local documents construction of Chongqing Daily News Group Library has great practical significance for the Chongqing media as well as for the whole society . 2 Refs .

  4. 在综合分析的基础上,得出重庆日报报业集团在未来五年或更长一点时间内的总体发展战略与重点战略。

    Based on the comprehensive analyses , the writer finds out the list of the overall development strategies and important strategies of Chongqing Daily Groups in future five years and more a long time .

  5. 重庆《新华日报》的广告经营初探

    Advertisement Management of Xinhua Daily in Chongqing