
  • 网络yuanliangshan tunnel
  1. 阐述了红外探测仪的基本工作原理和HY-303红外探测仪在圆梁山隧道突水超前预报中的应用前景。

    The basic principles of model HY-303 infrared acquisition meter and application prospect in water gushing prediction in Yuanliangshan tunnel are described .

  2. 本文通过瓦斯综合防治技术,解决了圆梁山隧道的瓦斯施工安全问题。

    By taking comprehensive gas prevention and control measures , the safety of the construction of Yuanliangshan tunnel under gas conditions is guaranteed .

  3. 采用围岩与结构共同变形的计算模式,优选出圆梁山隧道在高压涌水条件下的合理支护结构形式。

    Based on the model of structure and surrounding rock mass co-deformation , the reasonable optimum supporting structure parameters are determined for Yuanliangshan railway tunnel .

  4. 圆梁山隧道所处毛坝向斜存在高压富水,给隧道的设计与施工带来了很大的难度。

    There is high pressure and abundant water in MaoBa syncline where Yuanliangshan tunnel lies , that brings a great many difficulties for design and construction of the tunnel .

  5. 以圆形断面为例,结合圆梁山隧道的工程实例,数值分析不同注浆圈厚度和注浆水平下隧道外水压力对隧道衬砌结构的影响。

    Use a circular cross section as example , combined with the project example of Yuan-liang tunnel , numerical analysis the external water pressure of tunnel under differences grouting ring thickness and grouting level .

  6. 研究结果:6种注浆材料配套体系较好地解决了随后圆梁山隧道2高压动水粉细砂层充填型溶洞平导与正洞的注浆难题。

    Research result : The grouting problem of level pilot tunnel and main cave of filling karst cave 2 with high-pressure hydrodynamic silt layer is solved by the complete set of system with six kinds of grouting materials .