
  • 网络Catalpa Scop;catalpa;Catalpa speciosa;Catalpa L
  1. 中国种与美国梓属的种是密切相关的,叶下表面比西印度的种具蜜腺的数量更多,蜜腺分布部位也更多。

    Chinese and American species of Catalpa are closely related , and have greater numbers of nectaries in more locations on the lower leaf surface than west Indian species .

  2. 梓树隶属紫葳科梓属植物,其果实具有清热、解毒等药用功能,用于治疗肝硬化腹水等。

    Catalpa ovata G.Don belongs to the family of Bignoniaceae . Its plant has many functions , such as clearing-detoxication , and has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine for cirrhosis .

  3. 梓属植物的避光树丛)或比喻意义上指有可疑的诚实(越来越多的人到郊区义务种植、领养各种纪念林。

    A shady grove of catalpas ) or figuratively to what is of questionable honesty ( A growing number of citizens voluntarily go to the suburbs to plant trees and foster various kinds of souvenir woods .