
jǐnɡ shénɡ
  • rope for lifting water from a well
  • well rope
井绳 [jǐng shéng]
  • [well rope] 从井里打水用的绳子

  • 一遭被蛇咬,十年怕井绳

  1. 珍妮肯定不会再去游泳了&所谓一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

    Jenny certainly won 't go to swimming & once bitten , twice shy .

  2. 烧伤儿畏火。/一朝被蛇咬,年怕井绳。

    Burnt bairns dread the fire . / Burnt child dreads the fire .

  3. 这根井绳快磨断了,换根新的吧。

    This well rope is worn ; get a new one , please .

  4. 这就是一朝被蛇咬、十年怕井绳。

    It 's that fear-of-being-used thing again .

  5. 融资买进渐盛行$¥短井绳提不了深井水;

    Financing to buy became widespread in $ ¥ not deep well short shaft rope ;

  6. 所谓“一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳”,就是阴影对人影响的经典写照。

    The saying " Once bitten , twice shy " is a classic portrayal of how people be affected by shadows .

  7. 然而,警报并非总是正确的,对方恐惧可能只因将井绳误看成蛇。

    However , alarms are sometimes false . The gazer can express fear because s / he has mistaken a rope for a snake .

  8. 有再婚意愿的男性比例是愿意再婚的女性的两倍,而离婚女性似乎是“一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳”。

    That 's more than twice as many as women , who seem to fall into the " once bitten , twice shy " category .

  9. 由于某些人的恶行而对之产生怨恨心理,并且一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳,害怕再度与之合作,对此我完全能够理解。

    But to have a holy war against a set of people just because they are members of that set is the worst kind of profiling .

  10. 最近,公司任命了一位曾掌管印度最大的私有银行的人士担任董事长,这样的履历堪称强化收购的理想行业背景。这一任命被业内视为“一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳”的典型反应。

    Seen as gun-shy for having lost deals to more aggressive competitors before , the company 's recently appointed chairman previously ran India 's biggest private bank & a good background for deal-making .

  11. 类似于俗语中的“一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳”,指当事人因为以前的事情留下阴影,而不敢去尝试相似的经历。

    When you say " once bitten , twice shy " to something , you mean you have had an unpleasant experience and now you are much more careful to avoid similar experience .