
  1. 煤炭是我国重要的一次资源。

    Coal is one of the most important first nature resource .

  2. 再生资源与一次资源之间的动态价格关联

    A Correlation between the Price of Natural Resources and the Price of Regenerate Resources

  3. 随着锌一次资源的减少,如何有效的回收利用热镀锌渣就显得十分重要。

    The recovery of hot galvanizing scrap has been paid more attention with the decreasing of raw zinc resource .

  4. 因而如何充分利用我国丰产有色金属的资源优势,节约一次资源,加速开发附加值高的产品,使得物尽其值,是保持我国经济的可持续性发展所必须解决的一个重要问题。

    The problems of how to make full use of the resources superiority of the nonferrous metals , to develop the products of tin and antimony with high value and the lowest consumption of the nonrenewable resources must be resolved to keep the economy of our country sustainable development .

  5. 不久前在巴塞罗那举行的一次人力资源大会上,Spotify的“敏捷教练团队主管”克里斯蒂安•林德沃尔(KristianLindwall)告诉了我们这一点。

    Kristian Lindwall , whose title at the music streaming company is " agile coaches team lead , " told us this at a human resources conference in Barcelona last week .

  6. 改进后的Gnutella模型中,每次资源搜索成功后,拥有资源的目标节点和查找资源的源节点分别发布一次该资源的信息,形成对资源信息的双向反馈。

    In improved Gnutella , after each search success , the destination node which have the resource and the source which is finding the resource release one message of the resource respectively , form the two-way feedback of resource information .

  7. 中国远景一次能源资源总储量估计为4万亿吨标准煤。

    It is estimated that China has4000 billion tons of potential primary energy reservation .

  8. 如果你保留了自己的意见的话,可能会帮你节省一次和人力资源部的面谈。

    It may be that you save your suggestions for an exit interview with the human resource department .

  9. 粉煤灰作为一种二次资源,一直以来没有被充分利用,不仅造成资源浪费,而且造成了环境污染。

    Fly ash is never sufficient used as a kind of secondary resource , it causes not only resource waste , but also environmental pollution .

  10. 试图不止一次设置字符串资源指针。出于安全考虑,每个处理请求只能设置一次该指针。

    Attempt to set the string resource pointer more than once . For security reasons this is only allowed to be set once per process request .

  11. 然而,随着用户检索量的增加,我们就不得不考虑资源重用的问题,尤其在教育领域,我们希望一次开发的资源可以被很多学习平台共享,并且可以被重复使用。

    However , with the increase in the amount of retrieval , we have to consider reuse of resources . Especially in the field of education , we hope development resources at a time can be shared by lots of learning platforms , and can be reused .

  12. 第二个视图一次显示了许多资源,所以需要为它采用不同的模板。

    The second view displays many resources at once , so you need a different template for it .

  13. 而加利福尼亚正在经历这个国家有史以来最严重的一次旱灾,淡水资源从未如此重要,水资源的获得也未如此艰辛。

    With California experiencing one of the worst droughts in the state 's history , access to fresh water has never been more important or more difficult .

  14. {无法使用分配资源命令一次修改多个资源的资源分配。}请只指定一个资源名称。

    { You cannot change resource assignments for more than one resource at a time using the Assign Resources command . } Specify only one resource name .

  15. 如果迁移时逐步完成的,相同类型的数据规则可能需要一次又一次地作为新资源迁移。

    If the migration is done progressively over time , the same kind of data rules may be needed again and again as each new source system is migrated .

  16. 如果您决定要使多个资源组在集群中运行,那么假设最坏的情况是一个节点将一次运行所有资源组。

    If you decide that you will have multiple resource groups running in the cluster , assume a worst-case scenario where one node will have to run everything at once .

  17. 高校学位论文是记载知识信息的一种重要的文献类型,是反映学校教学、科研成果信息量最大的一种文献,是每个学校教学科研的重要学术成果,是宝贵的一次文献资源之一。

    Thesis and dissertation , used to record knowledge information and reflect teaching and scientific and research achievements , thus are significant academic fruits for every school .