
  • 网络Yizi;Ichiko
  1. 他俩生有一子二女。

    The couple have a son and two daughters .

  2. 在同一子网中的Windows客户机的网络邻居中可以看到Samba服务器。

    Samba is visible in the network neighborhood of Windows clients in the same subnet .

  3. 传统的P码捕获技术需利用C/A码得到下一子帧的起始时间,以完成P码相位的同步。

    Conventional approaches of precision code acquisition use coarse / acquisition code to obtain the starting of next subframe in order to realize phase synchronization of precision code .

  4. 如果希望给接口添加同一子网中的另一个IP地址,可以用IP别名轻松地实现。

    If you want to add another IP address from the same subnet to an interface , it 's simple and can be done with IP aliasing .

  5. 假设Samba服务器在jhelum中运行,是同一子网中的Windows客户机。

    Assume that the Samba server runs in jhelum and9.124.113.100 is a Windows client in the same subnet .

  6. 介绍了多方访问结构的概念,在访问结构中,参与者集合被分为w个子集,同一子集中的参与者在系统中起到相同的作用。

    This paper introduces the concept of multipartite access structure . In this structure , the set of participants is partitioned into w subsets and all participants in the same subset play an equivalent role .

  7. 在AIXV5之前,AIX不允许多个接口拥有子网路由,但是在AIXV5.1中多个接口可以有到同一子网的路由。

    Prior to AIX V5 , AIX did not allow more than one interface to own a subnet route but in AIX V5.1 multiple interfaces can have a route to the same subnet .

  8. 确保PXE服务器在网络的正确位置(在同一子网内),或者确保交换机能把DHPC请求跨子网转发到正确的服务器。

    Make sure the PXE server is on the correct part of the network ( in the same subnet ), or that your switches are forwarding DHCP requests to the correct server across subnet boundaries .

  9. 年级与系科在创造性倾向的好奇性这一子维度上有显著的交互作用。

    The interaction between grade and school in curiosity was significant .

  10. 菜单控件数组元素必须是连续的,并且在同一子菜单内

    Menu control array elements must be contiguous and within the same submenu

  11. 梅丽尔·斯特里普于1978年结婚,育有一子三女。

    Meryl Streep got married in1978 and has a son and three daughters .

  12. 三是适应市场需求并在同一子装置中生产的若干产品,应该如何组合生产问题。

    How to produce several products with same plant to meet market demand .

  13. 广西科学院案例研究是为这一子课题研究提供的一个案例。

    The case study of Guangxi academy of sciences provides a case for this sub-task .

  14. 第二幕:养育两个儿子(她曾与意大利的精神病专家安德烈·多迪结婚,生有一子);

    Raising her two sons ( she has a son from her marriage to Italian psychiatrist Andrea Dotti ); 3 .

  15. 艾金森和前妻苏内特拉·塞斯崔(SunetraSastry)育有一子本恩,现年23岁和一女莉莉,21岁。

    Rowan already has son Ben , 23 , and daughter Lily , 21 , from his marriage to Sunetra Sastry .

  16. 斯坦福和妻子简育有一子,但小利兰在1884年全家赴意大利旅游的途中死于伤寒症,年仅15岁。

    He and Jane had one son , who died of typhoid fever in1884 when the family was traveling in Italy .

  17. 除非您和要会面的其他人位于同一子网中,否则您将无法“看见”他们。

    You won 't be able to " see " other people you want to meet with unless you are all on the same subnet .

  18. 他与前任一子一女,分别是出生于00年的比利和02年的莉莉卡。

    He also has two children from previous relationships : a son , Billy , born in2000 , and a daughter , Lilac , born in2002 .

  19. 对于在位模型,谱结构是清晰的四子带全局结构,但每一子带未见明显的三分支结构。

    For the on-site model , a four-subband global structure of energy spectrum is shown clearly , but no obvious hierarchical trifurcation of each sub-band is found .

  20. 三圣母借用“宝莲灯”的神力,击败二郎神,与刘彦昌结为夫妻生得一子&沉香。

    With the help of the magic lotus lantern , San Sheng Mu defeated her brother and married Liu Yanchang . Later she gave birth to a baby son called Chen Xiang .

  21. 将类星体分作若干子类,每一子类的光度演化形式可以通过相关分析求出,而数密度则可由简单计数求得。

    In this method , quasars are divided into several subclasses . The luminosity evolution form of each subclass can be determined by correlation analysis and the density law of the subclass can be obtained by simple number-counting .

  22. 这种法律形式与实际控制间的矛盾使跨国公司极有可能在推行全球战略的同时,规避了应负的法律责任,侵害某一子公司及其债权人甚至该东道国的利益。

    By the reason of the global strategy , this contradiction makes it very possible for some multinational corporations to avoid their legal obligations and to cause the damage of the subsidiaries ' creditors and even , the host county .

  23. 整个模糊系统的模糊控制器的设计思路是:根据期望的闭环极点找到每一子系统的局部状态反馈控制器,然后由主导局部子系统来构造全局模糊控制器。

    The design of the fuzzy controller for the whole fuzzy system is accomplished , first by finding the local state feedback controllers for each subsystem with the desired closed up poles , and then by constructing the global controller from the dominant local subsystem .

  24. 一排子弹射进对面的墙上。

    A volley of bullets ripped into the facing wall

  25. 照顾一大家子人可能会成为无法承受的重负。

    Caring for a big family can become an intolerable burden .

  26. 看到那贫穷的一大家子的母亲忧劳憔悴的脸庞心里真是难受。

    It 's sad to see the careworn face of the mother of a large poor family .

  27. 帕特·奥伯克是个有一大家子人的贫苦的爱尔兰人。一天清晨,由于连冻带饿,他早早就醒了。他决定到茅屋附近的林子中去打猎。

    Pat O'Burke was a poor Irishman with a large family and one morning , waking up early from cold and hunger , he decided1 to go shooting in a wood near his cottage .

  28. 被称为AutomaticWiping的关键用例是由一系列子用例组成。

    A central use case called Automatic Wiping is composed of a series of sub use cases .

  29. 话题跟踪属于话题识别与跟踪(TDT)的一项子任务,是一种基于事件的信息组织技术。

    Topic Tracking has grown out of the Topic Detection and Tracking ( TDT ) .

  30. 在本文的例子中,可将它转换为拥有一组子包的Ecore模型。

    In our example , this can translate to an Ecore model that has a set of children packages .