
  1. 以后又用来讴歌黄帝的功德,作为祭祖和祈求丰收的祭祀舞蹈。

    Later the dance was used to praise the virtues and achievements of Huangdi , and then became a sacrificial dance in ancestral ceremonies asking for ample harvests .

  2. 咬伤者会被灌入液体黄油或印度酥油直至呕吐,然后是数小时的祷告和祭祀舞蹈,所有这些完成以后,他们被允许带回家,认为他们已经治愈了。

    The patient is made to drink liquid butter or ghee until they vomit , then after several hours of prayer and priestly ritual dance , they are allowed to go home , supposedly fully cured .

  3. 傩舞具有悠久的历史,它的前身可以追溯到旧石器时代末期的巫,从八卦舞谱对傩舞步伐的记录中,能找到原始祭祀舞蹈的痕迹。

    Nuo Dance has a long history and its predecessor could be back to Wu at the end of Old Stone Age . This is because the trace of the original sacred dance could be found in the record of Nuo Dance steps from the Eight Diagrams Dance Notation .

  4. 白马和黄南地区民间祭祀性舞蹈分析比较&旁证白马人的族属问题

    The Analysis and Comparison between Folk Sacrificial Dance in Baima and Huangnan & A Collateral Evidence on the Ethnical Genealogy of Baima People

  5. 在现代阶段,大鼓舞已经从原始祭祀功能的仪式舞蹈拓展为集宗教、展演、庆祝、教育、艺术等多重文化功能的现代舞蹈。

    In the modern stage , Bass Drum Dance has evolved from the original ritual dance of the function of sacrifice to a modern dance of cultural multi-functions , through expanding the functions of " religion "," performance "," celebration "," education "," art " and so on .

  6. 从殷墟卜辞中的祭祀方式变化看商代祖神观念以后又用来讴歌黄帝的功德,作为祭祖和祈求丰收的祭祀舞蹈。

    On Ancestral Worship of Shang Dynasty Basis on Worship the Way of Divination Inscriptions of Yin Ruins Later the dance was used to praise the virtues and achievements of Huangdi , and then became a sacrificial dance in ancestral ceremonies asking for ample harvests .